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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. If less bucks are being shot because of AR's doesn't that mean that the buck population in those areas will be expanding? Why would the hunting become worse? 3A which encompasses a lot of the high peaks regions of the catskills has no DMAP's because deer densities are very low. Any thing that protects numbers and age structure is a good thing!
  2. I am amazed at how many people are defending drinking during the day while hunting. A couple at lunch time? You have got to be kidding me! Totally idiotic. Those that do that either have no self control or are not very serious hunters! To do any thing that "could" possibly inhibit your motor skills while soon to be having a firearm in your hands is flat out irresponsible!
  3. Like a lot of you guys I walk a lot and I don't like the fit of most rubber boots when walking in a lot of uneven terrain. I prefer a light boot and will carry extra socks to switch out if my feet sweat. If it is cold I will carry Ice Breaker Boot Blankets in my pack. If sitting or on stand put a couple of disposable hand warmers in each boot blanket,take your boots off and put a nice heavy sock on and put them in the boot blankets. Your feet will stay toasty warm.
  4. MountainHunter


    I also have a 3M that I would trade for a 3C or a 3J.
  5. I am not a fan of head shots. They just don't appeal to me. I am not worried about the opportunities I will have to shoot doe's and I am not likely going to ruin the ability to mount a good buck by messing up his skull. For me personally (notice that I said for me personally) it doesn't seem to give the animal enough respect. May sound stupid for some but thats how it is for me.
  6. I have seen very little rubbing. Five or Six rubs total so far and I have quite a few stands hung. No scraping yet.
  7. I am a one pin shooter and I have it set at 30 yards. I just hold low or high if need be.
  8. Primarily public land in Michigan with archery equipment.
  9. I believe Mitch has forgotten more about killing big bucks than most of us know. Find a copy of Bowhuntings whitetail masters and read the chapter about him. That book came up long prior to his killing the controversial buck. Legit or not who knows? As a hunter it is hard not to respect his ability.
  10. Proving them wrong is easy. Look how they compile their data. What else do you need to know? You don't have to be a biologist to do what they do. Perhaps a mathematician, and not very good ones at that.
  11. Thanks Noodle I was not referring to Brook Trout. I am just looking for area's that would enable me to have more opportunity at larger non stocked trout. I can get to sections of the West Branch within an hour and fifteen minutes. I would drive up Route 28 and Drop down through Andes in the Deposit or Delancey Area. Or I could Drive out to Walton but that would be considerably farther. I fished the Margaretville area of the East Branch last Sunday and only caught one fish,a 17.5 inch Brown that I am assuming was a hold over stocked trout,it had very little color,but no cut fin on it's belly. Just looking to expand my horizons and get in to some better fishing.
  12. Hi Noodle, East Branch or West Branch. I live in the catskills and have been venturing further attempting to find better quality fishing. The Esopus has really eroded as a quality stream which is unfortunate as it is right in my back yard,(actually a ten minute drive) Any way I am looking for better quality fishing. I would like to try other area's where there are larger fish and greater numbers of natives. Congratulations on your nice fish.
  13. What is incredibly unfortunate is the management decisions that are being based on these numbers that have no validity!
  14. Real or Fake who knows. I have read a number of accounts that have indicated it was real by people who had seen the deer shortly after it was killed and by measurers. The one thing I do know is Mitch is an incredible whitetail hunter and has been for a very long time. I have a friend that corresponds with him and have seen the photographs of bucks he has taken since the controversial one. He was also featured in the book Bowhuntings whitetail Masters which was published before all of this stuff occurred. Is he obsessed? Of course he is. You don't accomplish what he has with out being obsessed. I am not suggesting that he is not eccentric or peculiar in some ways but the guy can flat out hunt whitetails.
  15. I am definitely not a gadget guy but when a nephew of mine insisted I try his, I very shortly there after purchased one of my own. I was a bit embarrassed to purchase the thing. ;D They are very light and I keep it in a zip lock bag in my pack. They make fast work of it and are easy and neat.
  16. VJP, I knew someone would feel it necessary to point out the obvious. I mean no disrespect,but as soon as I typed it I wondered if I should have indicated I was talking about snow occurring during the open season. I have walked miles in the open season on snow in area's where deer have been abundant in the past and have not cut tracks and I have done this in several high peaks area's. Every area has it's own elements as it relates to whether that particular area holds deer or not,this is some thing I am well aware of. There is no one from another area who is going to tell me what is going on in area's I frequent. If any one wishes to walk with me on snow in November or December they are more than welcome to. I have hunted these mountains for years and I have many close friends and aquantainces that have done and do so as well. I will trust my own experiences and those that I know.
  17. Are you asking if I can prove it scientifically? If so I cannot. I know what I see and have seen. Bear and coyote numbers that have exploded. In the high peaks around us you will see more coyotes and bear than deer,even in very good mast years like this past. The maturation of the forest in the absence of logging and they dramatic increase in those two predators numbers are what I believe have most significantly contributed to the decline in the deer numbers in our high peaks regions. You are welcome to take a walk on snow with me,let's see how many deer tracks we cut up high.
  18. We could easily do what some other states do. If you don't report your take either successful or not you are not able to buy a tag the following year. Very simple, What unit did you hunt in? Did you harvest? What did you harvest? How many days did you hunt? What season did you harvest in etc.? This is not rocket science! I hunt whitetails in Idaho every year. If I don't either send in or complete an on line report of my success or lack of success I will be unable to hunt the following year. They get close to 100% reporting,their statistics are excellent and useful! Unbelievable how complicated NYS makes the obvious!!
  19. I have never hunted the Adirondacks,but I have hunted the catskills my entire life. The deer densities in the high peaks regions are terrible. The bear and the coyotes have devastated the deer numbers. Combine that with no logging permitted on state land and you have a quality of hunting that has deteriorated dramatically.
  20. It depends upon where you go. In some instances none,in other instances some or even many. The deeper you go the less likely you will see any one else.
  21. Great buck congratulations! Did any one check out the Bear massacre video that came up at the end? Those people are nuts!
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