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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. Damnit Geno stay on topic here! ahahahahaha
  2. My wife is a bowhunter, and ever her noodly arms can pull a bow back aim and hit a target (and deer). My son is 7 and can shoot a bow well too. It really isn't that hard to draw a lite poundage bow and work out the muscles, pretty quickly you can increase the poundage.
  3. And then they went into Ballistic comparisons...
  4. I saw some deer mounts in the want add's and they were asking $80-100, certainly doesn't seem like a money maker.
  5. "Some Kids and Women cannot draw a vertical bow back of suffient weight to effectivly harvest game but are of age!" Now I highly doubt there can be many women and kids that can't draw a 35 pound bow with 85% let off. And if there are, how are they gonna hold a heavy crossbow bow up to shoot it.
  6. Also unless the AR thread kicks into a higher gear these two crossbow threads are gonna over take it soon...the score is 88-96 I think.
  7. Right but its the same thing over and over again, thats just me though. Again I am enjoying all of it.
  8. uh oh I can see we are on a slippery slope.. Bubba said, what gage are you packing ben?
  9. I enjoy watching them too, my dad knows alot of their names and I enjoy making descriprions to him so he can tell the names of them. I have different birds near me than he has, so often I will have one he has only seen a few times. My birdfeeders are across my yard that has three feet of snow on it so I havent made it out to fill them in a while..time to send the kid out on his snowshoes! I need a book to bring with me so I can ID the birds I am not familar with.
  10. You know this thread could have been alot shorter if you guys would just realize it is all opinion's that are different. Accept and move on, I for one have enjoyed the back and forth insults and name calling and chest thumping so by all means keep going!
  11. Only when he does it on public land! Yes and in the "souther zone" where its needed.
  12. Wow thats pretty neat, I can't remember ever seeing a bearded hen. I will put on the list of stuff I wanna see.
  13. Bubba, Were Blaze orange condoms worn for safety sake?
  14. "It really doesn't seem like a big problem to come up with a solution passify any reasonable hunter with this crossbow topic" I agree, it will require some changes but again those changes will be met with harsh words and fighting. Maybe DEC should treat it like a bandaid and just freakin do it, if it fails misserable, change again. Change is good, and if done right can last a long time before needed again.
  15. I wonder if you guys would flip if they said you can have a separate crossbow season but its coming at the exspense of the first two weeks of gun season. ;D Stand back I am trying to throw gas on a fire here.
  16. Yes low fat, thats the excuse I use so I can eat more venison and drink more wine..haha
  17. The man loves his hot sauce, its in every one of his recipies! haha
  18. Its Roux not rue but any way, it is most commonly made with equal parts fat and flour. Most of the time butter more specificaly, you can whip one up in a few minutes or cook it to make it darker if you wish. Just melt the butter in a pan and whisk in the flour. There is another way to thicken sauces, and it is to make a cornstarch slurry which is made by mixing cornstarnch and cold water together into a wet paste like consistency. Then you add it to the hot liquid and whisk away, but becarefull because a little goes a long way and it will thicken pretty quick. It can be fixed by adding a little more liquid and whisking some more.
  19. I do simular to yours WNY but I mix in Italian Bread crumbs to the flour, or I use just bread crumbs some times too. And Steve I made a wine reduction or pan sauce just the other night, its a great tenderizer, having the bread crumbs or flour on the venison helps thicken the sauce too. Its one of my favorite ways to cook venison.
  20. reported Haha I almost put that in there.
  21. It really does appear that they are almost all the same, just different faces.
  22. If that was my yard it happened in there would be a hell of a comotion when the kids found it on their swing set... like when my son shot a chipmunk with his bow last fall. haha I know he would stick one of his arrows in it and claim it for his own! Oh and my Daughter would be trying to ride it like a pony, or poking it with a stick saying she peek a booed it, I know we are a crazy bowhunter family. This is what happens when we get one. hahaha
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