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Everything posted by steve863

  1. No offense to Moog or Nomad, but I think Bob enjoyed standing next to the lady in the short skirt with the over/under shotgun the most. LOL
  2. They are just being respectful and don't want to make fun of the misfortunate. LOL
  3. Oh man Doe, sounds like Mutual of Omaha's "Wild Kingdom" around your chicken coop!! LOL
  4. I did read that sports and energy drinks, the type that marathoners and other endurance athletes often drink can also cause buildup of uric acid and trigger gout, so that may be just as bad as alcohol.
  5. Alcohol is a major contributing factor also, but most guys would prefer death before they'd be willing to give that up. LOL
  6. I will say that the $699 Weber model in that Lowe's ad is a far cry in quality from what they used to be. Lots of plastics on that model including the wheels. Leave that out in the elements for a couple of years and you'll have a limping grill. The old ones may have been great, but these days you have to go into the $1,000 plus range in price to get the quality you used to get in the cheaper Weber models.
  7. Reliably grilling burgers since the Reagan administration! LOL
  8. So now I'm curious. How did the Russians succeed in screwing with our election? I am not a big fan of Trump, but it's not like the Russians tapped into our election tabulating process and turned votes that were cast for Clinton into votes for Trump. That is what I'd consider screwing with our election. Anything else is just BS nonsense. The democrats didn't figure they'd lose, but they did, so they started pulling things out of their butts and accused the Russians as if they had something to do with it. Just because Trump, his son or any Trump associate may of had a meeting with some Russians does not mean that it had any effect whatsoever on the election results. In fact there isn't one iota of evidence that it had an effect from what I have seen.
  9. What does a gun like that cost if you don't mind me asking? Did Moog paint that mural In the background?? Kind of looks like his art style. LOL
  10. What attracts a lot of people to him and guys like Randy Newberg is that their videos not only show the hunting and killing of the animal (where most other hunting videos will end) but also the field care, processing and eventually the preparation of the meat. Their popularity proves that it's not all about horns and trophies to MANY hunters out there. Others will claim, like FSW and others here, that a hunter wouldn't even get out of bed to go hunting if the possibility of killing a huge buck didn't exist. I call BS on that and the popularity of TV hunters like Rinella and Newberg proves the point that I am not alone in that philosophy.
  11. That wasn't you in "Tiny Tim does Toledo" was it, Pygmy??
  12. Most of us are smart enough to know what the dangers are to our country without having to listen to these talking heads. Those who don't know need to get schooled in other ways and not depend on these talking heads to give them an education. That is my .02 on the matter.
  13. Me and my African guides would start singing this tune to the lion to wake him up and then I'd shoot him.
  14. I have no skin in this game since I don't own a truck nor am I planning to buy one, but I have known a few F150 owners who had nothing but problems with them. My uncle especially. I think the steering wheel is the only thing he hasn't had replaced on his truck to be quite honest. He finally got rid of it recently and damned if he didn't buy another F150! We have some slow learners in my family. LOL
  15. Biz probably won't like the shampoo either, since he doesn't like their coffee. Maybe he can pass it over to his shower mate Pygmy to use? I bet Pygmy isn't nearly as finicky as Biz. I doubt anyone is. LOL
  16. Oh, I wouldn't go that far. She is definitely interested in money just like all the other talking heads on TV, be they on the left or the right. I am honestly sick and tired of listening to any of them. Americans, whether they are from the left or the right unfortunately are too gullible and many believe everything these talking heads tell them. These "TV & radio experts" are just fanning the flames and leading this nation into complete chaos. You turn to CNN or FOX and it's 24/7 non-stop with this BS. You talk about mind control and indoctrination? Just turn to either of those two networks or a few others and you'll be all set!
  17. The F150's typically start falling apart at 24,000 miles. Just kidding. Good luck with it.
  18. I would have to agree with this. With people like Cuomo in power, it won't be long before he puts more and more pressure on ALL gun dealers in NYS to run them out of business. It's just a matter of time in my opinion. There will be so much red tape involved to sell guns that no one will want to deal with it. Fighting things in court takes years and it will be too little, too late for most gun dealers.
  19. Haha, the cats now out of the bag to what really happened to his toilet bowl being toppled over like that! LOL
  20. The only thing we ever took off Burt's property are deer. We leave everything else alone. Who wants to take his tree stands when we can hunt from them when he isn't there? LOL
  21. Great reply! I still believe if more people voted upstate Cuomo could have been dethroned. The numbers were there but people didn't show up to vote. The same could be said for downstate. Plenty of people who don't like him sat it out and just gave him the victory. Also, if one thinks that every gun owner is so concerned with the possibility of strict gun laws or bans, you'd have 60 million or more members in the NRA and other gun rights organizations. The true membership numbers are not even close to that so obviously for most gun owners the subject of guns is not as important to them as many people think it is. I could see civil upheaval happening in this country, but guns alone won't be the reason.
  22. No, he looks sad because he knows that we are all waiting for him with guns and bows in hand! LOL
  23. That's exactly how I found my toilet once when my 280 lbs sister-in-law spent a weekend at our place. LOL I kid you not. Glad she didn't fall thru the floor below. Anyway, just trying to cheer you up, Burt. Hope you find out what the problem is and get it resolved.
  24. What? You're a hunter and she's a vegetarian??
  25. Jerkman, please post your shirt collar size so we can properly fit you for the ball and chain that will be going around your neck now that you are getting married! If you are a size 16, the collar will need to be a size 14 so the metal is nice and snug around your neck! LOL Just kidding, kind of! Congrats and best wishes!!
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