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Everything posted by Zem18

  1. Stupid me ran to store. Came back and was resetting cam. Close it, turn, bye bye Mr. Buck about 25 yds away. Dammit.
  2. Everyone just left. Not sure if he was in one of the 3 cars cuz house blocked my view.
  3. So at 7 am I hear this god awful noise. Thought it was a buck roaring behind me. I'm about 150 yards from a house mind you. I look that way and see the asshole running around in his underwear screaming at the top of his lungs like he is being stung by bees. He runs through a hedgerow to his neighbor's and all is quiet. Fast forward to now. I hear more screaming and 3 State Police cars just pulled up. Not quite the action I was hoping for but entertaining none the less. Update ambulance just arrived. Maybe it was bees, hahaha
  4. Just had a 4pt walk by. I'm looking for his bother.
  5. Checking in. Here since 545. Bumped one under my stand coming in. Had 12 turkeys go by 30 minutes ago.Cold, but slow. Just need one to walk on by.
  6. It's easy to get discouraged and you become your own worst enemy and critic to how you have been handling each and every situation. You convince yourself to have an entrepreneurial mindset in that if you aren't trying something new each time you are out there then you aren't hunting right. Well, I've hunted a lot over the years and am not always successful, nor am I an expert but have grown to learn that less is more. From what you've written above, you are learning this much faster than I did which is good. Keep up the hard work and eventually it will pay off. The more time you spend out there, the more you learn. And if all else fails, use the KISS method. Keep It Simple Stupid. Wishing you good luck out there.
  7. 11.6.16 am Got into the stand about 545am and settled in. Wind was squirrelly and knew I had to depend on my eyes. About 6:10am the wind died a little so I turned my head towards the field and heard a deer take a few steps. Then I see momma and a little skipper in the field. They walked the same trail as I did 20 minutes ago so not 100% sure if they saw me move or smelled my scent on trail as they came in upwind of me. Either way, they didn't stay long and bolted. I did hit the grunt as they were running away but they ran faster. Should have used the bleat can instead. Hunted til 830 and then had to go to soccer with my daughter. Been watching and reading Live from the woods and getting pumped up for tomorrow. I took the day off so plan to sit all day if needed. Hoping something is moving tomorrow. I bought some doe in heat spray and plan to lay a scent trail behind me on way in tomorrow and will walk past my stand and spray a bunch on a branch within range in hopes if anything is cruising through it will follow. Haven't been successful with scents in the past but reading on this site has given me a few tips to try. Thanks everyone for the tips. Clothes are washed and dried and everything is loaded in the car but me. Time to hit the sack. Will post on Live thread in the morning.
  8. Congrats. As Uncle Ted would say, you are whackin and stackin em!!!
  9. Congrats to Bionic and Stein13. Awesome on setting your goal and meeting it Bionic and a personal best for Stein. Way to go!!
  10. Good Lord. Looks like Medusa, or my wife on a bad hair day. Said lovingly of course
  11. Papist, relax bro or you are going to brain hemmorage and we want you around. I had to add something so it didn't look like you were talking to yourself in this thread.
  12. Was on the run tonight so my son and I scarfed down Eggo waffles and some breakfast sausage. I love breakfast for dinner, just not Eggo's.
  13. I used one twice for bow hunting and by no means am I an expert but i am not a fan of the sitting down or kneeling shot with the bow. With that said, using one for gun would not be bad at all. Bring a nice camping chair in there and you can be comfy. Takes a minute or less to set up the new ones. If you can tuck it into some brush or pile some branches around it to break up the outline would help conceal it. Kept me dry the one time it was raining but not sure how it would handle wet snow. I'm sure your friend would appreciate the gesture and he may stay out longer with a roof and comfy chair.
  14. I second the scent drag and don't spook the does if you can help it. Maybe try a mock scrape not far from your stand. Good luck and hope you get a clear shot.
  15. Welcome to the forum. Congrats on the doe.
  16. Is that the Huntstand Lite app above? Do you use it to mark blood while tracking and that's how you came up with the 3 miles? Also you have a Snapchat message, HaHa Ha I have the app but only use it for wind direction currently but looks like I need to read up on it more based on your picture above. Hope Luna gets better soon.
  17. Good Lord did he eat the grass outside of a nuclear waste plant to get that mass?
  18. Out of likes but liking the posts above from Moog, TF, and 46rkl!!
  19. I love projects like this. Awesome job and can't wait to see more pictures
  20. I agree, very nice of you Moog. But be sure to remind him about the 30 yards again. Don't want him to grow up to be a guy that everyone bitches about on a hunting forum for shooting deer off the neighbors.
  21. Where is the seat and toilet paper? That's a weird porta potty.
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