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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Yeah, the home runs they hit were in honor of Biz being at the game. Actually Judge and Sanchez were hoping to hit him with a line drive for all the crap talk he did about them over the last couple years, LOL
  2. No, they rather be on hunting forums discussing beer, Kavanaugh, baseball, aging deer, bigfoot, etc.
  3. I find it amazing that people have never seen a pay phone. There are still some around in NYC. How about a phone like the one pictured below? That must look prehistoric to most millennials. When I was a kid that's what everyone had. The only speed dial was how quick your finger could turn the dial, but then of course you had to wait for the dial to slowly spin back before you could dial the next digit! LOL
  4. Absolutely!! I've never hunted in the Adirondacks, but had this happen to me elsewhere. Not only do your tracks get covered really quick, the trees, brush and everything else gets covered with snow making everything look completely different than you remembered it. Add heavy overcast to the mix and before you know it you are saying to yourself, "Where the f**k am I!!!
  5. Good point. Especially if he had corn on the cob for dinner last night.
  6. You walked 500 yards from your stand to drop your pants?? That must be some sort of world record.
  7. I don't know if admitting that helped his standing with Trump who does not drink. Plus Trump has said on more than one occasion that men who cry are sissies. Now he orders an FBI investigation. Would't be the first time Trump has lost faith in someone the day after he praised them.
  8. May I ask whom you guys think would be spewing this "Venom, vitriol and hatred"?
  9. Negated what will of the people? How was Obama f***ing the incoming president? The republicans had the votes in the Senate to keep Garland out, but how difficult would it have been to give him at least a hearing? At the same time taken the higher road than the democrats took this time. Your blind partisanship is just as bad as any rabid democrats I am sorry to tell you.
  10. They find ways to buy $1000 iphones, don't they? You could buy a perfectly adequate rifle, scope, a few boxes of ammo, license for less than that. I think your theory of why they are not hunting is not correct.
  11. So you will claim that it wasn't the republicans interest to prevent Obama from achieving anything? Do you think it was right for them not to give Garland a hearing? They had the votes to keep him off the court, but at least given the man the time of day out of courtesy?
  12. I agree, I found the fear of flying issue to be her biggest inconsistency. As far as the democratic Senators, they are complete snakes in the grass as I mentioned in an earlier post. You could just see the sleaze sliding down their faces. To be perfectly honest, I think the Republicans have blame in this charade as well. I know the democrats took this to a completely different level than when Garland was nominated by Obama, but all the bloody republicans had to do then was to give him a hearing and then reject him in the Senate vote. Why was that considered so difficult? They had the freaking majority back then also, so why couldn't they just hear the dude out? That stunt just gave even more fuel to the democrats fire this time around, especially since Kavanaugh will now tip the scale on the court. The democrats could very well have tried these gutter tactics even if the Republican heard Garland out, but I truly feel that was a big reason they took this route. For once could someone take the high road? In my view both sides can be equally disgusting. All politics has now become is one side trying to outdo the other with these kind of stunts. Won't be long now before we are in another civil war. Unbelievable!
  13. After listening to both sides, I think both of them gave convincing testimony. So who is lying and who is telling the truth is very difficult to determine. We don't know anymore than we did at the start. The burden of proof is on the accuser and she surely didn't provide enough of it. One issue that sticks out in my mind in both of their testimonies is that they were both under age and apparently drank quite a bit on a regular basis. I have a feeling that one of them was plastered completely out of their mind and doesn't remember everything that happened with this alleged incident and probably numerous others. And it could have just as easily been Kavanaugh who doesn't remember due to intoxication as it could have been Ford. That is my .02 on my observation of yesterday's proceedings.
  14. I watched her entire testimony here on my screen, and I am sorry to say that to me she sounded very believable. I thought she'd be one of these rabid feminists that are out to destroy every man they could, but that is definitely not the impression I got from her. Maybe she gave an academy award winning acting performance and fooled me and the rest of the world, but somehow I don't think that is the case here. The democratic Senators questioning her on the other hand looked like complete snakes in the grass as expected. She looked WAY more dignified and honest than any of them. I don't know if this incident should disqualify him from being a Supreme court justice, but nonetheless Kavanaugh will have the task of his life to defend himself from the testimony that she just gave. And in this mid-term election year It could surely be a slippery slope for Republicans to vote him in if the majority of Americans end up believing her story.
  15. It's easy enough to have a deer sneak by you if you are fully engaged with your surroundings, if you distract yourself by reading a book it will be even more likely to happen. And having your ears plugged listening to music is even worse than reading in my honest opinion. There have been literally scores of deer that I heard well before I ever caught a glimpse of them.
  16. That's judge Jeanine, not judge Judy. I have a hunch judge Judy would have a little different take on things here. LOL In today's world you could set your watch by what someone's opinion will be since everyone tows their own parties line.
  17. LOL. I was just going to say that TwoSeventy needs to worry more about men in white coats than he does about hairy critters roaming the woods!
  18. I would say NO, it doesn't disqualify him. He may have done something quite stupid, but he was technically still a minor. He obviously went on to succeed in life and make something of himself. One stupid act shouldn't condemn someone for life. From what we heard so far he is not being accused of rape or anything as serious as that.
  19. I do agree with you. From what I have seen and heard from Kavanaugh, I like the guy. He seems like a straight up, no nonsense kind of guy. It's crazy that someone is coming out of the woodwork after all these years, but it seems that this is in style as of late. Someone comes out and accuses you and then you are doomed. Are the democrats paying this women here to try to bring him down? Who knows?? All I know is that the other side is probably capable of doing the same thing if the nominee wasn't to their liking. Simply insane that everything has to reach the gutter these days.
  20. Then your morals are WAY below mine. You have my sympathies.
  21. Yeah, he was picking her up and you two bozos were drooling all over her with your tongues hanging out . If I ever catch my son showing off a picture like that, never mind posting them on the internet I'll be sure to give him a good kick in the a$$ and smack upside the head. Take this any way you want. That's how I feel about it. I also have a daughter and any clown that would post unrespectful pictures of her on the internet would get the same treatment, be it partly her fault or not.
  22. Everything in politics is an absolute circus these days. To be honest there is little difference on both sides. The republicans were just as freaked out over Obama when he was in office as the Democrats are now over Trump. Same $#!+ quite frankly.
  23. I am assuming by downstate you mean the Catskills or Hudson valley regions. Well, there is quite a bit of state and DEP land around the Catskill region, but the problem is that there will not be many DMP's you will be filling since not very many are given out in that area. So, especially for someone like you who will be rifle hunting, the likelihood of filling too many tags will not be great. Throw in antler restrictions which is the rule in the region and hopes diminish even more. In my opinion downstate is good for bowhunting and the short ML season. If you are strictly a rifle hunter wanting some meat, better look elsewhere.
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