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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. Nice try Wacker, i havent posted on any forum in months yea right, : You know when I googled the draw loc some of your older post's came up, you are a bonified internet sensation! lol huh? what does this have to do with the price of tea in Tibet? Ok let me slow it down for you, you made a joke about Doc posting pages of endless dribble and you are in fact guilty of the same offense as I noted you post the same exact crap on countless sites, at least in the past you have. Does that make sense to you?
  2. The deer yard in an area called the big T near Moose River to this day, back when I snowmobiled many would stop there and feed them from their hands. There was also a lady in Benson, I think thats what it was called, the had the same issue and was not allowed to feed in the winter anymore. We used to drive up there to see them in the winter yards, they even had a donation box for people who wanted to help pay to feed them.
  3. Nice try Wacker, i havent posted on any forum in months yea right, : You know when I googled the draw loc some of your older post's came up, you are a bonified internet sensation! lol
  4. Actually I think every one said if your are disabled then have at it. Being fat and lazy is not a disability.
  5. Ok mark it down, this is one of the first times I agree with Nyantler, never thought I would see this day. Dave, I'm glad you guys behave on yours but it is true there are guys out there who DO NOT follow the simplest safety rules. It seems that the ATV has made it on to the list of required items for hunting today for alot of guys. To me its not a race to see who can make it to the stand faster and louder, I prefer to walk and see sign and deer instead, much safer that way too.
  6. I have a set of Bushnells that are 10x42, work great.
  7. I wouldn't think so, it has been the light fluffy variety of snow. I would guess they have maybe a foot and a half so there will be less in the thick stuff.
  8. Only if they aren't wearing orange, lol. I'm kidding guys, I don't want to shot any one I promise. Burn their camp down maybe but shot no. Man I hope their camp doesn't burn down now, I'll be a suspect.
  9. 60? You think people at 60 can't go any more? Man don't tell my dad that, he can walk circles around guys half his age and he is not in the best shape any more..and he is 64.
  10. "yea Doc, atleast i don't spend hours typing pages upon pages upon pages of endless dribble" And how many forums do you post the same thing on?
  11. Well Doc, we did call DEC on the crew that bugs us, two years running. They like to tresspass and bait and hunt out of season too, even after getting a nice fat fine they still do it. Some ATV'rs don't care just like some hunters don't care. My two favorites occurred during turkey season, the first was some dude cruising through ruining the birds coming in and the second was last year. There we are working some Tom's in the feild when all of a sudden these two guys come up in the woods in a old Jeep grinning like they were in love.
  12. Here you go Culv, there is alot posted on other forums too. http://www.herald-dispatch.com/entertainment/outdoors/x878825991/Game-Trails-fined-50-000-for-illegal-deer-harvest
  13. Ok, Thanks Split, I read that he basically bought Horton a couple of years ago. In my opinion, even if he didn't get charged, he must have known some thing was going on. The whole thing sounded fishy to me, kinda like a QDM gone bad situation driven by greed and tv show lust. Now I have a reason to not like him by the way, I don't know how I never knew about this one.
  14. I can't seem to find any thing that says Ritz was charged, only the employees, does that lead to guilty by association? I'm not familar with this case and only learned by google. And I don't know about him being ceo of Hoyt, Horton maybe but Hoyt?
  15. PB&J, you can eat it no matter what form it takes when squished up.
  16. My brother and I compete for total pounds, and total points. This year I voted to drop the total points because I don't care about that part, and he always wins that one anyway. I won the pounds comp for the year, take that brother!
  17. You can already use a Draw loc in NY and I don't think you have to be a quad, but I don't know the specifics for sure. I don't understand the second part of your post, if they go full inclusion then any one can use them in archery season. Just seems like it might be a bill that is not needed if NY plans on going full inclusion any way.
  18. The only thing with used is to be sure it isn't messed up in some way, other than that have at it. You can save alot that way.
  19. Yup never have seen a disabled person hunting, have no problem with them using them. Its every one else joy riding and being lazy I hate, good thing you invested in scent lok so you smell nice when you climb on your mighty steed to go up a hill instead of excersising.
  20. Cant the disabled just wait two more years for the full inclusion or is that to long? What about draw loc?
  21. Lets see... variable wind direction, 4 wheelers,(I don't care whos riding them and for what), Road hunters shooting a deer I am tracking.
  22. Pictures? I want a day to hunt it with him..haha
  23. I have seen TV shows that have "hunted" at this place a few times now, its pretty funny to watch especially when they fail to mention its a fenced operation.
  24. If you were to look around on that web site under the Genetics gallery you will be surprised at what you will see. Some 1 year olds that are massive, only one over 400 pounds.
  25. Hey welcome, I remember you from the old site, glad to see you made it over.
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