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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. My intention was to delete that post. Not that I didn't believe what I was saying but because I am really not here to argue with people. There are issues I feel strongly about and I will never be insulted or takent to task by someone with out responding. I believe it is way to easy to buy firearms in many states in this country and there are to many firearms in the hands of people who are not technically competent or emotionally stable. My last sentence is repeatedly being proven by the incidents that continue to happen in our country. The difference between myself and some here is I want to actually do something about it.
  2. For the most part a brain storm in this thread would be a really light drizzle. Everybody is okay with a guy buying two Glocks, a shotgun and an AR and 6000 rounds of ammo, including buck shot and head to toe body armor. Over a short period of time with no additional scrutiny? If police authorities were aware of this do you think they may have paid some additional attention to this nut bag? I know we dont want to impose on his individual freedoms! This has nothing to do with sheep and wolves or being goofy. It has to do with responsible gun sales and responsible gun ownership. I believe it should be more difficult than it was for this guy to amass the weapons and ammo that he did. Call me goofy, crazy, a communist etc. I guarantee the families of the dead and injured wouldn't think I am any of those things. I have no problem being held to whatever scrutiny any federal or state agency wants to hold me to. No responsible gun owner should. Now before any of you get your panties in a bunch. I am a life time gun owner, long time NRA member, member of the republican party, own a business that employs 14 staff, serve on two volunteer boards and wouldn't vote for Barrack Obama if he was the only one running. If you are going to reach to insult me you are going to have to dig deeper than bumper sticker slogans and the other bubble gum stuff.
  3. I had stated my "personal opinion" had said that prior to any new gun laws being enacted I would want to see all the existing ones be enforced. I had also stated that this is a very challenging issue and I had more questions than answers. As gun owners we need to have a more thoughtful response than "s--t happens, people are nuts, oh well etc.. At the very least we have to demonstrate we care. If the NRA was smart they would create a fund or ear mark monies to go toward mental health issues. It may be symbolic but it would a smart move that would benefit all of us. I knew my comments wouldn't necessarily be popular with some. If we don't take the initiative to address some of these gun violence issues others who are not as sensitive to our concerns will and that will not be to our advantage.
  4. The mental illness of this young man is the real issue at hand. Having said that I am not opposed to stricter or more stringent gun control over sight. Provided that our existing gun control laws are enforced. I personally believe gun ownership is a privilege and not a guaranteed right. In many cases it is to easy for nut bags like this guy to amass way to much fire power. There are a lot of challenging issues surrounding these types of conversations and I know that I have more questions than answers. I do believe as gun owners our response needs to be a lot more thoughtful than "guns don't kill people" people kill people. I know this guy could have killed people using a number of other methods. Really challenging stuff!
  5. Nothing really yet. I have been doing a lot of fishing. I will begin dull scale Archery practice quite soon. I will walk some old areas and some new areas. I intend to be much more mobile this year and not have nearly as many pre hung stands for the archery season. In quite a bit of my area I feel more harm then good has come from preseason scouting and the hanging of stands. We will see.
  6. Nice fish! I also am a member of Westchesterfishing.com and a very active reservoir fisherman. I have boats on the Ashokan and the Rondout. I will soon have boats on two other reservoirs. Great stuff!
  7. Those small cordura tri fold shell wallets work very well.
  8. Oh look another I hate trespassers thread! I'm with Dave and WNY and all of the other folks who would seek out a reasonable solution versus calling in the National Guard. (intended sarcasm) There was an 80 year old man who used to walk across our property all the time with his equally old dog. I had never met him,although I knew he lived close by. You know what I would do each time I saw that old SOB. I would smile and wave! There is this thing called discretion. Should a person ask before entering private private? Yes of course. We also should have some sensibility about what is worth getting up in arms about and what is not.
  9. Fantastic buck! Congratulations! The mount looks great!
  10. Welcome! Thank you for your service!
  11. First off best wishes to your son with his healing! Secondly, unfortunate that some don't have an ounce of graciousness or objectivity in their bodies.
  12. "the only people that take time out of their busy lives to represent our interests" If you change the "our" to "their" you would have it right. It would not surprise me if there were as many former members of NYB as there are current members. I had joined many years ago and over time when I saw how tight their inner circle was and how completely self absorbed they were with their agenda to the detriment of other hunters I terminated my membership. Clearly my experience with them wasn't unique.
  13. This is a very positive result. Unions have gone way to far and contribute more negatively to the over all economy than they do positively. When it costs a third again as much to build some thing with a union shop than it does with a very fairly compensated non union shop than something is very wrong. The middle class has deteriorated with our loss of jobs in the manufacturing sector over several decades. We need to bring jobs of that nature back. If we don't create jobs in the middle income range for the masses we are doomed. Artificially inflating public positions without the private industry being robust in a recipe for failure.
  14. Walking to and from where I have the boat chained. I am always brushing up against vegetation. I am going to start spraying my clothes.
  15. Over 20 years ago. My wife took me to look at a home. We had been looking for a couple of years for a house. We drove in to the drive way of this house on a beautiful peak foliage fall day. You could see 7 different mountain peaks from the house. I was so angry at my wife at the time because it was everything I had ever wanted in a home. Beautiful property, I can walk for miles from the house to hunt etc. It made me ill that I didn't think we could afford it. We did not make an offer. Long story short we could afford it and I was just being super conservative. We were very fortunate and ended up buying the house. In about 4 years it will be paid for and it brings us tremendous joy. We were very lucky.
  16. I am going to be purchasing one very soon. I believe I am going to go with a propane one. Not sure which manufacturer yet.
  17. I picked one off myself yesterday. Every time I use my row boat on the reservoir it's on I seem to be getting ticks on me. I hate it!
  18. I have read about this in the past. With so many highly regarded scorers considering this buck to be a typical why don't they just panel score it? My opinion is not doing so damages the credibility of the B&C organization.Why is Pope and Young getting involved with a rifle killed buck? The whole thing wreaks of Politics or a personal grudge.
  19. I hope it all comes together on a nice home for you and your Fiance.
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