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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. I didn't indicate keeping a gun in an unlocked car was illegal. It is incredibly irresponsible though. If anyone disagrees with that I can't discuss it any further. The most basic exercise of common sense and precaution would not permit that situation.
  2. I would move my feet so I could turn my body. The situation would dictate what I would do. Shift my feet, wait for the deer to move etc.
  3. Light blaze orange vest. Flashlight for in and out. Being up in the air. What's the issue?
  4. Nice to hear about another woman who enjoys hunting. Best of luck to you! It sounds like you are quite well versed. Nice to see the level of interest you have. Sorry about the family stuff! We can all relate to that I would expect.
  5. I wish you good luck. I am sure everything will work out.
  6. I am curious to see what I receive when my Supersportsmans comes in the mail.
  7. 1) Time 2) The right area's 3) Capitalizing on the opportunity
  8. Given that we share so much in common perhaps I should come over to hunt with you in Steuben County.
  9. I meant cheek and eye on the right.
  10. Actually cheek and I on the right.
  11. It's a hand with someones face behind it. Fingers on the left, forehead and an eye on the right. That's my guess.
  12. Good luck! You have some nice bucks to hunt.
  13. Excellent hunting out there for anyone who has difficulty securing areas to hunt. Look at the DEC kill statistics for that area. Impressive!
  14. I have had young bucks respond to urine. Never a mature buck. I will use a little sparingly but for the most part I won't. Two expensive and has not proven itself to me. This is my own conclusion after decades of experimentation.
  15. I have the leafy suit and don't wear it much. The colors are not as pronounced. I have other ASAT camo that I wear often. Sitka and Day One. It is excellent. The deer will look right trough you. ASAT and Predator Fall Grey or Fall Brown are tops from my experience.
  16. I have shot Rocket Steelheads for years with no issues. I have lowered my draw weight because of shoulder problems and will be using Magnus Stingers this year.
  17. If you know anyone who has a boat or a marina owner the wrap that they use to winterize boats when compressed works really well.
  18. Two issues the theft which is straight forward and should be prosecuted for what it was and the irresponsibility of the gun owner. We have an implied responsibility with the care and securing of firearms and this guy wasn't at all responsible about it.
  19. You mean I can't kill a 1 1/2 year old buck and I may have to drive a little bit to be able to fill my DMP's, Archery either sex tag, muzzleloader either sex tag etc. My world is falling apart!! With our long seasons and liberal bag limits if you can't fill your freezer and enjoy the hunting experience you may want to take up golf!
  20. I want to Steelhead fish! Hunting always wins out when I have to choose between hunting and fishing.
  21. I second the Bow and Arrow magazine recommendation. There is none better from a technical perspective relating to equipment and form. It also has excellent articles.
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