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Everything posted by tuckersdaddy

  1. just look at the map thats been posted on countys that have resolution against the safe act. it obvious where the poll was taken. just more crappy bumb a** journalism being used to promote a cause rather then reporting news.....
  2. Sorry im a history junky. A very dear friend of the family had a brother who served in korea. he was on the river during that time frame. his last journal entry stated ' we are holding the river for now. there is alot of movement on the other side. we'll be fine unless they decide to cross' he was kia the next day. it is small thing like that, that keep the bigger picture in perspective. like the saying goes, 'those who dont learn and respect history are sure to repeat it'
  3. lets hope everyone gets some sleep this weekend!
  4. the way it was explained to me by another teacher is they teach by systems, not by content or subject matter..? another example is my oldest, last year in 7th grade math he was required to have a graphing scientific calculator. i figured they were teaching at a much higher level then we were taught, until i had to explain to him why his 99 cent candy bar cost $1.07 and an hour on how to figure percentages. I think the schools are missing the basics, reading, writing, math, and focus more on making everything look good for standard testing, compliancy. and as far as belo's sports? most of us played sports or music and didnt need to do it in a 7 million dollar stadium to have fun and learn the lessons of the game. yep 2 inches of snow last night and the football field was still green!
  5. Nor ruby ridge, however the back lash of the civil rights violations was massive. the oklahoma bombing was a direct retailiation for ruby ridge. Now in waco the original warrent was for david corresh selling and possesing illeagal firearms outside his home (compound). Janet reno simply decided she did not need to follow constitutional law (nor common sense) and illeaglly persude her own agenda by invading a private home/church. And she paid dearly with loss of life on both sides, those under her, and those innocent. My point on the quandary is how do you fight against the intrusion of gov. into your personal, private, lives, but expect the same gov. to intude on the liberties of others? If they want to live like pigs, prescibe to shiria law, and allow no one on there property, so be it. until they move out beyond thier fences how can we tell them what to do when we are fighting/complaining about our liberties being infringed upon every day? thats the quandary.
  6. Not the same in the classroom, students are in a box, and made to conform to that box. but not all students are the same.my 8 year old was assigned a goal at the begining of the school year to read 25 book by the end of the year. during thanksgiving break he finished his 25th, was told by the teacher what a great job he did, but no long presses the subject of reading to him. during a parent teacher meeting befor christmas i asked his teacher why he wasnt bringing home books any longer, her answer was he achieved the standard...... So why are the parents to blame?
  7. ithaca is by far the most liberal city in upstate, if not the state, and they are very politicly active. sheriff lansing is an elected official. to keep his job, he has to keep quiet. amazing as it is, broome county is actually considering on a vote to condem the safe act. this is what happens when the right people are voted in (republican controlled legislature, republican excecutive.)
  8. ahhh another failure of a history class teacher. yes mcarther cleared the 38th parallel. in fact UN forces drove the north koreans all the way to the chinese boarder. it was at that point the chinese feared we would not stop, and with russian support (and 500,000 chinese infantry) pushed the UN back to the sea. the 38th parallel is where the stale mate started and still exsists today. The moral? its in chinas hands as to what will happen with north korea.
  9. contact the formula maker. alott of times they have decent coupons to help off set cost. plus if its prescribed, save the receipts you will be able to claim it on your taxes for uncovered medical expenses. (unless obama care fixes that to)
  10. contact the formula maker. alott of times they have decent coupons to help off set cost. plus if its prescribed, save the receipts you will be able to claim it on your taxes for uncovered medical expenses. (unless obama care fixes that to)
  11. i feel for you bud. been there done that. best of luck. before you leave get her a cell phone (cheap prepaid) that way you will have no interferance with daddy daughter time. worked with us.
  12. nothing says loving like rodent skull earrings!
  13. you make me laugh joe! reality is funnier than fiction?!
  14. i believe its starting to ease the fact Gander got a pallet of 22 and 223 is a sign things are letting up. some reloading supplies are becoming available again. people are begining to realize that $75 a brick for 22's is way out of line and arent paying it, so the buy a case retail, sell it over priced on gun broker is leveling out. be patient it will soon come back around.
  15. Well it seems we have a quandary here..... islambad needs to be investigated, shut down or what have you. gov. intrusion on our rights is unacceptable. lets throw in freedom of religion and all thats included with it. Do you monitor their communications but argue that yours shouldn't? should we fly drones over their compound but not the fields we hunt? do we storm the muslum/islam camp but declare the methodist camp in deposit off limits to the gov. because of religous freedom? yep we have a quandary.....
  16. Masters degree, because that proves you know your stuff...... You hit on part of the ny education system that is just an absolute failure. 6 yrs to learn how to teach, but many of the educators have no clue what there teaching. Its always a joy to help my kids do their homework to have notes come back from the teacher stating 'thats not how we teach this subject' or 'we would appreciate sticking to the guild lines of the text'. Yes im no longer invited to the parent/teacher meetings. The teachers of the past that actually knew history, could add and subtract, and maybe even teach some hands on skill are getting very rare. But dont worry, the new astro turf on our football field is a just as green today as it is in july. 16th in the world? we're lucky to be that highly ranked.
  17. good to have fresh faces in the sport! You've made a good start with your hunter safety course. Be safe and enjoy!
  18. put it in gun broker, auction it off. what ever you get is what its worth. not trying to be a jerk here, its just such a roller coster market. a $700 AR 6 months ago is selling for $1200 now. the last gun show i went to in feb, ruger americans nib didnt sell at $399. Post some pictures, you might get your best deal here. hope it work out well!
  19. kinda sad if you ask me. there the ones that vote the jack a**** into office. the oozing of there not like me so theyre wrong type of attitude is just disgusting. they cant stand the mounts in gander, bass pro or cabellas, but they ooo and ahhh at the natural history museum. just very sad.
  20. in 50 years my AR will be primitive! ill be able to hunt with it all season?! regardless of what ive hunted with grampas rifle, dads shotgun, my ar, long bow, compound, cross bow, it dosent matter, the deer will still be deer.
  21. ok sooner or later it had to end up here! lol Alot is made out of sent and getting rid of it but im not sure how much it matters. my buddy and i were returning to our stands after lunch. he said nature was calling so he stopped and i kept going. i got about 100 yrds down the trail and he starts shooting. asked him on the radio if the deer was down, he said yes, so i went back. got there as he was just finishing his reason for stopping. 8 point down, pants up. so not sure if scent control is all its cracked up to be!
  22. dave, shes awesome! now i know why my dogs never find any rabbits! (and i thought it was because they liked eating dinner scraps by the pellet stove!)
  23. Wow a group put their national head quarters right here in upstate NY. shouldnt we be proud..... Makes you miss the days when the mafias national meetings were held in apalachin.
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