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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. I would love to see this buck become the WR and then have Mitch come out and say here is my buck, measure it, panel score it, xray it. Do what ever you want. That would set the whitetail world on it's ear. I personally don't like the sensationalism and the money side of glorifying trophy hunting but the above described scenario would be interesting!
  2. I certainly like the fact that he is a hunter. It wouldn't be why I would vote for his ticket or not vote for his ticket though. I will be voting his ticket but I don't feel very good about it!
  3. Bill Maher contributed $1,000,000 to President Obama's election campaign. He can't think he sucks that bad!
  4. I like the mentoring idea. I understand the liability concerns but it is no different than a number of other adult/young person programs. If there were a significant corporate sponsor and structure to the program I think it would take off.
  5. I hate all the chemical stuff. But if I felt I needed to use it that is what I would use.
  6. It always amazes (and disgusts) me that people like this whack judge rise to the positions that they are in.
  7. Very decent thing to do DoeWhacker!
  8. That's a heck of a buck! Heavy and tall.
  9. He would do! Great buck! How old do you know or guess him to be?
  10. Wish I could think of some thing that would be helpful. I would second the visit to Jesse's on route 32 in Saugerties. I respect the financial considerations. If you have someone you trust that is selling a decent used rifle I would go that route.
  11. One of my biggest regrets is never having learned to play an instrument. My preference would have been to have learned to play either the piano or guitar. I envy people who can go over to a piano and begin to play or pick up a guitar and begin to play. Our daughter plays the clarinet and loves it. She is in Band, Jazz Band and Marching Band. It brings her a lot of enjoyment.
  12. I am not a huge Romney fan but I can't stand our current administration. So many unkept promises, so many instances of in my opinion Political back room maneuvering. I will be voting Romney and Ryan. Unfortunately in our State it will not matter. The electoral votes will not go our way. For clarification I voted the McCain/Palin ticket in the last election and didn't feel great about that either, but knew Obama was all smoke and mirrors.
  13. He is probably waiting for Shemayne to give him his testicles back after she made him apologize for his last public embarrassment.
  14. Deer density and terrain. No way we in the Catskills are going to find sheds in big numbers. There will be some low land agricultural exceptions. In the big woods you will be hard pressed to find many.
  15. Fortunately I have never had a scope problem. I am a Leupold fan as well, although I do have a Zeiss conquest (back when they were $400) that is clearer than my Leupold's. Best of luck on your trip! Will you be taking another scoped rifle with you as a back up? I would imagine the outfitter has one or more you could use if some thing happened to your rifle.
  16. You need to determine if there is a logical reason for deer to be there, and will there be in the time frame that hunting season is open. Is there a food source? Is there cover? Is it an area in between these two types of area. Can you access it without the wind blowing your scent all through the area you would expect the deer to be? Can you throw a trail camera up there and leave it alone for two to three weeks? It could be a great spot or it may not be. You need to give consideration to these things to determine whether it is or not.
  17. ABW, I am 54 years old. As much as you think or hoped you could of changed the circumstances of what happened, you would very likely have been wrong. If there were 20 or more people in the theatre that were concealed carry, would any Police Agency have wanted all of them to open up on this guy? Would it be you who determined which of the 20 plus was the Super Hero ?How would a Police officer have gotten in to the theatre while people were flooding out of the exits? I know your getting shot at but stop running and let me in? Any Police Officer who goes in to that situation if they could actually get in, and starts shooting would very likely be done as a Police officer. With all these mass murder tragedies I would ask you to give me one instance where a Police officer or Agency or a private individual took the shooter out prior to the shooter being isolated. Or took him out at all? Columbine? Arizona? Virginia Tech? That guy in Sweden or Norway? I know your the exception, you would have accomplished what no one else has yet been able to because you just finished reading The Armed Citizen column. If only you would have been there!
  18. Four to six month process to get your permit though correct? All your hand guns have to be registered with a permit holder as well right.
  19. Here you go Doc. How about having to have a pistol permit to buy a hand gun in Colorado. How about having to register a hand gun in Colorado. Do either of those work for you? Is that to freaking much to ask? Or do those requirements strike you as harrassment? There is also no safety training requirement in Colorado. These things seem like reasonable requirements to me. How about to you? We all know you can't stop crazy, but we should be making effort to make it harder to have it happen with legally acquired firearms.
  20. Who here is vilifying anyone for carrying for personal protection? Here, I will help you, that would be no one! Not me. If you believe that to be the case. Quote where I stated that. I have no issue with concealed carry with any person who has been properly vetted and trained. I do have a problem with any schmo walking in off the street and buying what ever they want without some kind of a process being in place. Most of you guys are talking out of your a--es. Talk to Police Agencies and see how many of them are going to just open fire in a crowded public place. Dark Theatre, gas canisters, people screaming, bodies falling, people getting trampled while running to the exits and some of our super hero's here are going to lace this guy? Yeah right! How many innocent people would you have taken out with him? Yeah, you killed three people but you didn't go down passively! How many police people do any of you want to hear from? I have a two year degree in Criminal Justice and a four year minor in it. I have many friends that are cops. They would tell you that you are being idiotic. Unless you put your pistol barrel in this guys face or base of his neck how could anyone possibly get off a safe shot at this guy under those circumstances? Knowledge of when to use your weapon is just as important as the weapon itself. What if 20 people in that theatre were carrying and they all opened fire on the guy? Would fewer people have died? would they have started to shoot at one another not knowing who the bad guy was? The scary thing is some or most of you believe what you are saying! Personal protection one on one or one on three or four is vastly different than taking someone out in a crowded movie theatre with mass hysteria going on!
  21. No you hadn't insulted me. How about the people in that Movie Theatre? Were their Liberties infringed upon? Were they not entitled to a better vetting process of those who are allowed to buy firearms? Or is the price of your liberty their blood? Sounds great until it is your loved one who lost their life or who was permanently injured.
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