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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. The bottom line is that it speaks to his character or in this case the lack of character. That item alone is enough fo me to exclude him from any serious consideration of being a spokesperson for any thing I value. Then when you add in the Draft Dodging, Game Law violations, the infidelity,the off the wall outbursts etc. Why would anyone with who is concerned with sound values and decency support him?
  2. Everything anyone does is a reflection of their character. To say a public figure is not to be held accountable for repeated and significant personal transgressions is ridiculous! Why would anyone ignore something that speaks so strongly toward what kind of person someone is? In Teds case these things are just one more item in a laundry list of questionable items of character. http://www.buzzfeed....-craziest-thing Go to item number 4. No problem with a 30 year old man dating a 17 year old girl right? The girl that he became the legal guardian of to stay "above" the law.
  3. Looks great! Nice and bright white. I like Euro's. They take up a lot less room and they require very little care.
  4. Grouse I respect your diplomacy and the forgiveness in your heart. I just don't agree. I can forgive and look past most indescretions on anyone's part if I believe they have come clean and are not repeating the same behaviors. In my opinion Ted continues to spin his indescretions in a way that i do not believe to be honest and these are recent events not things in his past. This Alaska Game law violation is a perfect example. I can provide link after link of the accounts of what happened there. All of these coming from direct interviews from Ted and they vary incredibly. He also has the audacity to suggest that "they were out to get him" as if he hadn't committed the violation. He not only did it he did it on film. That kind of makes it easy for them to prosecute it successfully. No conspiracy there he committed an illegal act on film. He also indicated that the law was obscure. That is entirely untrue which I can document for anyone who cares to see it. Page 25 in the Alaskan Hunting and Fishing regulations high lighted in Yellow with the heading on the top of the page in bold saying Important Information for all Bear Hunters. Yet the spin continues and so many people are accepting of it. As I aluded to earlier I can have differences in opinion with people and still not let it get between friendships. I respect everyones right to their own opinions and for them to express those opinions. With Ted my opinion is that he hasn't come clean in many areas and he continues to perpetuate things that are untrue in regard to how he is being singled out. These things prevent me from being able to support him. I support the issues but will not support him. Last night while speaking to a hunting and fishing friend I was told that James Earl Jones was at an NRA banquet that I had recently attended in Fishkill a couple of weeks ago. Another celebrity NRA member and seemingly a very decent man,at least from his public persona.
  5. What value do you put on your integrity? He can't acknowledge the truth so he has to spin it to makes those that hold him accountable for his laundry list of indescretions as "ignorant or jealous". Those things don't ring true for me at all. I just have no respect for him. When he speaks about this great life for his family, which one of the few is he referring to? The best defense is in this case in my opinion is a dishonest offense. The Kool Aide is in aisle 5.
  6. Acknowledging the truth is always honorable, ignoring it because you believe it serves your purposes, not so much!
  7. Lecture by John Edwards tonight on how to be a Great Husband. Who is attending? Keep drinking the Kool aide!
  8. I have been wanting to get out on it. I have never fished it. I took a long ride in late March to check out certain sections of it. I have been on the Reservoirs quite a bit. I have been doing pretty well with the Lakers. Was the April fishing good?
  9. Congratulations! Really interesting circumstances with the bands. Pretty amazing! Sounds like quite a weekend.
  10. While I as well as others have strong feelings about this topic, it doesn't get in the way of friendships or other positive communication.(for me at least)If someone is tired of this conversation don't read the comments. Move on. It always strikes me as funny that someone has had it with a conversation that takes place on an internet forum. I am pretty sure that no one is being forced to read any of it. If Doc wanted to be really petty he could make the last comment and then lock the thread. I have Moderating privileges on another Hunting and Fishing Forum and I have always been tempted to do that but never have. I will say I'm done on this topic unless someone says "Thank God" or asks me a specific question, or isn't really clear on where I stand on it.
  11. We don't agree on this. Clearly. Our ability to influence is absolutley based on who is delivering the message. If Ted is influencing me negatively as a life time gun owner and hunter,NRA member,enrolled Republican,Conservative etc. what kind of influence do you believe he is having among those that don't have a similar belief or background? Your attempt at making fun of me. elegant? Politically correct etc? Because I refuse to acknowledge a self confessed Draft Dodger and Multiple Game Law violater as my advocate for second amendment rights and hunting interests? Do you not see the Irony in this? The guy was to chicken ---- to fight for his country but now he is a Super Patriot who wants to be the voice of second amendment rights advocacy? Doesn't that strike you as ridiculous? He has two recent game law vioaltions and you are fine with him being the voice of us as hunters? Do you not attempt to follow the game laws when you go about your hunting activities? Why would you want someone to be your voice who is a known game law violator? The irony of practically all of this would be comical if what was at stake wasn't so important to me. I guarantee if we collectively told Ted to take a hike there would be a much more suitable representaive to take the forefront. A void of that nature is always filled. I would rather have no representation than to have representation that is harming us.
  12. I am completely on board with the message, I am not at all on board with who is delivering it in the form of Ted Nugent. If hunting and our second amendment rights are on the way to being a thing of the past it will not be as a result of the message it will be as a result as who we believed credible enough to deliver it. We would gain a lot more respect from the general public if in a united way spoke out in dissaproval of Ted. Why quite a number of us will never see that or understand it has as much to do with why we may ultimately lose these rights/privileges as any thing. We have clearly hitched our horse to the wrong wagon! But as long as Ted has a hot wife, a TV show and is quick to tell anyone who "is on the other side" to kiss his butt, all is good! Who cares about his past or his present for that matter! I am happy to take on any one who wants to discuss his indescretions (such a polite word!) point by point. Who delivers the message does matter! Just saying, this isn't rocket science.
  13. Congratulations! Nice to take pride in being able to purchase a vehicle. Wishing you a lot of safe miles in it!
  14. If I feel limited with a caliber I am not using it. Meaning if I believe I am losing particular shots because of a caliber being light I am not using that caliber. I know that can be taken to extremes and that is not my intention. I don't want to worry about shots at steep angles. The majority of deer hunting I do I do with a .270, 130 grain Barnes X bullet. I have never had a penetration problem, and have never lost a deer due to caliber or bullet. The thought of working my tail off to be in a position to take a great buck and then not being able to because of caliber would be to much for me.
  15. There obviously a lot to this topic. From a basic perspective I always make sure to mention that I am involved in an activity that I have the legal right to do so. That hunting has existed since the beginning of man kind. That I respect the animal I am pursuing and utilize it completely. That it is the healthiest of proteins. That I practice diligently so as not to cause the animal any undue suffering. Additionally that I am passionate about clean waters and unspoiled woods and wilderness. That I give back basically. Every situation is different. I believe it is all about your conduct if these people see that you are consistently respectful and considerate they will become increasingly more receptive. Some folks you will never make inroads with but with many you will! Great that you are trying and that you care!
  16. With it being Mothers Day and obviously such a busy day for Ted with all those cards to write and gifts to deliver I am fine with a reprieve.
  17. So we let a draft dodger, multiple game law violator, and clearly a person of suspect moral character be our voice? Yeah that's a good idea!! How is that working out so far?
  18. "Just figured", " My dislike of pro gun people" got any more erroneous assumptions you would like to make? We are having a conversation about one individual. Why the heck would I dislike pro gun people? I am pro gun. With you knowing Ted as well as you do, perhaps you will share some of his significant successes? Please ,not items of your opinion but concrete things that he has helped to get accomplished.
  19. Grouse. You have no idea what my politics are. The only way some people's world makes sense is if they can brand everyone who doesn't see some thing their way as a liberal. I am not a liberal. I voted for McCain and Palin in the last election. These threads are so typical a few folks always get their panties in a bunch and start hurling insults at other whose views don't match their own. In my opinion Ted is an attention grabbing, accomplish nothing waste of all of our time.
  20. What you state as fact is your interpretation of his message. The fact is that he doesnt have a balanced audience because of his history and thd way je conducts himself.The fact is that a large percentage of the hunting community thinks that he does more harm than good. Do you dispute that? You are welcome to designate any one you wish as who you care to be a representative of your intersts and beliefs. Ted is not it for me, and he is not even close. I would rather have thousands of us gaining the respect of those in our communities versus a self appointed Ted alienating a large percentage of those who hear his message. That is if they listen to him at all.
  21. We don't agree, how likely is it that I am going to change your mind? How likely is it going to be that you are going to change mine? You believe Ted only represents himself. I don't believe that for a moment. I have heard him express in a number of interviews other wise. You choose to believe what you wish to. You don't believe that how someone's conducts them self in their personal life should be considered in your evaluation of them or their character I don't agree. It all matters, if I don't respect the person I am not going to have any interest in what they have to say. I can't get to that place with Ted. To much baggage, to much controversy and instability, to much self promotion and ego. Not my kind of person in any regard. Not a person I would choose to have people associate hunters and gunowners with.
  22. http://forums.bowsit...AGES=174&FF=CMT As well as these guys!
  23. http://forums.bowsite.com/TF/bgforums/thread.cfm?forum=1&threadid=408202&MESSAGES=174&FF=CMThttp://forums.bowsit...ges=51&forum=36 Most of these guys get it!
  24. Edited to acknowledge First-lights clarification. A Gentlemanly thing to do on the part of First -light Exactly!
  25. The bottom line Doc is that he does more harm than good. So what good is he? He hasn't gained any thing meaningful for us. If you believe he has I would like to hear about it. He is articulate enough and quick thinking enough to put an anti in their place from time to time. That isn't enough, especially so with his baggage and his tendency to take one step forward and two steps back by his ill conceived and some times illegal actions.He needs to have the respect of us and the general public. He doesn't have our unified respect (my guess is maybe 50%) and I guarantee that he is no where close to having the respect of the majority of the general public. The hunting boards are loaded now with discussions about Ted. I am actually pleased that the majority of the comments are not in favor of him. Go on the community forum on BOWSITE, and 24 Hour Campfire. Finally people are waking up to how negative a force he is for us.
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