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Everything posted by steve863

  1. A deer hunt involving sport hunters will NEVER happen within the five boroughs of NYC. No need to even think about it. The city council wants to ban the sale of fur coats and then you think they would be OK with hunting? Not a chance in the world!!
  2. Once again, I absolutely have nothing against food plots, but I love how some of you try to justify it all. The fact of the matter to me is that NO one would ever be planting food plots for deer to eat if they didn't hunt and/or want to keep deer on their properties. Those who would claim that they do it only for the benefit of the deer where it gives them some extra food to eat are not telling the whole truth. If you don't consider planting a food source for the sole purpose of attracting deer to your property as a form of baiting, so be it. Some of us won't buy your justification for it while at the same time you try to portray the bait pile as being such an evil that only has an "intent to kill animal". To me the "intent" is there with both.
  3. A food plot don't have to be 5 acres. Plenty of food plots out there that are quite small. Some not much bigger than a persons tomato patch in their backyard. Again, I am not against food plots, but I see little difference in someones small food plot compared to a bait pile. The disease thing I have no way of proving whether it is more likely to spread via bait pile vs. food plot. I surely won't wholeheartedly believe the biologists on this neither. I doubt they have a surefire way of proving it. It's probably more assumption than proof.
  4. Wow, that was some coincidence that you two walked into the gun shop at the same time. Now you most definitely have a great deal. The Winchester may or may not be as accurate as the Tikka, but I will assure you it will be accurate enough to put game on the ground. The Winchester 70 will surely hold it's value way better than the Tika, and if given the opportunity I'd definitely take a pre-64 type action that the Winchester has over a Tika for the same money any day of the week. My .02 cents.
  5. I'll take it one step further and say that I've always considered food plots as just another form of baiting. I have absolutely nothing against food plots but that's how I see them. I realize baiting with corn, apples, mineral blocks, etc. is illegal in NYS, but I honestly wouldn't care if it was legal. Nothing to get riled up about. Folks who think it would be a slam dunk hunting over bait are kidding themselves. Plenty of hunters who hunt in states where baiting is allowed get skunked just like the rest of us.
  6. Living in a free society does not mean that it will be a free for all for everyone, where everyone could do what they please without any sort of rules and regulations. There will NEVER be a society like that, I can guarantee you that. So, just because someone thinks it's their God given right to take a dump wherever they want, even on a public street or on someones doorstep we should accept that? Sorry, I won't buy that. That's all I will say and won't spend anymore time discussing this.
  7. So should we get rid of hunter safety training courses, too? It is pretty much universal that new hunters are required to take a training course, so I don't see what the uproar over boater's having to take one is all about? Hunter safety courses most definitely helped bring down hunting accidents rates compared to the old days. Which pastime has a greater chance of an accident occurring? I would think the odds are greater with boating. Plus you are on the water which has it's own set of safety precautions compared to having your feet on the ground. I can't stand Cuomo, neither, but a little bit of safety training can't hurt anyone here.
  8. Don't know how you managed this, but NO cigar for me. Took my 12 year old son to get his first license at a Walmart yesterday and the DEC system has a block on DMP selections for youngsters 12 and 13 and who do not have bow privileges. Maybe if a kid had a bow safety training certificate it would work, otherwise NO dice.
  9. Congratulations and best wishes. Having a child changes ones life dramatically, so get ready. Anyone who says it doesn't is probably not a good parent. Forewarned is being forearmed.
  10. "Might" have to sell the gun? If in doubt, I'd say it's better not to sell it. In my opinion it would be a big mistake selling a cool old gun like that unless you absolutely need the cash. Even if you got $1,500 for it, that isn't a great deal of money these days. I'd surely rather have the gun than the money.
  11. I think the Amish lifestyle would be good for you, Biz. You'd go from a BMW to a Ford Truck to horse and buggy.
  12. Why such an aversion to killing does??
  13. These bucket/boonie hats look like they could double as emergency potties. LOL
  14. I guess it depends on what your definition of "better" is. If it's killing trophy deer or deer for meat, maybe there is public land out there that could compare to private. I can't, however, ever visualize any public land being as good as private for most other facets of hunting, such as the knowledge that you will be the only one in the area and knowing that the likelihood of someone interfering with your hunt will be low to none. For things like this there is NO public land that will ever compare. Yeah, you can go deep into public land somewhere to get away from others, but it's still public land and you have no more right to it than anyone else. That to me is a BIG difference.
  15. $5K split four ways for 200 or more acres, not a bad deal. For only 50 acres not a good deal in my opinion, especially for someone who is predominantly a gun hunter like myself. You've got less than 15 acres per man which is not a hell of a lot. You can reach each other with a rifle shot. Like I've said before, you guys will price yourselves out of this pastime if you are so willing to throw big money at small pieces of land. I want my son and the next generation of hunters to be able to afford this game. Giving landowners anything they ask won't help our next generation.
  16. 50 acres in my opinion is too small of a plot to be paying $1,250 each. The problem here is that this year it will be $1,250 and then next year the landowner will be telling you that he was offered $7K for the parcel, even though he may not have been, and then you will be swindled into paying even more for this dinky plot of land. Like I said, I have nothing against leases, but I surely won't be paying unreasonable prices for them, either. You all will be costing yourselves out of hunting anywhere if you pay these type of landowners anything they ask.
  17. Oh what a sensitive soul. Was I talking about outfitters? You will obviously recoup the money ( and more ) you spent on a $5K lease. Anyone else who'd spend $5K on a 50 acre lease in Westchester or Putnam counties I still consider a dumbbell. I have absolutely NOTHING against leases. That's what the future of hunting will be and I can accept that. But for an individual to spend $5K or more on a small lease to hunt suburbia is ridiculous.
  18. If I lived in Manhattan and had lots of money and liked to hunt, Putnam or Westchester counties would be the last places on earth i’d be hunting. My hunting would not be taking place in suburbia if I had that kind of money to spend.
  19. I would say that this guy is not very smart if he's dumb enough to pay $5k in Putnam county.
  20. You saw this in NYS? I honestly don't believe it because absolutely NO one would ever pay such an amount in NYS. You can kill monster whitetail bucks in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Texas, etc. for way less, so why would anyone in their right mind pay such an amount in NYS for 20 to 30 lousy acres????
  21. Haha, learned something new today. From my experience Greek pride is so over the top that it makes total sense that they would put their own spin on the cups. By the way those types of cups stink and are the ones people spill the most. The coffee heat comes right thru cup to the fingers of the person holding it and they are accidents just waiting to happen.
  22. Many coffee drinkers have weird rituals, that's for darned sure. I hate to see people bringing these huge cups into the train and then trying to keep control of it while the train is rocking back and forth. Meanwhile you are sitting below where they are standing and you just wait for them to lose control of the cup and spill the hot coffee all over you. My biggest pet peeve is people who insist on getting into a crowded train with their backpacks on. Many of these backpacks are over a foot thick and these SOB's are totally oblivious to the fact that they are pretty much taking up the space where another person could fit with these backpacks firmly attached to their backs. I can't stand it. If you guys hear a news report of someone slashing a backpack off another subway riders back and then stabbing them in the neck with a hunting knife, it will probably be me.
  23. The latest report is that they are heading west along the NYS Thruway. They must have seen the signs for "Buffalo", so they are heading that direction. LOL
  24. +1. I'm not one to run to a doctor for the smallest of things, but you definitely need to be careful with animal bites.
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