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Everything posted by steve863
This is all political BS. Yeah, there are unions in NYC, but plenty of non-union jobs also. Don't listen to what either side of the aisle is saying about this, they are both talking from their a$$es. The truth is that the majority of the working class NYC residents aren't shedding a tear that Amazon decided to go elsewhere. Non of these people wanted them here in the first place.
Funny how many are thinking that this is a big loss for NYC and NYS, when it absolutely isn't. As Biz said, that area is extremely congested and Amazon setting up business there would only make things worse. Riding the subways is already like riding a cattle car. Plus, why the hell should NYS give a company like Amazon tax breaks while the rest of us get JACK? How much has Cuomo lowered our taxes? NYC has plenty of jobs if you want to work. Amazon setting up there wouldn't make any difference as far as adding needed jobs.
I'll send them both Valentine's chocolates if they'll shut up! LOL
I wish I had a dollar for every time FSW has said that people are "jealous" of him on this forum. Talk about the forum member get together we could all have with the money we'd have!! We could probably rent out a freaking convention center. LOL
I don't know. Some of these old stands saw less action than one thinks. I know for a fact that hunters in general shot way less deer than they do today. Seems like more and better bucks get taken these days compared to years gone by and bag limits are more generous in many parts of the state compared to when you had party permits to shoot at a doe. I think for those who have the time to devote to it, the good old days of hunting are today. Some aspects of hunting were definitely better back then, but for the odds of actually killing deer, things are way better today in my opinion.
I hear you. I can understand not collecting SS if you still choose to work, but some people retire and don't want to start collecting until later which to me at least doesn't make a lot of sense. Might as well take it when you are entitled. If you have other pension or 401K you are collecting at the same time and don't really need the SS, then just put the SS in the bank and save it for vacations, other things you want or your heirs. I surely don't want to leave it to the government if I leave this world early.
Best strategy I've heard here so far. The health insurance part is the biggest hurdle for most since typically one has none unless they are working or retired from some public service type job or some large very generous employer. And it's very costly to get private coverage. I think COBRA coverage is now 36 months in NYS, so if you retire at 62, you can still stay on your former employers plan until Medicare kicks in at a lower rate which will probably be the best option for many. It makes a LOT of sense to start saving for it now to cover the years until you reach Medicare age if you plan to retire before then. I am starting to this already. As far as starting to collect SS, I will never understand why someone would wait until 67 or older to start collecting. I know I will start collecting as soon as I retire, hopefully at 62. No guarantees that anyone will reach a very old age even if family genetics are great. If I drop at 72, isn't it better I collected 10 years worth of SS at a lower rate over only 5 years or less at a higher rate? It's a no brainier for me at least.
BIz, your big toothy grin and $4.00 will buy you a hot dog and that's about it. You surely wouldn't fool many parents into thinking that you are something other than what you really are. My .02 for a Friday evening.
Who says this thread couldn't be transformed into that one? Plenty of other threads get derailed. I'll ask the question. If a guy like Biz wanted to date your daughter, would you? A) Let her date him B ) Try to scare him off with a gun C) Shoot him on sight Hopefully this can keep things moving along until at least page 20.
Giving it a closer look it may NOT be the 7.62X54R. The rim does look like it, but I don't think the entire length of the cartridge is quite as long as the one pictured here if you compare it to the 3.5 inch shotgun shell next to it. I guess we need to look for rimmed cartridges that are longer in length than the 7.62X54R.
The rim on the rifle cartridge is the giveaway that it isn't in the 30-06 or .308 family of cartridges. It definitely looks like the 7.62X54R cartridge used in the Russian Mosin Nagant rifle.
There are plenty I could post for you from the past, but since you may want something more current and since you may think I've never shot anything, here is one with the doe I shot this past season at Culver's camp. Had a great time there once again this year and that's what it's all about first and foremost. After I shot this doe Culver brings over the young fella he was mentoring for the QDMA's "Field to Fork" program to teach him how to field dress on the doe I shot and wouldn't you know a nice buck just strolls on in while the three of us were shooting the breeze and the young fella Ryan drops the buck within feet of the doe that I killed. How about them apples for a great story for a harvest thread?? I bet you can't match this one nor will the mongoloid bucks in your pen.
FSW looks like a cross between Jackie Bushman and Andy Williams. Maybe he sang "Moon River" to lure that buck into range? LOL Without the mullet of course.
steve863 replied to CapDistPatriot's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Biz, as far as what I know about you from reading this forum you don't have any children yet. I think once you do, you hopefully will see the light on this. All I ask is that you give this some contemplation. I think anyone who gives this some real reflection will see the horror that this law now allows. Eventhough it is now the law in our state, many of us are disturbed that ANY state in our nation would allow such a thing. -
Lever actions never really appealed to me, but the biggest negative that would keep me from ever buying a Henry is the way you load it. Why couldn't they have made it similar to a Marlin or Winchester where you load it from the receiver? I never liked .22's that you had to load via the tube and surely wouldn't want to load a more potent rifle that way either.
You are only pointing to NY, but go elsewhere in this country and there is a BIG difference. You may think that it's foolish not to keep records of who you sold a gun to, but I can assure you plenty of others don't give it a minutes thought. Just think for a minute of all the guns that get sold privately in this country. We are talking millions of transactions. Many sales just face to face without the need of any gun show. Look, I am not calling for stricter laws or banning gun shows. I am only looking at this and realizing what could happen in the life of a gun. I know many here might think that ALL gun owners are these upstanding citizens, but I have a skeptical enough opinion of ALL humanity to know that this is probably not the case.
Of all the guns that are privately sold in this country, what percentage of private sellers do you think actually keep records of who they sold to? I bet it's not very many. Most are just glad they got a few bucks for the gun and go off on there merry way! Why would a criminal need to buy an untraceable gun? If a criminal buys a gun privately with a serial # on it, how hard would it be for him to scratch the # off himself? Isn't the gun pretty much untraceable at that point? I've always been of the opinion that not very many guns fall into criminals hands out the back doors of the Ruger, S&W, Beretta or Glock manufacturing plants. They enter circulation by being sold to legal buyers, but then the legal original buyers in certain instances, whether knowingly or unknowingly will sell to others who just may be up to no good. I think anyone who would deny that this doesn't happen is honestly keeping their head in the sand.
I don't know, I'm hoping most gun owners would back out, but I somehow feel more than .1% WOULD sell to ANY buyer if the buyer was giving them more than they were figuring they'd sell the gun for. There are hundreds of gun shows all over the country each year, many in poor and desperate areas, too, so I am far from convinced that some of those gun owners wouldn't make a nice quick deal with someone in the parking lot of the gun show without asking any questions of the buyer. There is no gun registrations in this country, so how would anyone even know in most cases who the original owner of the gun was if it was later found to be used in a crime? In many cases it's impossible to trace the gun back very far.
The Jerkman wins the prize for most valuable tidbit of the week!!
Interesting point which I was not aware of. Looks like the ATF has some rules on this that many may not be following. If someone is buying and selling guns and making that considerable profit some here claim you can make, then you don't necessarily have to be in "business" as a gun dealer to require an FFL. https://www.atf.gov/file/100871/download
Serious money? I don't think even professional dealers ever get dirt rich selling guns. Maybe some illegal dealers might, but the legitimate ones may make a decent living and that's about it. Maybe one can stumble across a rare gun and buy it cheap and then sell it for a lot more or inherit a bunch of guns that they paid $0 and sell those off, but how often does that happen? People in this age of the internet typically know what they've got and what they can sell it for. Generally people try to sell junk for top dollar and then want to buy a gem of a gun from you for next to nothing.
steve863 replied to CapDistPatriot's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Oh, I know he won't be, but I am seeing some people here not being very sympathetic either. It seems like some of you think it's just a simple medical procedure left up to the woman which it surely is not. There is a life at stake here, and from what I can tell it's NOT the mother's life that is at stake.