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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. Corn is in all kinds of food's that don't need it too, it is up there in biggest scam's in my book. But it keep's farm's alive so it's a double edged sword I guess, not needed in fuel if you ask any sensible person.
  2. Welcome, I live in Saratoga County in the Town of Northumberland, or Gansevoort, which ever you want to call it. You can try here on the DEC's site http://www.dec.ny.gov/pubs/212.html Or just try going to farm's and asking, there are plenty of bird's in the area. I look on the online tax map to get the owner's name of an area I like and start from there.
  3. I had every intention of shooting at an indoor range but found it imppossible to make the 40 minute drive on a Tuesday night to actually shoot. I have shot a few times, around Christmas and then when we had a warmer spell after that and I was out on top of the snow. But I am beyond happy that nearly all of the snow is gone out back and I am able to shoot again with out stumbling through slop. I shot last week and again today and it felt good. I am liking my new sight and release and did real good already out to fourty. Finaly its time to shoot!
  4. AEnima by Tool or maybe push it or maybe...
  5. You will be over the limit Elmer, 4 people, gear and the hitch are not figured into the tow rating for vehicles. The sticker on the camper is the correct one for weight, and again that does not include the hitch weght, basically you could add on a couple thousand pounds real easy. Thats not saying the vehicle won't tow it, it just will work extra hard and cause wear and tear on it which in turn will cause problems. Usually they firgure tow ratings and weight with a light weight driver and less than full tanks of gas so as to maximize the numbers, Ford and Chevu may say you can tow 11000 pounds with a half ton but I would not attempt it, thats just me though.
  6. We are in for 8-14 or 6-12 depending on who I watch, just to the east they are calling for 12+...I really hope we are on the lower side or maybe the storm will move east and we get even less. Its gonna be the heavy wet type that knocks out power..weeeeeeeeeee I will be really ticked if it messes up my dog training day!
  7. Good for you, lucky sob to have a wife like that!
  8. What evers on sale here too, stay still and use the wind, that's killed plenty of deer for me.
  9. My favorite part is the block of wood from the hitch to the tail gate..Nice!
  10. I know wildgame innovations makes some cheap ones, I have the Bushnell yardage pro (?), and they go for @$120. Works great. Some guys go for the ARC, style but those are not really necessary.
  11. I'm going to go with the bow again, I work in an Archery only area so its easy for me to walk out back and make a few calls. Last year I had some answer but I am sure they busted me moving around the tree, no blind for me, don't own one. I may try it around home too, I have been wanting to get one with the bow.
  12. They are shorter than the regular 3 and 4 blades too, I think that might help reduce plaining issues I see from longer distance's. I'll find out when I try them out.
  13. I want to try some four blades this year, my brother has a couple of Muzzy's that I can try, he love's em.
  14. I bet the guy was persuaded to come down on the price cause she was waving the pistol around..
  15. [quote author=WNYBuckHunter So let me get this straight. Its not OK for NYAntler to call someone a d-bag, but it IS ok for you to call him low class and say he lives or hides under a rock? Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me. There's alot of that going on in this thread, like when bubba tried to make fun of pat telling him to use spell check. :
  16. I think it would depend on the dog, your's would probaly lack the prey drive to do much harm. It would be best to take care of it on your own and leave the dog inside. Some dogs would not have much problem killing a chuck. I have noticed the prey drive in my dog has gone way up the older he gets. The Squirells are in trouble around my yard, my dog came about an inch from getting one on Friday. Of course it goes on to any thing furry or bird like that he see's too, which could be a problem for the neighbor's kitty's.
  17. I think I was drawing damn near 55 at 12, 36 isn't that much weight to get back especially if the kid is shooting from a young age. "My take on a 12 year old being able to archery hunt is that the child should be able to draw and shoot a bow that is of legal poundage in order to hunt or be certified." It should be the same for any one that wants to hunt then, but its not. All you need to do is stop by the shooting portion of any hunter's ed course and you will see that play out.
  18. It sure seems a little funny, if it were me I don't know that I would tell any one to begin with just so I could avoid all of the stuff that comes with shooting a buck like that. I read an article about Milo hansen and the negative things that came along with his buck and it sure doesn't sound to appealing to me. But I get the feeling that I would be in the minority on this.
  19. Why does this need to turn into a opinion pissin match? Thats what the crossbow thread is for guys...shesh
  20. Sam brought a good point about the wind too, some dogs are natural searchers and will quarter the wind on their own, others need to be taught how to zig zag. This can be done by heading side to side into the wind with the dog while on a long lead, once the dog reaches one side pull it back so it goes for the other, it won't take long and the dog will recognize this as the way to cover the ground best using the wind to its advantage and it will also let you teach it how far you want it to range from you. I don't know much about Lab's and how they hunt so this may not even be an issue for any one. Sounds like you are heading in the right direction WNY, and I can't wait to see more results from you Lab guys.
  21. While I don't train my dog for shed hunting I do train him to search for wounded birds (duck search) so I can offer a little help here. Keep doing what your are doing, in the house at first and praise like crazy for her doing good. Then gradualy make it harder for her to find them, eventually move to the yard and keep it interesting for her. Hide them first and then bring her out and give what ever command you use for her to go find or fetch it up. I'm betting she will figure it out quick, especially with lots of praise. I use Gus's toys while we are in the house, I give the sit or whoa command, then go hide the toy and then return to him and tell him to fetch, he has gotten good at it and is ready to move out side, and then it will be done out in the woods and eventually on to water with live game. Baby steps, praise and repetition are the key. Its cool to see a shed hunting dog do its job through photo's, thanks Sam.
  22. Oh thats all old stuff that has yet to melt, we didn't get any thing from that last storm. Believe me it has melted down alot from a what it was. The one snowbank at the end of my drive way was pushing 6 foot at the peak. At least the fields are mostly clear now here.
  23. Well I'm out then, would you be able to settle for my neighbors babysitter? I must tell you the nickname I gave her though, we call her "ugly", bet you can't guess why...lol Cool story about the hunting trip and handloading by the way.
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