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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. Geno every case is different, this one seems like it was a real bad hit and I could deff see some one loosing the trail of it. On top of that a hit of this caliber means the deer is fully capable of surviving 8 hours which would give it plenty of time to put some miles down from where it was first hit. I can't say I would blame any one for loosing a poorly hit deer though some of the others that are a clear good hit there are no excuse's for.
  2. So they just run down the beach? WTF? haha that would be a sight for some of us hunters I bet. I have no doubt that some dummie has tried to hunt them there too, well that is if its not permitted there..if it is I'll be sure to bring my suit and have the kids burry me in the sand so I can wait for a real monster to come by.
  3. Nice Pics Steve, what an odd place for deer to live eh?
  4. Well I practice out to 50-60, and do good from that range, but I have yet to see a need for that far of a shot in the hunting situations I have encountered. I would feel fine shooting 50 under the perfect conditions. The farthest I have shot was 40 and that was at a wounded one some one else hit, yes I hit it and yes we got it, other than that all of my shots are 35 and under. The key here is practice, and having a properly tuned bow/broad head.
  5. So after reading that article does that mean this statement is at least partially false? " Does anyone else think it is an unprecedented assault on NY taxpayers to force them to pay for the support of the new top exec's girlfriend?" It sounds as if the state just saved @$266K by them not being married and her having a career of her own. OH NO!!!! Welcome to 2011 guys. As for the rest MRVJP,reguarding his "career accomplishments" and what he will do, I most likely agree with you.
  6. I have zero use for a fenced hunt of any kind...I'm with Culver and WNY I would give it away.
  7. Yea we don't want those gays and women having any rights.. :
  8. Do you think that guy turned and said "Oh Sh@T!"....
  9. Ahh she's got her own money from her tv show, besides, didn't your buddy Paladino have a child from an affair? Oh No its blasphemy!!!
  10. I got a soft bow case for $3.73 yesterday, a lady grabbed up 3 of them before I found them..damn her!
  11. I second that! We bought them for camping too, it turns into a must have quickly.
  12. Yea they come loose preety quick, so did the level, I just glued it back on. The only real pain setting up for me was having to reverse the pin order because I am a lefty and the pins would have been up side down.
  13. Yes a half inch short will work, its not rocket science guys..sheesh. As long as his anchor point is solid he will be fine. String loops don't do any thing for changing the draw length only the anchor point. I will say this, at 16 he is not done growing yet so be prepared to make a change in the next couple of years as he finish's growing. Maybe find a bow with different mods available so you don't have to get involved in changing cams and new bows every other year.
  14. So I got the sight for x-mas that I picked out, its the Tru glo DDP or Decreasing diameter pin sight. I got to tell you the thing set up easy as pie and I love it already. I made a template out of paper from my old sights so I would be close when I put the new on so that helped. Its got the no tool adjust set up and that is great too, no more messing with allen wrenches out in the yard trying to get it just right. I shot Christmas day a little and was on and then more today and had great results at 50 yards. I was able to make tiny adjustments thanks to the clicker roller on the up down, left right adjusters. Having the .10 diameter pins for 50 and 60 is sweet, I can now see what I am aiming at. Here it is on Bass Pro.. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_10202532____SearchResults and here is a group from 50...I was aiming for the leaf..hehe
  15. "Third, the state is worried about declining hunter numbers, if you dont think that they are, you have your head in the sand or you are just nuts." Which is exactly why we don't have to worry about an idea like shortening gun season. Crossbows will not draw in new hunters nor will any other hairbrained idea like shortening a season.
  16. Here is one that I have done a few times and it is always good. Cook loin wraped in bacon seasoned as you like Pour balsamic vinegar into a pan on med/high heat and add a little sugar, let it reduce down to a syrup like consistency Take your loin and top with the reduction and then put some goat cheese or what ever cheese you like on top and put it in a hot oven to melt the cheese a bit. Pour a little bit of the balsamic sauce from the pan over the top of all of it and enjoy. Here is a blurry cell phone pic so you could get the idea.
  17. Thats what I was thinking too Culver, some times we all need a break from the season and this would force us to do that. Maybe the after the season list wouldn't be so long that way...
  18. A segmented season sounds ok in theory, as long as every one has ample time to go with their weapon of choice of course.
  19. No WNY, its quite simple,here is an example, if gun hunters kill 200000 deer and out of that 160000 are killed the first weekend, who is going to kill the other 40,000 when bow hunters only account for roughly 30,000 deer now. I highly doubt that you can flood the woods with enough crossbow hunters to get the job done.
  20. I don't think that crossbows could pick up the slack of the deer that will not be killed by the gun hunters facing a shortened season. If @80% of deer are taken opening weekend, who is going to kill the other 20% for the state, that 20% would be a large number and left unchecked they would would reek havoc and overpopulate pretty quickly. One other point, we aren't loosing just hunters, New York looses the most people from a state any where in America. We are loosing residents and some of them are bound to be hunters aswell. I don't think there is going to be anything that will draw in new people to hunting in New York, unless they give away a few million to a surprised hunter every year.
  21. I can relate sod, I sold my busa (motorcycle) last spring to buy a camper. That was one of the best things I ever did because we as a family get to enjoy our time together now and that is something I couldn't put a price tag on. As an added bonus you and I are less likely to die in some sort of speed related accident now by getting rid of the fast things. Good luck selling them and finding land!
  22. I'm starting to feel mauve all over ! ??? ... ??? ... ??? hahahah Do you guys carry your pods home in your purse's?
  23. So you didn't have time to ask her what her postition on AR's were I take it?
  24. I had a good haul, Tru glo sight with the decreasing pin size fanny pack gear bag for dog trainging/hunting stuff bell for said dogs collar first aid kit for said dog walkie talkies...that one was funny because I had started a thread about my other one crapping out on me last week venison cook book bird hunting vest trufire e-360 release You know now that I look at it my dog got as much stuff as I did it just had my name on it...I have been duped!!!
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