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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. This is the way these threads typically go. The whole your not perfect either vibe. I'm not, not even close but I am also not a self appointed leader in the area of gun rights and our hunting heritage. If you want to have a leader with his past and present that is your perogative. I personally expect more from the people I am going to endorse or support and it has nothing to do with my capacity for forgiveness. This guy's indescretions are many, he is a political and public figure and as such is going to be held in the public eye to much higher standards and face the criticism that comes along with being in that position. I personally find the guy to be an embarrassment and I want nothing to do with him. I would ask anyone here to demonstrate to me what positive impact he has had with anyone who wasn't pro gun or pro hunting any way. The notion that no matter what someone has displayed as their character as long as they are advocates of things we support we have an obligation to defend and support them is ridiculous! He is in the process of self destructing, shouting obscenities at an interviewer and a producer while being televised? Is that what mature, responsible people do? I guess for some the only criteria they have for the people they support is how loud and how often they tell someone else to kiss their butt. It has to be a whole lot deeper than that if it is to be meaningful!!
  2. My judgement is just fine. I don't blindly follow anyone and if someone purports to be my spokesperson I have every right to use my own judgement in evaluating their character. Nugent has gotten a free pass on character flaws that are so deep that it defies explanation. You know who sets the tone for influencing people in our communities in regard to gun ownership and acceptance of ourselves as hunters. We do! By our respect and decency not by turning that responsibility over to someone who causes us way more harm than good. If we align with him we all look like fools. Most of us work to hard to earn the respect of people from all walks of life with many differing view points to lose our own credibility aligning with someone they immediately don't respect. If there are so many of us who find him damaging, what is the liklihood that he is seen in a positive light by the rest of the general public?
  3. Yes, the Nuge was lining his pockets with Cash while playing 300 concerts a year while on a student deferral. Two student deferrals and a medical deferral. Did he get a degree from the school he was supposedly attending? You have the stamina to play 100's of high activity rock and roll concerts but you secure a medical deferral? What's up with that? As it relates to the Alaskan game law violation and the violation of the Lacey Act. That Law couldn't have possibly been any more obvious,yet he repeatedly insists that it was or is an obscure law that no one knew about. The Heading of the page in bold print says Important Information for all Bear Hunters, the specific law is high lighted in yellow. How more obvious did it need to be? The prevailing belief by many is that he pled out on the Lacey act to not put at risk a conviction would have taken away his ability to own firearms. Yet he plays many who are unwilling to do the research for fools. Now his story is that his hit on the bear he wounded was a graze. A story he authored around the time of the hunt said he put a good hit on the bear and had a very good blood trail for 100 yards. So which story is true? What he first said or what he is saying now in an attempt to minimize the negative publicity? Time up to wake up and smell the coffee!
  4. What I find fascinating in one sense and disturbing in the other is that the guy is a self confessed Draft Dodger, has 8 children with five different women, has had documented child support issues, has been unfaithful to his current wife,has committed two known game law infractions and because he is pro gun ownership and doesn't hesitate to tell people where to go he is the "answer" as it relates to who our spokesman should be. I say BS,no freaking way do I want this person to pretend to speak on my behalf! If he was a pro gun control advocate most sportsman would be tearing apart his credibility as they should, but so many of us turn a blind eye to it. What am I missing here? Why does he get a pass on all of this? I personally think he is an embarrassment to us and has more than likely turned more people away from supporting our interests than he has drawn to supporting our interests.
  5. I do believe you will be much more likely to repetitive stress injuries in your shoulders at higher draw weights. I have had physical therapy on both shoulders and I have been involved in exercise for my entire life. There is no need to pull heavy draw weights on today's bows. A few years ago I had a pass through on a bear pulling 55 pounds with an expandable broadhead.
  6. It really is a matter of personal preference an budget. I have two bolt action deer rifles. A Browning A-Bolt Stainless Stalker in a .270 and Remington 700 LSS mountain rifle in 30/06. Both very nice rifles and very accurate. The Browning is my preference between the two.
  7. We have a daughter who is turning 16 shortly so all of this makes perfect sense to me. I can read these boys like a book. I used to be one!
  8. I can't help you there. I can tell you what baits don't work in the Ashokan the Rondout and the Esopus. I have fished quite a bit so far with only a few fish to show for it. I would assume, worms,meal worms, egg sacs,spinners, rooster tails etc. would be effective.
  9. The Health care reform act has done nothing to address affordability as of yet it has only addressed availability and in NYS that hasn't been a concern for the last 15 plus years. Health Insurance rates continue to escalate. So what good is it if it is available but not affordable?
  10. The statement she made in theory is not wrong in my opinion. It is the actual application or practicality of it with this particular issue that is insane. Let's enforce the gun laws we already have on the books versus creating others that are ridiculous and would only effect primarily law abiding people.
  11. http://www.enticerturkeycalls.com/products.php?type=calls Right across the border is PA. Al makes an incredible slate call. Small operation,great service,a very nice guy.
  12. Excellent! Congratulations on a fine year and sharing it with your nephews!
  13. I suggest you buy the book Idiot Proof Archery,read it and put in to practice what it suggests. There is no quick fix for Target Panic.I had it bad. There are multiple things that are key components to overcoming it.The most important of which are mental. It is critical to relax, (some times reducing draw weight will help if someone is over bowed), it is critical to take your time while shooting and not feeling an urgent need to shoot again quickly to "fix" your last less than perfect shot. You need to have a step by step shot sequence and follow it with out deviation.If you can not relax at full draw you need to let down. It is critical to be constantly aware that you do not "have" to shoot. In a way you need to show the bow whose boss. A good practice is to let down often when you are not under complete control. All amped up when at full draw,let down. You don't have to shoot. Lot's of other important things ie the use of a back tension release or at the very least using back tension to fire a trigger release instead of your index finger. Good luck! Buy the book!
  14. I have a bit of a different take than a number of folks here. I prefer to have a premium bullet. I will use core lokt's to practice with and yes they will certainly kill deer. When I am hunting I want a bullet that I can have confidence with at other than perfect shot angles. A few years ago I shot a buck using core lokt's. I took a high shoulder shot because I wanted to put the buck right down. It was a 130 grain bullet out of a 270 at about 40 yards. The construction of the bullet couldn't handle the speed at that short distance. The bullet pretty much exploded upon impact. It wasn't pretty and the buck was definitely disabled but I had to shoot him again. Any well constructed premium bullet would have dumped that buck. At the very minimum I would use a Federal Fusion bullet. Practice with the inexpensive stuff,sight your rifle in with the good stuff and hunt with the good stuff.
  15. I wish you good luck! Personally I have stopped using lures after spending many hundreds of dollars over the years. I personally have never had a mature buck come in to a lure and I have been incredibly meticulous about my use of the lure and it's presentation.
  16. Thanks Phade! I am familiar with Hi Tor and the Italy valley through the research I have done. I will investigate them further.
  17. Yes there are deer in Woodstock. I kill deer every year there. I am looking for better quality hunting. Greater opportunities at more mature bucks. The AR's are helping in some of the surrounding units but I would like to get in to area's where there are better numbers of higher end bucks.
  18. I am loooking to stay within a four or five hour drive from my home in Woodstock NY. I am looking at Yates, Steuben,Monroe and Livingston county's. Based on DEC information I have scoured and statistics from NYS Big Buck Club, but will give consideration to other area's if warranted. I am long legged and healthy and will walk to where ever I need to get in to the best hunting.
  19. Thank you very much! I will check in to Danby.
  20. I am considering hunting in the Finger Lakes region for deer this year. I have been researching the heck out of potential places to hunt. I have done much and still have a lot more to do. There is a ton of public land in that region but determining good from bad is quite difficult to do without either walking it all or having the benefit of others experience. I would appreciative of any information or resources that I could pursue that would assist me. I am not looking for anyone to divulge their preferred area's just looking to narrow the possibilities down. Any information provided would be very much appreciated. Thank you
  21. I am a long time NYS Bowhunter and The New York Bowhunters don't speak for me. Not now not ever! They represent themselves as the voice of NYS bowhunters which is a farce! They are completely selfishly motivated and way out of touch. Name one state that has introduced Crossbows in to their regular archery season and had their hunting deteriorate. We have bigger fish to fry than whether Crossbows should be allowed in the regular Archery season.
  22. I fish the Esopus quite a bit and run in to my share of Tubers. I have gotten a lot of are there any fish in here questions. It is not a particularly good fishery any longer.
  23. I am chomping at the bit to get on the water!
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