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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by steve863

  1. I'd love to see hm and Trump in a debate. The "fact" checkers would have a field day. They'd both probably get their facts straight .0000214% of the time. LOL
  2. We enjoyed your journal, Burt. Me and Doe still PM each other and have had some good laughs about all the deer you've missed over the years! LOL
  3. You should have put a "For Sale, over 30,000 burgers grilled" sign on that one! LOL.
  4. Seems like the drug problem is considerably worse in smaller cities, towns and rural areas than it is in big cities. I grew up in NYC and never once used any sort of drug in my life. Not even marijuana. All it takes is some self control and not mixing with losers. If you've got little to no self control and self worth not only will you be more likely to get mixed up with drugs, but you'll probably be a failure in many other facets of life also. The only person who will save you is yourself. My .02 on this matter.
  5. Skin and quarter upstate (doesn't take too long at all) and then put the meat in a cooler with ice for the drive home and it can stay in there a couple of days easily until you are ready to complete the rest of the processing at home. Not like the processor will handle your meat any better than this.
  6. You are very wrong if you think that. That's what the PC crowd wants you to believe. Lots of Christians out there who are not enamored by Trump. Many may have voted for him since the other choice was even worse, but to think that wearing a MAGA hat is a requirement for a white Christian is ridiculous. You are letting yourself be suckered by the many liberal talking heads on TV who want to make you believe that.
  7. That's the best you could come up with?? We all know that Christmas is kept alive by the PC crowd because it generates money for them thru commercialism and materialism. Their ultimate goal is to remove the true meaning from Christmas. Slowly but surely they are getting there.
  8. Burt, you have your own land and cabin, why don't you butcher it up yourself? That's the only way you'll ever know for sure that your eating the deer you shot. I wouldn't trust deer processors as far as I could throw them.
  9. Maybe you can give us examples where the mainstream media portrays white Christians with traditional values in any sort of positive light? The majority of these folks are not the demons the PC crowd portrays them as. Blacks, Muslims, singles mothers, gays, assorted other oddities of nature, get put on pedestals just because they are different, while the white Christian person who typically doesn't ask for much other than a little respect that every human deserves seems to get put down at every opportunity by the PC crowd. Everyone can have an opinion in today's world it seems as long as it's not an opinion involving any sort of traditional values and morals.
  10. Actually, in today's world being an atheist is very PC while being a Christian certainly isn't. If you are an atheist, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Scientologist, etc, it is all acceptable. Sadly, being a Christian, most especially a white male Christian, you are pretty much the lowest form of life according to today's PC standards.
  11. This does bring up a good point, though. So, since NYS has the stupid rule that a 12 year old can hunt deer with bow only (not that I'd ever take a 12 year old bow hunting), let's say if one wanted to take their 12 year old hunting for small game with a gun and deer with a bow the kid would have to sit thru about 16 hours of hunter ed. Much, of it repetitive information. Man, that's intense!!
  12. I would gladly pay a fee if there were more courses available.
  13. Not all courses have live fire, do they? They sure didn't when I took the course many, many years ago. I guess it might depend on the location where you are taking the course. The more rural locations might have the live fire. We appreciate your dedication to this and I'm sure you do a splendid job, but I still wonder if 8 full hours is necessary for such a course? That seems like a very long time for a 12 year old to sit thru. I think it was like 3 hours back in my day. If someone made me sit thru an 8 hour course back then I may have lost interest in hunting before I ever got started.
  14. Many of the courses that I have seen in my area are in early Fall which to me makes little sense. Kids are just getting back to school and I think it's the least convenient time for them to take a lengthy hunter training course. I still believe that the DEC should have paid instructors for these courses. I appreciate the volunteers, but money talks and if you actually paid people to give them we then might not be having the trouble we currently have in finding courses.
  15. steve863


    If I were lucky enough to draw such a tag I would want the odds of success in my favor as much as possible. Thus, the projectile I would fire at this animal would have gunpowder behind it.
  16. But he has good quality knives and they are sharp. Biz chop chop chop = chum LOL
  17. After seeing the photo of the inside of the church today, I was surprised to see so many things in decent shape after a long fire like that. Lots of statues and things still standing and not totally destroyed. I would think thousands of gallons of water dumped from an airplane would have demolished a lot of these things that the fire didn't.
  18. I heard he plans to use you for chum.
  19. Haha. Told you that you two shouldn't be in the same boat together. He's out for blood next time!
  20. Reading Storm914 posts can make my eyes bleary But not as bad as a video of a Papist conspiracy theory Odysseus's fascination with turkey hunting is almost a bit eerie That's when I turn to a Pygmy dirty joke to again make me feel cheery!
  21. After this masterpiece I nominate Pygmy as the poet laureate of the huntingNY forum!! LOL
  22. From what I've read on this forum over the years, I don't know if it would be a good idea putting Biz and Lawdwaz on the same boat. I'd be worried that one of them might not make it back. LOL
  23. Give Papist a few more minutes. I'm sure he'll dig up a conspiracy theory video for you shortly.
  24. I would think the true asylum seeker would come thru a US border legally and then file the paperwork for asylum once they are here. I would not give the same privilege to someone who entered this country illegally. I think the ones who entered ILLEGALLY is the group that Trump wants to send to the sanctuary cities which in my mind is giving them amnesty for an illegal act and goes completely against his tough stance on illegal immigration. Our immigration laws most definitely need to be tightened and/or changed. An important change would be to enforce penalties on employers who hire these people. If they could not find jobs here, they would have less incentive to come here. Also, Trump could have tightened up some of these laws and/or changed them his first two years in office when he had both the House and Senate. Now we have a democrat majority in the House and his hands are tied on many things. Trump dropped the ball on this one big time!!
  25. Let's forget about the southern border for a minute here. So now anyone on the planet can fly into the US as a tourist and then once here seek "amnesty" and we have to keep them here?? As far as I know, one needs to apply for asylum once they are in this country. These applications can very easily and quickly be denied and these people can get sent back. I am sure some people have very valid reasons to seek asylum and consideration should be given, but with your thinking the entire world can now just storm in and seek this amnesty and we have little recourse but to keep them here. If that's the case, building the wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. People will then just fly in, or drive in as tourists and go from there. If you want to stop illegal immigration you need to address it from all angles and can't be allowing people to flood in and stay here until our lame president and lame government figures it all out which may never happen.
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