Spaten all they way, nothing replaces good old German recipe..... maybe Stella for a change or good old Franciskaner...
Bud? I thought we are talking about beer...?
Seriously fellaz, I moved out of Brooklyn 10 years ago and only one thing was bugging me: "why I didn't move out earlier".... plus I never looked back..... Do yourself a favor and move..... you wont regret it.....
Like Elmo said you are good to go Frank, just remember that AirGun that shoots more than 600 f/ps is a hunting implement and all the same rules apply as to rifles that includes 500 feet zone and everything that comes with it.....
Jets and Giants, that's my real dream.... Remember that Yankees Mets subway series??? I know there is a slim chance of that but it would be so cool, especially when they play at home...
No special rituals here, just plenty of water in my backpack and getting there extra early as in earlier than o'dark hundred, since I can't sleep the night before anyway :-)
Cool! confirmed on another CT website from the horses mouth ... I guess I'm going shopping now :-)
Well, I'm done with the boots it works but they turn a shade of white.... Not sure if this going to wear off or what but the full Waterhose blast did nothing and they do stay dry..... Time will tell .... I will try to video this thing...
Whitehall, NY is close to Vermont, not CT, not even close, its a hike... Where in Cornwall exactly, that's kinda close to me....let me know the location and $$$