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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyslowhand

  1. The Whitetail Mgmt plan with the new opening dates & the youth gun hunt still sits on the DEC Commisioner's desk awaiting final approval. Don't follow crossbow news, but I thought the current (2011) regulations & seasons were carried over through 2014... They better get off their butts, licenses go on sale in 5-6 weeks & typically the regulations booklet is available then with any new updates. With all the NYS budget cuts possibly the DEC Commisioner's position is vacant...? Lights are on, but no one is home! lol
  2. That's what caught my eye also, 3 cubs. Being ignorant about bears, just have to ask a stupid question. Isn't a bear sow having 3 cubs a rarity???
  3. Plan sits on the DEC commisioner's desk awaiting final approval. October 1st new/proposed bowhunting opener refers to the SZ. Changes per zone: http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/81317.html
  4. Been there, done that! The only thing I've ever seen on the thruway that would slow down the traffic, a casket truck! Funny to see the cars lined up behind the truck almost afraid to pass... LOL And the cell phone thing - think there probably isn't a one of us that hasn't broken that law. No, it isn't right, but simply shows what individuals feel is their priority. Not driving!
  5. Believe we had this discussion several months ago. Didn't we detrmine that was the DEC's doctrine or definition...? Again, I'll call "BS" on that! Private is private, whether corporate or individual landowners, improved or unimproved! Permission to enter must be required regardless of the presence of posted signs or the actual verbage on them. Seems like all these discussions have a common denominator; respect for others, their property & privacy or the total lack of! If you want to pay the taxes on my property, you're welcome to tresspass. If not, stay out or ask first! Unfortunately, believe we are just begining to see the tip of this iceberg... BTW Eddie, had a similiar issue when I 1st bought my property with ATVs & horseback riders. A posted sign in the center of their entrance path took care of my problem.
  6. It will be a lifetime learning experience & you still won't completely understand why they do things sometimes. If you ever think you have it mastered, time to quit. You'll be fooling yourself. Best way to reduce your learning curve is like others have said - hook-up with an experienced hunter (or even better more). Be a "sponge" and soak up everything they do/say and try to apply it to your situation. Take you 10 years to learn on your own what you can absorb from them in a couple of years. The more (#s) experienced hunters you are mentored by, the more diverse your skills become. BTW - The very 1st thing you need to do is to determine what you expect or want hunting to mean to you. If you think you want to experience the same thing they do on those TV show - forget it, take up fishing.
  7. Pretty far removed from light bulbs for Thomas Edison, RR signal bulbs & of course Pyrex. One of the few NYS larger businesses that has survived 150+ years & kept up with technology advancements. Way to go, Corning, Inc!
  8. Typical misuse of the General Fund and yet another example of how STUPID our elected officials really are. Bet they don't manage their personal finances like they do the state budget. If all the NYS revenue went to its approriate account, NY'ers would have the best education system & conservation programs in the USA.
  9. Donations to date topping $630,000. Could see this reversal coming...... Sorry to any forum lawyers, but all it takes is one vulture-like, greedy attorney turning the criminals into victims. They are getting off due mostly to their age and now they are suing and going to profit from the situation. Yet another sad commentary about our society in general!!!!!! Oh yeah, and the legal system - What can I say???
  10. Took the cash and ran, while company was still competitive. Not sure what became of the founder, but Michele Musacchia Eichler, CEO of Muzzy Products is the daughter. Married to former hunting show (long & compound bow hunter) host, Fred Eichler. Still does a lot of product endorsements. Has a guide service also (Colorado?). Loved that guy! Always got super excited regardless what he shot. She was on a lot of his shows.
  11. Assuming you've lost trail cams before to go through all that just to get photos of deer..?
  12. Definately gone "viral". Local radio station I listened to had calls from Europe, Ireland, California, other states & of course many locals. Some callers were bus drivers &/or monitors and said this typically gets brushed under the rug..... Local police dept is involved in investigation. Curious to see the outccome! Problem is, kids learn from adults (parents?) there are no consequences for their actions. Maybe we need to turn back time and give our kids some real consequences for their bad behavoir. Not talking about beatings, but strict dicipline with out the kids reporting the parents to Social Services for abuse. Too much governmental controls on family life????
  13. Latest reMail response from DEC concerning the status of the proposed Whitetail Mgmt Plan (6/18/2012); "The proposed big game regulatory changes are still pending executive (DEC Commissioner) approval. They never needed to be acted on by the Legislature. The public comment period ended May 21, but the commissioner still needs to sign off. Changes cannot be considered final until this happens. It is our hope this can happen in time for the changes to become effective this fall, the exact time line is out of our hands right now. Tentative changes include: - Youth firearms season Columbus weekend (statewide) - SZ bow opening Oct 1 - Adjust NZ muzz and reg season start dates - add late bow season in NZ - Allow DMPs in NZ bow and early muzz - add units 3A, 4G, 4O, 4P, 4R, 4S, and 4W to mandatory AR units - Simplify description of area open for January firearms season to include Suffolk Co - Adjust bears seasons statewide to stay consistent with deer season changes - Correct a particular road name in the boundary description for WMUs 5A and 5C Art Kirsch Sr. Wildlife Biologist NYS DEC, Bureau of Wildlife 6274 E. Avon-Lima Rd. Avon, NY 14414 (585) 226-5461 Voice (585) 226-6323 Fax [email protected] "
  14. I tried looking through the NYS Legislative schedule and pending bills. Found nothing! Like someone mentioned it could be buried in with another bill. Did hear on the news that they are pushing through a lot of meaningless bills before summer recess that will ultimately get vetoed. I.E.; Medicinal pot, Micro-stamping bullets, etc Apparently a ploy to get their efficiency #s padded. Also they may or may not be called back into session before break is over & the fall elections. Most likely the DEC would be a better contact, since it's their bill & mgmt plan.
  15. Not getting a "warm & fuzzy" feeling about this actually getting enacted this year. In typical fashion - legislature is getting ready to recess for the summer w/o accompolishing much this year. Your tax $$ at work; they will have been in (actual) session 66 days from 1/2012 thru the end of June before taking a summer vacation.
  16. Just put cams out a couple weeks ago, mostly to try and get photo of neighbor's large dog that has been on my property. Anyways, photos are from my new Bushnell Trophy Cam. FYI - photo's degraded quality is from uploading, not the cam Believe this was a funky, basket 5pt I saw a few times last year. Yeah, double orange tape is 30 yd marker for stand in background.
  17. Went through Agnes (flooding) in 1972 while living in Corning. Thought about getting out of NYS all my life, but for whatever reason here I am... Had a job transfer opportunity years ago to Southern Calif. 30% loss in pay, 30% higher cost of living, commuting fiasco, cultural shock - sort of a "No-Brainer"!! Feels like home on this site??? In a Jerry Springer sort of way, maybe......
  18. No takers!!???!! Can barely get a set of 3 for $40.
  19. Just got a new, left-over 2011 Bushnell Trophy Cam for ~$120. Does have the Field Scan setting for photo or video. Set a start & stop time, interval of photo & # of shots or the length & interval of video. Even with a 32Gb SD card & 8-AA Lithium batteries, gotta assume this scan would eat up batteries esp on video setting. Will operate with alkaline or rechargeable AAs. Mine has the VGA vid quality, but you can get an upgraded model that takes HD quality video for closer to $200+. Some of the upscaled models take 12 AAs. Like you mentioned, only drawback is the 1X lens with the BTC for the scan option. Regular triggered vid has audio option, but I don't believe that is selectable for the Field Scan. BTC has 2 year warranty & optional 3rd year for additional $20 when you register cam. FYI - When you register a BTC, they don't ask for authorized retailer's name. Simply type of retailer & what you paid.
  20. Yeah, 2012 implementation per all I've heard from DEC. Fingers were going faster than brain, mis-typed 2013.
  21. OH NO, you've let out our secret!!! Generally (?), if you make a trail they feel secure using you can sort of alter their travel routes. With that being said, you can't redirect them from their intended destination of food or bedding. Of course, being a wild animal & having a mind of their own.... Then when I get them conditioned to go where I want them to go, I'm training them to eat poison ivy. LOL
  22. And... to ensure your drawing with the correct set of muscles. My personal test is to hold the compound bow as if sighting it and draw straight back horizontally to my anchor point. When I can no longer do that when adding resistance in a smooth and fluid motion, I go back down in draw weight. If you can't do that, you're setting yourself up for disaster with physical damage &/or scarring game with a "windmill draw". The 2nd, seldom discussed and probably the most important criteria of max poundage is how long can you hold the draw weight your ego has set for you? What's reasonable? How, where or what do you hunt...? Do you stalk, ground hunt, nest with the eagles or sit in a stand closer to the squirrels playing? For me, some where between 60-90 seconds. Hell, at 65 I can draw more than 70#. I'd be a fool to think I could hold it for more than 15 seconds... I'm comfortable at giving up 5-10% of arrow flight time, KE &/or fps with my 58# over increasing to 65-70# and still getting a typical "pass-thru" into the chest cavity. So I guess the moral is; it's all about trade-offs for your situation or preferences, but let your body decide what's sufficient not your ego. IMHO - The efficiency of modern compound bows gives diminishing returns in performance above ~60#. Ever see the bow reviews with the fps vs wgt charts? Most plateau around 60-65#, intentional through cam &/or limb design by the mfg'ers. Guess this will be all a moot point in a few years when Xbows are allowed in the fall with 170# & 350 fps. Sorry, that's another topic!!!
  23. Back when the discussion was actually about the topic's title.... No it isn't official yet. But should be by 10/1/2013. http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/81317.html
  24. FYI - Fruit trees you purchase are ~1-2 years old, graftings and from 3-5' tall. Believe they spend their 1st year in a peat/mulch bed. Could be wrong, but not so sure it's a good idea to put a 3" seeding out. Maybe look into large transplant pots or 5 gal buckets. Then get then planted in the ground April/May 2013.
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