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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. I must be doing something wrong, I don't do any of the stuff you guys do, well except hunt the wind that is. ;D
  2. This is something you guys from the city need to worry about considering your water comes from upstate state forest areas.
  3. "his personal life sucks giant hog balls" LOL now thats something I didn't see coming. If you wish to take some trophys like Ted just hunt behind a fence like he does, its a sure thing then. haha
  4. Kid, you don't need to carry on about this and you shouldn't feel the need to appologize for your opinion. "Just like you all make mistakes he does too" I have never craped my pants to avoid the draft, married a minor, been caught for breaking game laws..and on and on. Sure we have all made mistakes but WE DON'T CLAIM TO REPRESENT A GROUP OF PEOPLE!
  5. Well just what did expect when you post things on a public forum that happens, lesson learned eh?
  6. And Robinson, No one on here is proclaiming that they represent others like the Nuge does, that is the difference if you are going to represent some one or some thing there is going to be flack thrown your way constantly. Ted does have some big skeletons in his closet and because of that he has little value to me.
  7. Right, well the difference is we aren't handing out grades on here now are we? He was trying to help the kid who has to turn in a paper for a grade!
  8. Come upstate and build it next door to me and I will use it in the winter..haha
  9. I very much agree with this, Doe. The two are intermixed too often and I don't think that is a good thing. I think the hunters point of view can go a lot further with non-hunters when we don't bring the gun issues into it. The way I see it, both sides of the gun control battle go to extreems from time to time. Look at what happened in Arizona as an example, the instant it happened the other side starting yelling for more controls and questioning how a lunatic got a gun...he wasn't diagnosed before hand so who really knew he was crazy besides his school? I fully understand the fighting back from the pro-gun groups when this happens but maybe if it is dialed back a bit we could gain more supporters.
  10. +1 I couldn't have said it better myself, and we don't even need to get in to all of the negative stuff from his life time he has done. Now who would I choose, well I can't think of anyone honestly but it would have to be some one who hunts every thing and shoots all weapons. I know thats a tall order but we need some one representing hunting not just gun ownership in my opinion. Tom Selleck sounds good but what the hell do I know about him?
  11. I side with phade on this one, I shoot CX Piledrivers, they are 11.3 gpi, which is on the heavy side but thats what I prefer. I am at a 29 inch draw and 70 pounds so I my set up is differnt than your's though.
  12. Well after reading your comments and doing a little online searching I am going to go see the gun and bring some cash with me. I will post a pic when I get it, its the duck hunter model and comes with some screw in chokes which is sweet. My buddy took it as part a deal when he sold his 4 wheelers and has no use for it, I can't pass up a good deal when I see it.
  13. I agree, its nice to see something from a fresh angle like they do with that show.
  14. We have had an actual winter this year, first it has been plenty cold, -7 two days over the weekend and more of that coming, and second I have had to clear snow 4 days out of the last 7. I don't live on that other side of the state where you guys are used to lake effects either. Yesterday was a snow to ice deal, what a treat to drive in.. : and I got home to mostly snow...weeeeeee
  15. Do any of you know any thing about this gun? I have a buddy that has one for sale and I was looking for some feed back as to wether it is a good gun, I don't have a vast amount of knowledge on the subject. I think I can get it for around $3-$400..let me know if I should.
  16. This may just be my next rifle, its either this or a Browning BAR. It will come down to weight and feel. First I have to get a shotgun for the wifey for Turkey hunting though. Eruss, you only have to spend alot of money on a gun once and it will last your entire life, thats how I justify it any how.
  17. ooooo! Its available in left hand too...I like it alot, I'm not a fan of synthetic but even that looks good.
  18. Thats not even remotely the same thing but I understand your opinion and have no problem with what you do on your own property.
  19. Well I agree with you on that side of it Culv, but at the same time guys are always squaking about to much legaslation on here all of the time too. Maybe if they drop some stupid law that we have on the books there would be room for a more sensable one like this, lol
  20. Congrats on the shinny new bow, now go kill something with it next year!
  21. Do you have any issues with equipment malfuntions when it gets that cold, ie. carbon arrows, bow?
  22. Yup, and when crossbows go full inclusion all of this time wasted on new legislation will have been wasted no? I guess in the age of right now, people do not want to wait any longer than they have too.
  23. No it has nothing to do with cost or any other reason other than I do not need one, never have never will, we hunt a very steep mountain that is as remote as you can get and still do not need to race up the side to get to our spot. Wait a minute weren't saying that you don't see as many deer as you used to in another thread? Could it be related to the use of your ATV?
  24. I really think you are missing something here, NO one ever said if you are disabled then don't hunt not even steve.
  25. So what, if one is left with no other option it sounds pretty good.
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