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sits in trees

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. the loss of access by land being bought up by hunters who wont let other hunters use their land is a huge misconception, here in Ulster county the land has been bought up by NONE/ANTI hunters who wanna stop hunting. i can show you a dozen large parcels rignt in my area that were bought up by rich Manhattanites in the last few years, yea once someones hunting area, now heavily posted and in some cases even gaurded especially during hunting season.
  2. you my friend r a sheep....for others out there who do realize that this is a possible threat that might just one day come true and would stand up to any type of nonsense like this i applaud you. ask any Texan what he would do if Hypothetically he woke up one morning and his right to hunt was takin away, i really doubt his answer would be to go for a walk in the woods to watch birds! and as far as Doe's opinion on hunting being a "PRIVILEGE"(learn to spell DOE) i say poo to u on that too! just because your government tells you something is a privilege doesnt mean it so....you will always have the right to hunt and feed yourself as an American! hunting a privilege, yea right just like your your privilege to be taxed to death here in NY
  3. i gotta agree with this chap, when they "attempt" to take away my right to hunt imma gonna get real ugly, i hear too many guy's here talkin about backup plans, going on vacations to hunt somewhere else, bird wayching, walking in the woods, for Christ sakes men grow a damned spine, anti's read this and they are gonna think we got milk for BLOOD!!!!
  4. the place for crossbows is and eventually will be during bow season here in NY, like just about every other state in the northeast.
  5. i have 2 simple rules in life, question anything big business and government tells you is good for you!
  6. hey ya know our congress is pretty much gonna decide on our fates and wether or not we have a financial existance, any social security and if we have to pay for our medical expenses with our homes and property when we are 65, and i sit here and seem more concerned about what the heck they are going to do with my hunting season!!!
  7. yea nobody here seemed too concerend about the 80 year old lady gettin shot in the face with an arrow while eating a crumpet at her breakfast table?
  8. i got one o those big old Polish hand crank ones from the Sausage maker company right here in NY. i clamp that sucka to the end of a table whilst the old lady shoves in the 1 inch cubed meat(that is still slightly frozen) and i crank away like a big gorilla making about 4 pounds per minute of sausage meat. i do have the stuffer tubes which go on the end of the grinder and work quite well but was thinking of getting a stuffer thingy...i make about 40 to 60 lbs of sausage at a time....
  9. what about the polar caps shrinking, doesnt that require warming of some sort. once again i'm not making any attempt to blame or bismerch the innocence of mankind here but the warming part must be true, although it could very well be a natural cycle which we as man know very little about being we have only been on this spinning blue ball for a very short period...
  10. most likely a stupid kid, but we will no doubt get the BLAME!!!!
  11. would the advent of these gas companies buying/leasing everyones land curb the ever growing suburban sprawl that alot of NY has seen in the last 20 years and perhaps keep more areas of our state forested and wild because no one would wanna build here? is it possible we sportsman are looking at this the wrong way :
  12. isnt Forbes some right wing rag, what else would they say, too much polital BS hung around this Global warming thing...i beleive in global warming, satalite photos of the north and south poles from the last 20 years are enough to verify that for me, wether its natural or man made who knows!! all i know is it has become a politacal fiasco just like every other thing in this country, just a smoke screen to keep America from seeing itself being flushed down the toilet, where are the freakin jobs all these clowns we vote in promised???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. you went and put yer trust in the NY state Government and gave them alot of money for a lifetime deal ??? i dont know what to say brother ;D
  14. somehow the quote "Drill baby Drill" doesnt sound that good anymore but where do we as sportsman stand, on one side you have the tree huggers who dont want anything including us hunters in the woods and on the other you have BIG business that*)$%well you know what they wanna do to us! just look what they have already done to us
  15. all is lost when you succumb to fear, very sorry
  16. OK the local judge is probably his father in law or something, you still keep calling and when that doesnt work call the state police and the DEC directly. then make it your job to catch this clown on camera, hey if you say you know for sure he is doing all this stuff then you more than likely witnessed it from your land, get a telephoto lens, trail cams or whatever it takes. believe me you drag morons like this into court and fine them enough times they will give it up, after he losses a couple firearms and he's up into the thousands in fines he will change his ways...
  17. aarrrrggg, ye b a man o me own heart lad!
  18. if you really had a guy like this right next door to you why didnt you have him busted, heck with a doe and 2 fawns hangin in his garage it woulda been an easy sack for the DEC? ??? i too often hear these tales of the poachers nearby or up the road etc, etc, then i ask "have you reported them" and i get wishy washy answers?? if they're really poachers nearby and not just imaginary boogie men, and you dont turn em in, man your as guilty as they are! the DEC can walk right onto your land and right into your garage or shed if they think your not on the up n up, so if you really know someone is breaking the law, call em in every single time for heavens sake, once these guys get known by local law and the DEC it gets very hard for them and very expensive. if your just makin up scary stories "stop" its bad for hunters who have enough strikes against them already.. every non hunter i know has a checklist of poacher stories about this nieghbor or that guy at work or even sometimes a relative!!
  19. i drank very close to a gallon of water yesterday and only pissed once....
  20. i would more than likely stay with my vert bow but i would like to have the right to choose.
  21. didnt you win a bronze for the clean n jerk in the 72 olympics ;D
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