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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Yes! As we know, God works in mysterious ways. Wolc will be here shortly to further explain to you.
  2. Check the bolt release button for build up of oil or gunk. I have seen these get stuck in the open position due to this build up and the bolt came sliding right out when in the open rearward position.
  3. My knife is on my belt, so that will never be forgotten in the car. And one can gut without gloves and water. I would have hid the deer under some downed tree or something and walked back to the car to get the knife. No way would I have dragged an hour with its guts in.
  4. The European scopes and Nikon may win in glass clarity but Leupolds can stand up to anyone in durability and it's ability to hold zero. I've had a vari X II on my favorite rifle for over 30 years and I've barely had to adjust zero in all those years. Last season I had the gun fall 15 feet out of a tree stand and the zero barely moved a hair even with a cracked stock. The mounts on it are old Redfields which are much like the Leupold's in design. They pretty much hold the scope to the rifle as if it was welded to it. Wouldn't switch to anything else if someone paid me.
  5. This taxidermist also does butchering according to his webpage. I think he used to post on this forum actually. Fins to Feathers Taxidermy Rich Dunlop 131 Conklin Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 Email: [email protected] Office hours are by appointment. Please call ahead. (516) 847-0087 http://alllongislandtaxidermy.com/
  6. Yeah, not only is Lawdwaz a great hunter, he also had the keen foresight to give you up for adoption! LOL
  7. I was about to PM you to ask for your address so I could send you that box of Rice-a-Roni, but your prize has now been duly revoked! LOL
  8. Well, I for one would give you the prize for asking the most ridiculous questions on this forum. And a box of Rice-a-Roni is about the only thing I'd give you as a prize!
  9. Yeah, she hunts with a 115mm Howitzer. She doesn't use sissy rifles in calibers like .270, .06 and .308 like most of us guys do. LOL
  10. Believe me, there have been literally millions of people who have eaten venison from deer that have hanged in warmer temperatures than you'd be comfortable with and they've had no ill effects. No, I wouldn't want to leave it hanging for days on end in 40+ degree temperatures, but to have it hang a day or so won't bring on all this bacteria you seem to be afraid of. What makes you think that store bought meat was always stored in perfect temperatures?
  11. I tell you Wolc, I think the forum would have folded already if it wasn't for the entertainment you bring us with that PA girth chart!
  12. Here's the video guys! They look mmm mmm good don' t they?? LOL
  13. I just saw a video not too long ago on youtube where Randy Newberg and his group prepared some Elk nuts and then ate them. Just the look of them turning a weird yellow color in the pan looked absolutely horrid. So the critters jizz is circulating thru these things and then I am supposed to eat them? No way! I can get pork loin for a little over $2 a pound at Costco, so animal nuts definitely won't be ending up on my plate.
  14. The compliments need to go to my dear old mother!! For years now, whenever she hears that I am going hunting, she cooks up a storm for me to take along with me. I guess she's afraid that I might die of hunger out in the woods! My wife, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be as worried. LOL
  15. I have been hunting a LONG time now, but Ryan's kill will be etched in my memory forever, that is for darned sure! I have seen some crazy stuff while hunting over the years, but the way Ryan's buck just walked up to us while myself, Bob and Ryan were pretty much standing around next to a dead doe like the 3 stooges, talking out loud, etc. was truly one of the wildest scenes I have ever witnessed while hunting. It was downright surreal. You read about hunters concealing themselves from head to toe, spraying themselves silly with scent-killer, deer piss, you name it, and here we are just standing around and a dandy buck simply comes in paying us NO mind whatsoever! We have to give a lot of credit to Ryan here. He was the first one to spot this deer. He kept his composure and made a great shot under some pretty tense circumstances. We were watching this deer for a good distance coming in towards us. And the bucks antlers just kept getting bigger and bigger as he approached. Hunters with many years of experience would have become unglued in a similar situation, I can assure you, but Ryan followed all of Bob's instructions to a T and made an absolutely great kill. One, I am sure he will remember for the rest of his life! Kudos, to Bob and all his colleagues who were involved with this Field to Fork program. As we are seeing all these success stories and pictures here, they obviously did a terrific job in training these folks. Many of these mentors took precious time away from their own hunting to take these folks out and show them how to get the job done. In Ryan's case, he could not have had a better mentor than Bob. Also, many thanks to Bob for opening up his camp to me again this year. I thoroughly enjoy hunting with him and at his camp. I had a great time last year and an even better time this year as everyone just read above in Ryan's story. You just can't make up stuff like that!
  16. I've been amazed at how much time some of you put into it. Heck, if I hunted as much as some of you here, I'd surely start to hate it too. It would be like a job then, which is NOT what hunting should be. I think passing up too many animals leads to hunter fatigue also. If you have tags for it, shoot it. That's always been my motto. What's the point of passing up deer if they give you a good shot opportunity? Your next opportunity may not be a good one or may never come so for me the decision is easy when I do see one.
  17. That's Growalot taking Pygmy back behind the shed to give him a butt whoopin for teasing her all those years she was on the forum!
  18. I don't agree with NY's legal hunting age either, but I don't think it's a good idea instilling in a child at a very young age that violating the law is acceptable. Today he shoots at a deer before legal age, tomorrow he will shoot more deer than he has tags for just because he disagrees with the law and just because he can. Not the road I want to take my child down.
  19. Congrats to the boy!! Please take girth measurement to officially make it a Wolc special.
  20. The size of the bucks in your hunting area is absolutely incredible! You've taken some spectacular bucks and it seems like there are lots more around, too. The size of these bucks can challenge some of the best buck areas in the entire country in my honest opinion.
  21. This is just one reason I will NEVER hunt public land. I'll sooner give up hunting completely than have to deal with any of this type of nonsense. I will add, that it can happen on private land too, but generally is much less likely. It seems like most issues on private land happen when neighbors start challenging each other by setting up stands on property borders. If neighbors can stay away from that, things should be fine. I will also agree with Uncle Nicky's post 100%. You could go back eons and you'd find similar and even worse hunter vs. hunter situations. This type of behavior wasn't discovered last week, I can assure you!
  22. Especially when gun hunting, don't be wanting or expecting that one shot kill. If the deer is still standing or down and getting back up after a shot, don't hesitate to shoot again and shoot quick. You might be in for a surprise if you think the deer will just keel over and die over the next hill. The moral here should be that if you don't want any arguments with other hunters on who should claim the deer, make sure you keep gunning until the deer is down for good. Admiring that shot that you THINK is perfect won't help you if the deer runs off far enough for someone else to take a shot at it. My .02 cents.
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