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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Is this some kind of joke? He doesn't have a shot in the world. Like others have said, a vote for Sharpe is a vote for Cuomo since you are not giving Molinaro a vote. I watched the debate and Cuomo was on a tear. He is the most arrogant, pathetic human being I've ever had the misfortune to watch. His speech pattern makes my stomach turn. Sounds like a freaking mafia boss who has never had anyone tell him that he was wrong. He thinks whatever he says should be obeyed by everyone. Freaking Trump can be an arrogant SOB, too, but he sounds like a pussycat compared to the ruthless Cuomo. It is less than two weeks until the election and I have yet to see a TV commercial for Molinaro, while I see Cuomo's negative ads every day. The Republican party in this state has done JACK $#!+ to try to help Molinaro win.
  2. I've caught some of the "Meateater" episodes on Netflix and I do like his approach very much. Certainly a heck of a lot better than the run-of-the mill hunting show. I don't subscribe to the outdoor networks, but have seen some of the shows and the vast majority of them are staged garbage. You can find another very good hunting series on Youtube. Search Randy Newberg. He posts day to day coverage of his hunts on public land out west. He's another guy like Rinella who will NOT end the show at the kill scene like the typical hunting show. He will show how he processes his kill and on many occasions will show how he cooks it up at camp or when he gets back home. On most hunting shows it's all about the trophy, but on these shows it's more about the meat and the experience.
  3. I heard someone say that one has a better chance of getting hit by lightning 3 times than winning this lottery. With my luck I'd give my wife that goodbye hug and well wishes, then I'd be struck dead by lightning on my way out of the house! LOL
  4. I think the point he is trying to make is that native Americans had this happen to them when the white man came in and took over, so now seeing the white man freaking out over this invasion seems almost like pay back. I can't speak for him, but that is how I am interpreting it.
  5. I think you are incorrect in your assumptions here. The democrats who aren't leftists (and they may outnumber the hardcore leftists in the party) have already woken up and voted for Trump in the last election. That is the reason he won many mid-western states that everyone was figuring would go to Clinton. They've already made it known that they don't stand with those on the hard left. What makes you think these same people would now be swayed to again vote for democrats if they are going as far as to fund this caravan of illegals? Hell, I'm not even hearing cries of support for these illegals from the likes of Feinstein, Pelosi, Warren, etc.. As I've said before they know damned well it would be suicide to openly support an invasion of the United States by such a mob. There is NO way in hell that they would get the support of the majority of the American public. They could have their hardcore leftists and the illegal vote, the rest of America would not stand for it. If anything this charade will be a big win for republicans and conservatives, and far from a victory for the left like you guys are dramatizing here.
  6. Well, if leftist democrats think that it would be a brilliant idea to fund and bring these folks to the US, then they are in for a BIG surprise. The majority of Americans, even those registered as democrats do NOT support an invasion like this. So to say that this is being set up by democrats is a bit of a stretch in my opinion. Democrats know damned well that this wouldn't play out in their favor, so I can't see them being the ones solely behind this.
  7. Hard to estimate weight from a picture, but all three deer look real nice to me. Any of those three would get shot at if they came my way.
  8. Yeah, she might want to use the indian head on her campaign posters. She'll claim that it was her grandfather. LOL
  9. I'm printing this out to use as a target to sight in my rifle.
  10. Watching these bearded guys is like watching a game played in the Middle East league. The Afghanistan Sheep Herders VS. Pakistan Camel Jockeys. I was thinking of using a different name instead of "Herders" for the Afghanistan team, but I want to keep things clean here. LOL
  11. That's actually quite funny!! LOL It seems like a lot of athletes these days have these terrorist like beards. What the hell is up with that? They all look like such idiots.
  12. Many places in the south they don't gut them in the field. Sometimes it's several hours before they bring them back in somewhere for field dressing. I don't think they die or get poisoned after they eat the venison.
  13. As a kid I was a huge baseball fan. These days I will on occasion check baseball box scores, but my interest in any team sport is just about gone. Complete waste of time. I feel sorry for the people who have nothing better to do than watch sports for hours on end. I truly wish I had all the time I wasted in my youth watching sports back. I would definitely do something more productive with it if I could somehow get it back.
  14. It's funny how many will call out liberal celebrities for supporting the likes of Clinton or Obama, yet I need to take Kanye seriously for his praises of Trump? Kanye is a loser just like most celebrities and had no business being invited to the White House. Of course Trump loves anyone who will bow down to him and sing his praises thus he gets invited. Any other theory for him being invited is nonsense. Trump probably lost the three black people who were planning to vote for him with this charade. LOL
  15. If it were in a case I don't think anyone would even know what was inside. Not like most city dwellers are very observant or even care. If you were stopped by a cop and asked to open the case you might get some wise a$$ cop who could make an issue out of it for carrying it thru town even if there wasn't a law on the books about it. I wouldn't suggest the same with a firearm, because they would definitely make an issue out of it. I've heard it said that most all cops are pro second amendment, but I would suggest these people come to NYC because there they surely are not. I would say that the majority of cops in NYC are very anti second amendment. This of course can be a discussion for another thread.
  16. Don't let Trump hear you guys Habla-ing Espanol, because he may think you are illegals and haul you back south of the border! You won't be killing any deer this season if that happens! LOL
  17. I remember both. When you opened and shook or squeezed one of those Nestle Quick cans you'd get that powder dust up your nose. Was like breathing in asbestos. LOL I remember another vaccine commercial on TV where the doctor put a shot into a holster on his hip like a pistol. They didn't make trips to the doctor anything to look forward to for kids in those days with commercials like that. LOL
  18. You seem to be going around in circles in this thread to be quite honest. Just pick a gun that you already own and have been successful with and go hunting. Believe me it will get the job done if you do your part.
  19. Oh man, just look at the mass of those horns! That's a world record spike!! LOL
  20. No kidding! Congrats to him on the kill, but it has got to be the worst positioned deer I have ever seen in a kill photo!! At least position it to look like a deer instead of some mysterious beached creature! LOL
  21. Core said that it was the ocean. I'm wondering what part of Canada he was hunting since he says it died by the ocean.
  22. Yes, I've seen that before, but with my luck I'd probably pull down the trees along with the deer skin and the trees would land on top of my vehicle! LOL
  23. There shouldn't be a worry about bringing in ticks. Ticks can be latched on to you or your clothing in fact. There are plenty of trees in the woods where you can hang a deer from to skin it BEFORE you put it into your vehicle to take home. Even if you are hunting alone, I think most hunters could manage to pull up a deer at least part of the way to prop it up enough for skinning. Plenty of videos on youtube showing how it can be done on the ground also. That's all you need to skin and quarter it up and then put the meat into a cooler or box until you get home to complete the processing and packaging. And all you need to do that is a kitchen table. It's not a difficult process and you get a lot of satisfaction doing it all yourself from field to fork!! For the price of getting two or three deer professionally processed you can instead save the money to buy some nice hunting equipment or whatever else you might need or want. I know which route I'd prefer.
  24. Let me start off by saying that I don't like see thru scope mounts. I don't see the point behind them. In my opinion, one should decide on a scope or iron sights and stick with one. Deciding on one or the other when you have game in front of you isn't the time to be deciding. Plus, I have never seen a well made see thru scope mount. Most are made of cheap aluminum which is not what I want on a dependable big game rifle. I want solid steel. I would also strongly suggest NOT using a scope set up in see thru mount as a carrying handle. I will guarantee you that the scope will be knocked out of zero sooner than later. That cheap aluminum will not hold up to such abuse. If there is any scope that should be pampered, it's one set up in see thru mounts. My .02 cents.
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