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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ANTLERS

  1. That shed buck with the arrow in its shoulder was taken at Rocky point spot 15.It was taken by a co-worker of mine.
  2. Now that the season is over,Im just curious with the opinion of fellow 3H hunters.Has the quality of the bucks you saw proof that AR is working?Is the doe numbers really as bad as the DEC says it is?For me,The bow season was very slow but picked up dramatically on opening day of the gun.I saw 9 does opening day and tagged out at 3pm with a nice 7 pntr.Did not go back up again until the ML season and the one day I was up there saw several does also.Curious to hear what you guys have to say.
  3. Do you think they were concerned about scent control,doe pee scent waffers,trail camera's,grunt tubes,ratteling devices,etc....Just a bow tie and bowler hat.Those were real men back then.
  4. Not reported,Poached,Car accidents.You can probably add another 500 onto that total for the county.
  5. next to impossable to get .57 cal minnie's,It's an English caliber, so years ago I had a mold made in .577
  6. Friday I'll take to the field with my model 1853 .577 cal enfield.I havent taken a deer with it yet,But Im going to try.
  7. I found a great new micro beer located in Green port called Green port Harbor.They brew a pumkin spice beer in the fall called Leaf pile,As well as several others.They sell their beer via kegs at beverage places through out the island,I go in with my glass growler,They fill it from the tap for $14.
  8. conditions are ideal,but no its off to work I go.
  9. Send those Bear numbers to Jon Corzine and invite him over for some Bear stew.
  10. If were talking about the property in manorville,You would have to scale a fence to get in.All 2000 acres are fenced in.As far as big bucks,The property was fenced in back in the 60's,Trapping deer inside.Because they were not hunted like the ones on the other side of the fence,they died of old age.However now thats its not an active base anymore,Fenses have been left open and many of the deer have slipped out to the wild side.Also,toxic waste from that base has seeped into the ground and has contaminated the ground water which is showing up at a hunting club I belong to across the street.
  11. As for number 3,I've walked out at the end of a day and had a deer print in my print that I left that morning,walking in.
  12. As long as its been air dried for 60 days,Boone and Crocket requirements.
  13. Lake Huntington has no snow,as of Friday.Leaves are wet but not crunchy.Should be good conditions this weekend.
  14. Are you sure thats a bobcat? Could be a mountain lion!...... .
  15. Just an updated photo of the 7ptr I got on opening day.Didnt see this buck all bow season,Actually only saw one buck during bow season,and he was a spike.3H has been quiet,anything taken?.Hows the season shaping up so far?
  16. The neck and rump,The two places coyotes will take down a mature deer.I would say he was attacked by coyotes.The pack chased him,one or two grabbed on to his hind quarters another bit into his neck,But he got away.
  17. Exactly,And they never give the viewer full discloser at the beginning of the show to say that they are hunting at a high fensed operation.It's always in Texas or Iowa or Kansas.Never from NYS or PA.And its always the final moments of the last days hunt with the sun going down that they kill the big one.But I guess they give the viewer what they want.Big racks and kill shots.On one of Jim Shockeys shows,He was fuming when he heard that his cameraman didnt get the impact shot, i.e. the bullet hitting the side of the deer.But we watch them anyway.


    Several years ago,while sitting 20 feet up in a stand,A snow white owl landed on a branch in the tree next to mine.He stared at me for a minute,Then glided through the woods and out of site.He was a fellow hunter out doing the same thing I was doing.I hear them all the time in Suffolk County,hooting while walking into the woods just before dawn.
  19. Monday in manorville 6:30 to 11:00,Nothing.
  20. I guess all hunting is local.From my stand in 3H,It did not seem like an average opening day.Not as many shots as usual.I guess the AR and lack of doe permits has the action a little slow.On the ride home on 17 and then all the way to LI,I did not see a single deer on any vehicle,Very strange for opening day.
  21. BTW,I was on stand from 6:30 until I saw him at 3.Patience does pay off.Good luck to all,I guess I'll go bow hunt Suffolk now.
  22. After 5 years of AR,With little in the way of a substantial increase and size of the buck population,From my stand any way.I said this would be the make or break year for my continued support of AR.After dropping this guy today,Maybe it is working.
  23. After a slow and unproductive bow season,today more than made up for it.From 7am to noon,saw 8 does.No doe permit.3pm,This guy comes running by chasing a doe,despite grunts ,whistles,Both would not stop.I fired at the moving buck,15 yards,And hit his throat which severed his wind pipe.
  24. weather looks great for saturdays opener,sunny and 47.But the wind concerns me.7 to 10 mph with gust to 18 mph.
  25. Good luck to my fellow 3H comrades.Heading up this evening.Lets hope the locals havent thinned the herd too much.
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