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sits in trees

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. Getting back to the OP's question, theres one thing I can say for sure, we as sportsman and women should do everything to help keep our state lands and open space forever wild, because once they are dozed and developed that will be the way they will stay, gone forever. And the people of power who wanna doze and develop state lands will do so at no benefit to us, but the rewards to themselves will be enormous. I seen way too many developments and sports complexes etc etc being shoved down the throats of Americans with the excuse of "ooohhh it will create jobs" or the one I really like is the "oooohhh it will keep taxes down". Kinda funny when you look at the most developed areas of our country have the highest taxes. And these people of power who wanna checkerboard our wilderness with gas and oil pipes and huge fans and who knows what next have a whole media empire out there just feeding and washing our brains on the good it will do for the country and how it will even be patriotic to have big oil run a 40in diameter pipe thru your backyard and right up yer arse. These people of power spend the money to get the right people elected for their cause and create people who we should fear, boogie men, they go as far as to call them socialists and communist for not agreeing with them. It's kinda funny how environmentalists have turned into some evil green 3 headed monsters sent here by Europeans to destroy America or how big oil will tell us we wont have to see our young men die in the middle east anymore if we agree with them and let them run their pipelines, when in fact its because of big oil we are in the middle east in the first place . Well all I know is if these people get their way we will surely end up with less open space, less wilderness, less places to hunt and we will be the ones who have been played the fool....sorry if that makes me a socialist for not agreeing with big business and special interests than so be it. Im just not going to be sold on this shale gas and pipeline thing so easy.
  2. I've seen deer do that on ice and it looks like there might be snow in that pic....
  3. No need to get anyone's back, its just an internet forum with folks giving opinions. We're not in a bar room or back alley getting ready for a slugfest. Just stop for one second and look around, you are more than likely in your bathrobe or sweats with your slippers on and with your wife watching American Idol in the background, its all ok, breath in slowly and deeply close your eyes and exhale thru your fingertips slooooowly. See no one's trying to hurt you....
  4. Years ago when hunting land was abundant in NY state what you hunted with wouldn't have been much of an issue. But today with development and land greed having taken the helm every little issue is now scrutinized as how it could effect my deer hunting. I do truly understand the anti crossbow crowds concerns because once something is changed its really hard to change it back hence Cuomos safe act etc. Wether good or bad there is that fear of the unknown and most people would just rather not venture there. I have my opinions on crossbows and already own a couple and have hunted P.A. for the last 2 years with them but I do understand the concerns of NY hunters who don't want crossbows here. After all hunting to me and most on this forum is one of the biggest and most important things in our lives. Hunting rates very close to home and family for me...
  5. If I really had to it would be bow..
  6. I love my swamps and they never hurt me. No sinkholes or false bottoms. Snakes only in the warmer weather maybe seen one or 2 in May turkey season, their fine. Wasp and hornet nests, no different than anywhere else in the woods.
  7. I started out with one of those Parker Tornadoes and although a very good bow I went a purchased an Excal Exocet and liked it so much then went out and picked up the Axiom. I have since sold the Parker...
  8. I have 2 of them and absolutely love them, the simplicity and durability cant be beat. And the accuracy is astounding...
  9. I think that anyone who brags about being either first has to pull their heads outta their arschlochs to be heard...
  10. I like tucking them in when possible...not always an option though. Most times I just have to try and call them from someone else's property. I call it dumb hunting from a blind...
  11. i'm done with crossbow threads.
  12. And besides how much does anyone really think they will benefit by big gas corps making a ton of money on gas fracking in our backyards. Look how well we have done with big oil and their promises. Record oil and gas prices despite oil being drilled right here in the states at record amounts. Then they tell us well it goes to the world market and speculators set the price worldwide, sorry. And this is some how supposed to justify 40% increases in gasoline and heating oil in 2 week periods. Yea bend over America. Im sorry but I just have to look at anything a corporation tells me will be good for us with just a touch of skepticism....
  13. Tresmond law is accepting donations for this fight right now, write a check for this very good cause guys....
  14. this is a long drawn out thread on the NYfirearms forum, but there is breaking news about a major scandal involving Cuomo and the NYSPolice and the Safe Act..... gun owners gotta read this!! http://www.nyfirearms.com/forums/firearms-news/51725-big-news.html Edit by Burmjohn: Adding some more info, because I think EVERYONE needs to read this. http://newyorkcityguns.com/?s=bauerle http://www.ammoland.com/2013/04/new-york-gun-confiscation-underway/#axzz2QNlaUdy6 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tresmond-Law/149433465214770 (Buffalo, New York) For the record, it is our position that the New York State Police targeted our client, Mr. Lewis, from the outset of their request that his pistol license be suspended. New York State Police officials provided Erie County Clerk Chris Jacobs with our client's name, address, pistol license number, number of handguns owned by Mr. Lewis, and other identifying information that made it clear they were looking for our client. Our client was contacted by the New York State Police. This is not a simple case of mistaken identity. Mr. Lewis's medical privacy was invaded and he was publicly defamed and humiliated by New York State officials. We will file suit shortly. As many are well aware, our client Mr. Lewis had his pistol license suspended by a New York State Supreme Court Justice at the request of a New York State Police Sergeant. The NYSP official requested the suspension pursuant to the mental health provision of the NY SAFE Act of 2013. Upon our investigation, we determined that Mr. Lewis’s medical records had been examined without a valid search warrant, in clear violation of federal and state privacy laws in addition to the New York State Criminal Procedure Law. On Thursday, April 11th, 2013, New York State Supreme Court Justice M. William Boller reinstated Mr. Lewis’s firearms license. New York State police officials claim they “had the wrong guy”. The evidence tells another story. Mr. Lewis was directly targeted by Sgt. Jackson of the New York State Police and further investigation reveals systemic fourth amendment violations within the New York State government. Confidential informants from within the New York State government have since come forth with information regarding the creation a clandestine “HIPAA” unit comprised of approximately seven members within the Division for Criminal Justice Services , charged with examining New York residents’ medical records without warrant
  15. I too have heard some very credible scientific claims from both sides, the only thing that makes me doubtful about the pro fracking claims is that they were formed by big corporations.
  16. wow read this.. http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130414/NEWS/130419808 Looks like what its coming to is our children will no longer be able to receive an education because of the cost increase burdens put on towns by teachers pensions and retirement healthcare? WHAT THE HELL is WRONG with this picture folks???????????
  17. So how do all of you who think that we should spare no expense when it comes to education feel now? Better yet how do you people in Marlboro and Plattekill feel about having your taxes jacked up by maybe 14%. When is this crap gonna end.....School budget votes coming up folks, get out and VOTE NO!!!!!
  18. I agree but NY Crossbow Coalition is a fledgling organization. We should all make a letter in your own email, then click on the links that Tin provided, then take your letter from email and copy and paste it into the email link and hit senderooo.
  19. Im not going to ask you about what you do on your own family's land. Your land your business.
  20. To me its always seemed that when the weather gets warm/warmer the birds get more pumped. When you get that first weather break like we are getting now the gobbling gets heavy. Although turkey hunting around my area was weak last season and it seems to be heading the same way this season. Yotes are getting them.
  21. Screws can be got anywhere, True Value for ex. Call CVA for a new plug, then wipe it down with some oil or paint it like you were saying, the bore is good so just get to the bench and shoot it. After that just always clean it and keep it oiled like any firearm and it should last your kids a lifetime...
  22. I remember the first time I ever saw Stewie, I was like whats this, his head is shaped like a football and he has an English accent and he's part of an American family, I just didn't get the concept. But over the years I have learned to appreciate the little fella. He should really get to church a little more often, and work on clearing his head of the dark thoughts he has....
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