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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. I feel bad for my dog, he doesn't run so good in two feet of snow, haha. I snowblow a spot in the yard for him but we can't get out hunting so good anymore. Snow shoes are great by the way, my wife and son also have them so we can get out to get some air and exercise. I haven't had to use them for hunting yet but beleive me I would if need be.
  2. Up here they are saying 3-6 Tuesday and over a foot Wednesday, with a mix south. So you guys may get a crap sandwhich out of this one. I would rather have just snow, which is usually the case at my house. It sounds like it will be the heavy wet stuff, weeeeee!
  3. Are you fellas in for it down there like I am up here? Nothing like a two day storm... : They are calling for over a foot by the end of it in my area.
  4. I don't think its bad at all, but its the only rifle I have so I dont have anything thing else to compare it to other than a 12 gage slug gun. I think it kicks less than that, deffinitely nothing to worry about.
  5. I wonder when they started to hover to get around leaving tracks? I ain't never heard of flying cats.
  6. Well your case just shows how difficult it is to get anything taken away didn't it. That means the system worked to protect you from un-needed punishment.
  7. I don't think its quite that easy to have some one declared unstable, if it was then there would be a problem. In any event a judge would not be the one to decide who was unstable, more likely it would be up to a mental health professional.
  8. Clearly that is all part of the lie! haha
  9. oopps my bad, I miss read that I guess. Imagine the sound of all those things cutting loose at once!
  10. "In a practical sense, can you have a hunter in the field 24/7 doing the job on a farm? That's expensive. Besides there is the issue of scent, movement, weather, etc. Lets face it, technology can do things manual labor can not." True in that sense it would make sense to at least entertain the idea, but this case was not on private land as I understood. Hogs are nearly impossible to control once they get a footing it seems and I would think some one some where would have a better working plan to get rid hogs. Of course that would be to dramatic for any animal lovers I'm sure. I'm talkin dynamite or something real crazy...
  11. I think it was just a case of not enough oil on the threads and it sat for a while un cared for, Which is never a good combo. I guess it happens alot, there tons of post's on forums about this. It came with I think, 5 chokes including some duck hunting specific chokes. Even if I never get the choke out I'm ok with it, hahah it seems pretty tight and should be fine for Turkey hunting.
  12. Here is my "ugly gun" as I have named it, the synthetic stock makes it lighter than I thought it would. Still haven't got the choke un-stuck yet but I'm sure I'll get it.
  13. Wouldn't it make waaayy more sense to take the non-nra people's money and put it right back in to the Nra, just saying seems like a quick way to go out of business.
  14. Well if it was my land and not my set up I would most likely attempt to disarm it and take the guns, and call in the cops.
  15. Either way some one has to be there to push the buttons, why not just hunt live and in person. Thats a whole lot safer and more fun anyway.
  16. HA! We didn't get any snow for about the first storm this year. Sorry to those that did get it this time... ;D
  17. There would be a better chance at spotting a Wolf in NY before a ML, and I don't see that happening soon.
  18. No problem, I didn't think they grew em that big in Alberta. I glanced at the prices for that guide service, $18k+ to bear hunt there!!!
  19. Here is the real story behind this one, its from Alaska and its 9'9", still huge though! Here is a link to the guide... http://www.huntafognak.com/bearhunt.htm
  20. This seems like something they would come up with in Texas for some reason. :
  21. haha That was a fun read, my 7mm got a 5 deer turd rating, lol
  22. haha yea but when he sobered up he would have caught on...
  23. "If this is the mindset of the next generation of Americans who will run this country, this society, and this country, are doomed." I wonder if the generation before you thought the same thing about you?
  24. I saw news footage after the 9-11 attack in some communities where people were cheering in the streets.Dave Did you also see reports of vigilante style un needed attacks on innocent law abiding Muslims?
  25. I agree with the part about the DEC there, I veiw it as they raise the fees and then we get some type of new thing thrown our way. Wether it be a new hunting implement or season or what ever.
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