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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. Beautiful buck! If I knew some of the folks here well that said it wasn't legitimate or was aware personally of aspects of the hunter that were not on the up and up I would likely have an opinion. I don't so I cannot comment on that aspect. Any habituation of a wild animal does it a disservice.
  2. Monroe and Steuben are consistently up there. Any of the counties around the Finger Lakes and West.
  3. If I was aware it was a farm raised buck I wouldnt shoot it. Probably much easier to tell in the archery season versus the rifle season.
  4. Thank you guy's. I like the IWOM also. It looks like it is really functional. I can't seem to find the number of grams of insulation that it has so I may have to call them or email them. Lot's of money for these products so I want to make the right choice.
  5. If any of you has any familiarity with any of these bag like products please share your views about them.
  6. I like the idea of ask permission stickers. It definitely implies a friendliness.
  7. Hardly ever. I have actually been surprised that it doesn't happen more often with as much as I hunt and as much area that I cover.
  8. This is a timely topic! I think that is hilarious! I am guessing my better half would not see the humor.
  9. I would think you would talk to your cousin first. It is land and he is deserving of that courtesy.
  10. This does not appeal to me in the least. I truly do not believe that it is hunting. It honestly would trouble me to hear someone bragging on a big buck that they killed from one of these. To each their own! It is legal so I am not going to condemn it but it just doesn't seem like hunting to me.
  11. I am not a fan of the compression type of long underwear. Warmth comes from trapping air between layers. From a wicking perspecting it is tough to beat Patagonia's Capilene long underwear. If it is really cold I would layer merino wool long underwear over that. Making sure your sizing is such that your layers fit comfortably.
  12. Arrowed a decent buck in the archery season. In a couple of days of rifle hunting I have seen several does but no bucks yet. The majority of buck sign I have seen is down low.
  13. Does the hunter traffic lighten up as the season goes on? I have a 3M DMAP and I am looking for a location to fill it. There doesn't seem to be much public land in Orange county.
  14. Thanks for the specifics on this! Has any one every seen a tree die as a result of putting screw in steps in it? And a bow holder hook? Many of us have hunted the same areas for years. Perhaps even set a stand in the same tree for many consecutive years. The law is the law so it is to be adhered to but I have never personally seen steps harm a tree.
  15. It's hard to fit it all in. I want to move a number of stands that I had set to what I believe would be more productive area's and I am struggling to find the time to do it. Never enough free time while balancing family and business. In two weeks I will be in Idaho for ten days whitetail hunting. So I have no I realize I am very fortunate. I just can't concentrate very well when there is an open season and I am not in the woods.
  16. It's always a dance in setting up on a target animal and not alerting him to your presence. Are you seeing directional sign coming out of a bedding area? What I mean by that is rubs coming out of what you believe to be his bedding area headed toward what you believe to be his primary food source at this time? Shortly the bucks will be moving much more and your focus will be setting up down wind of doe bedding area's and doe travel routes. Do your absolute best to stay down wind of where you think he is or will be. The same goes for the doe bedding area's and travel routes. It is most often advisable to hunt from the outside in. Starting further away from where you think a buck is bedded. Say half away between his bed and where he is headed to feed. (afternoon hunt) If you are not seeing him during shooting light you would be moving progressively closer to his bedding area,not so close that he could see you or hear you though. Again with chasing about to begin it should be a bit easier but not as predictable. I wish you good luck! That is a fine buck to take as a first buck!
  17. Are other hunters taking big bucks in the area you hunt? Even id someone is doing almost every thing wrong if there are big bucks in an area you will stumble in to one every so often provide you are spending a reasonable amount of time hunting there. The biggest mistake any hunter makes is hunting for a class of buck that doesn't exist in the are they are hunting. If your trail camera's are not picking up a decent buck once in a while they likely aren't there,again provided your set up is well chosen.
  18. I live in 3a and hunt it a lot. I am for the ARs. 3c is right across the street from me so I hunt both units a lot. ARs are making a difference in the units that have implemented them.
  19. That a conversation of this nature should be taking place. I don't know how it can be perceived as a positive message for hunting in any possible way.
  20. I can't handle a drink? Thats funny! Like drinking and manliness have some thing to do with one another. It's no wonder why a lot of the public use negative stereotypes about hunters. Doc, I disagree with you. Certain things are absolutes. Not drinking while hunting is one of them. Enough of the general public think hunters are idiots as it is do we want to give them proof positive that they are right? What about the teenagers that come on this site? Should they think for a moment that drinking and hunting is acceptable? Alcohol and firearms should never be mixed,end of story! To suggest otherwise is moronic!
  21. This is a pointless conversation. Drinking while hunting cannot be justified,and it has nothing to do with being rugged or manly. It is idiotic and a terrible reflection for any kid or non hunter who comes in contact with that line of thinking not to mention a threat to the safety of any unfortunate hunter who happens to be in the same woods with a hunter who has been drinking. It isn't about Freedoms either it is about practical common sense. I know some guys get off on being antagonists if that is the case with this topic than good one! High fives all around! To advocate drinking while hunting in a public forum is insane. I am surprised a moderator hasn't shot this baby down.
  22. Against drinking during the middle of the day while hunting with Firearms, yes. Against responsible drinking in appropriate situations, no. It is impossible to make a logical argument that supports drinking while hunting.
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