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sits in trees

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. wow, what the hell happened to this thread???i love this forum!!
  2. The Tresmond Law Team is in a battle with the state of NY (Cuomo) which they have have every intention of winning. Their attorneys are confident this law "The Safe Act" will be overturned. For the poster who says he's been checking in with NY Firearms I give an F for failing to keep up with one of the most important legal issues NY state has every faced. Its right there on the NY Firearms site, look for posts made by "NYShooter". He is one of the attorneys working on the case and gives briefings on a regular basis, when there are briefings to be given. This is the real legal world and this is a real legal battle which will take time. Give to the Tresmond Law Firm..http://tresmondlaw.com/staging/Welcome.html your donation will be more bang for your freedom buck than any dollar you ever sent to the NRA......
  3. Hondas are great cars with amazing resale, I've seen them go over 300k without a hiccup. Good thing she got off the road safely.
  4. They are smarter than us. hey we pay the bills, we feed them, we walk them, we provide them with free healthcare....need I say more?
  5. Yea I realize they can come and bash your front door down, shot your dog and take all of your guns but lets look at some simple math here. We have a state population of about 19.5 million, with and estimate of 3 million assault style rifles. I think you could easily double that assault rifle figure. Lets say for arguments sake two 30 round mags per assault rifle, maybe 6 million or more illegal mags. So far the state has had less than 300 people register their assault rifles. How on earth can they or do they plan on ever enforcing this law. They would need the entire U.S. military just for the state of NY and that is if they ever decided on a door to door campaign which I think could start a war and get real ugly ?????
  6. Well it didn't happen this session fellas. Just seems NY lawmakers aren't too concerned with sportsman's wants and desires. They know damn well most of us are gun owners and wouldn't vote for them anyway so why should they worry if the dis us?
  7. I like it....I always sat in the living room cleaning my guns when they showed to pick her up....
  8. NY is a great state to live and work (except for Cuomo), I've been many other places and nothing compares.
  9. You should inspect your brakes regularly, not wait for grinding. You could more than likely have saved you rotors and only replaced the pads and maybe just had a quick cut done on the rotors. Wheel bearing and hub assemblies often come together as one unit (depending on veh) and can be pretty simple to change. Most mechanics don't replace just the wheel bearings anymore on most front wheel drive vehicles because of having to press out and in bearings. And as far as flat tires, well theres not much you can do about that....Never neglect your cars Brakes, Steering, or Tires. Good luck and drive safe.
  10. Big insurance is doing very well, record bonuses for their CEO's this year already, and they wanna screw you for a few grand, nice.
  11. My friend, you are a poor student of history, that's not what Khrushchev said in his 1959 U.N. shoe banging speech. I understand you are trying to make a point but twisted and poor translations of history will only make you look like your uninformed. Remember not everything you read on a right wing conservation web site is true. Back in the 50s or 60s this might have worked but in todays world its harder to pass off stuff like this. Khrushchev was a hard headed commie without a doubt, but he fought and led in the biggest most brutal war in the history of man kind, a war that cant even be imagined by most of us. His main reason for hating us so much was that we claimed for decades and we even wrote it in our history that we "won the war against the Germans" when in fact it was very different from what we have been taught in school....
  12. Cant give you any advice on the ring but once you do get it out try using Blackhorn 209 powder. I've fired hundreds of rounds thru my CVA without ever having the dreaded crude ring issue....
  13. Its the degradation of society which started decades ago when moms were forced to get jobs to make ends meet and the divorce rate which hovers at just over 50% because of people no longer being able to work things out not even for the sake of their own children. Now sit back as we reap the harvest because there is no correcting this cycle....
  14. Will send them off first thing mon morning......thanks for all your hard work Tin.
  15. So now your poaching small game out of season and posting it on a public forum?
  16. We need this rain, but it does put a damper on things.
  17. A realtor named Fast Eddie?
  18. Harassing a policeman, I don't see me having an issue with this one folks....
  19. OK Paula, out with it!
  20. I thought we all knew that the safe act really wasnt about saving lives but taking your guns away?
  21. Im all for this, and don't believe anyone should tell a women she should not have an abortion if the kid has some kind horrible deformity or if the health of the mother is at risk. On the other hand late term abortion because a women just changed her mind is something I'm not too keen on, but still not my decision or any of my business. The original poster should get all the facts before putting out half truths, we get enough of that on cable news. In fact I would bet he heard that on Fox News or some right wing wacko tabloid....
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