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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by steve863

  1. Anyone remember this commercial? It ran for years and years. Probably shown a dozen times a day on some channels.
  2. That one is a beauty! Someone could be giving me a dozen plastic stocked guns or AR's, but I'd take this one over any of those in a blink of an eye.
  3. For his taste it isn't kosher until it gets circumsized down to 16". LOL
  4. This gun has forum member Buckmaster7600 written all over it. He'd only have to hacksaw 2 inches off this one. LOL
  5. Maybe someone can start a poll thread with a few names of the likely candidates? LOL
  6. There are a number of videos on YouTube showing how a non-accutrigger Savage trigger can be improved. Check them out. Not very difficult to make the trigger much better.
  7. Yeah the media hates hunters, but I surely don't want MORE negative publicity either just to try to prove a point. The gooberment snipers can keep killing deer in these confined areas as long as we hunters are left to hunt in peace everywhere else. That's a deal I'm willing to make.
  8. In most of these places a hunter would be within the 500 foot rule to discharge a firearm and bow hunting alone has been proven NOT to be an effective method to control an overpopulated deer herd, so honestly there probably isn't much of a choice than to hire these snipers in these confined areas. They get the job done and it doesn't create the media circus and anti-hunting sentiment that would occur if you allowed in hunters with guns. You'd have news crews up the hunters butts if sport hunters were allowed to take part in a cull like this and if anyone thinks that they would put a positive spin on the proceedings is honestly kidding themselves.
  9. I don't know if I want thousands of dollars worth of headaches storing old junk and having it take up precious space for years on end that only "might" one day have some value. Was it worth the $350 in First-lights example? I may be dead by then so it won't really matter. LOL The only sure way to make some money in my opinion is to work for it.
  10. https://books.google.com/books/serial/ISSN:87558599 Have a look at this link. You can read all Field & Stream Magazines from 1968-2008 for FREE right from your computer screen. I'm sure one could find back issues of other magazines also on the internet if they went searching.
  11. Maybe some old copies of LIFE or TIME magazines might bring you a few bucks, but I highly doubt hunting magazines would bring you much. You'd waste more time and energy trying to sell them than the money you'd get for them. Most especially in this computer age. No one cares to be flipping thru old dusty magazines anymore. I used to save the hunting magazines also, but they have ALL been disposed of long ago now. Not worth the space they took up.
  12. Just read this article and it reminded me of Pygmy's story. This should make cops even more nervous if they see a homeowner with a gun in hand. https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-officer-killed-by-homeowner-who-thought-he-was-intruder-officials-say
  13. Don't look at the HOLE in the donut, look at the WHOLE donut.
  14. Storm, hands down you start the dumbest threads of anyone on this forum. One doesn't need to spend anywhere near $2000 for a quality rifle that will last a lifetime. Plenty out there. I guess if I somehow needed to get another rifle I'd give a serious look at a Bergara that you can get for well under $1000. They are nice and have a great reputation for accuracy. With that said, my Remington 700 that I bought in 1985 will kill and put meat in the freezer for me just as good as a $5000 rifle so there is really no need for me to upgrade. If you can't shoot an expensive rifle won't make you any better, while the guy who CAN shoot will outshoot you with even a clunker of a rifle.
  15. Wow, Pygmy, that was quite a story. Glad everything turned out well. There are risks involved when one has a gun in hand and this is an example. Having one in hand can surely save lives, but mistakes CAN happen where things can go a direction you did not want it to go.
  16. I will go with choice #2. We have proof that Storm was in the parking lot after all. I think Storm and Odysseus kidnapped him and have been giving him the "Deliverance" treatment all night long. The poor guy will never be the same again. Sterling Forest state park would be the first place I'd start looking for him. The woods roads would be a good starting point.
  17. He's looking in thru the back window.
  18. So, some of these carcasses must have floated across the Atlantic Ocean since known cases in the UK and Europe go back 20 years and the number of people contracting the disease over there continues to grow. How about Rocky Mountain spotted fever also caused by a tick? That's been around even longer than Lyme. What lab started that?
  19. My goodness Storm, you sound like an 8 year old little girl who comes home from school crying to her mommy that someone was picking on her.
  20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cIXzzhpx8n4 highlights of region 3 meetup. LOL
  21. I heard his first official act as commissioner will be to make hunters wear flourecent pink in the state parks that allow hunting.
  22. It turned into a happy cow. LOL
  23. Am I allowed to come back to tell you that you are full of $#!+?? One don't need much experience with antlers to know that. All they need to know is how to read. LOL
  24. Lots of hunters around that will disprove the many BS facts that FSW claims to have. He just wishes that all of us would be the antler worshipers that he claims all hunters are. Would probably be beneficial to his business if we all were. Maybe that's the only real FACT around here?
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