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Everything posted by bushnell

  1. I like to poke and kick my deer before I get ahold of it. Sad to hear a story like that.
  2. Definately a huge track. Hope you can see him within the next few days. Good luck.
  3. Steve i thought maybe you didn't see the word SLUGS the first time you read it. Hey it happens.
  4. Title "I am not going into those woods without a flashlight. Have you read the post on Huntingny forum about the noises in the woods."
  5. Yes don't retaliate. Let him burn his bridges and call the dec. Totally agree with the camera option but make them cheap ones as he will probably destroy them if he see them. Just be CAREFUL.
  6. I leave mine hanging on the wall in my guy room year after year and never take it down. Steve I will try to take a pic tonight while I am packing and try to post it tomm morning.
  7. Phade so you use to take 3-5 shells with you or you still take that many out on occasion? The only time I ever exchanged ammo while hunting was about 4 years ago. Dad and I were rabbit hunting and we were down to our last rabbit. Make a long story short my dad and I were throwing ammo back and forth til we got the last rabbit.
  8. Yeah I am still trying to control my shakes. Tactical breathing is key to calming myself down.
  9. Yeah it is a great gun. The ammo is a little more expensive since it is not a "common" round. Looking into reloading within the next 5 years. Culver I think that you need to add Energy Bars to your menu. Seems like most guys take energy bars to the woods with them, after reading the one topic on eating in the woods.
  10. Since you were helping your buddy, I would have made him walk back to the truck while you waited at the last spot. LOL Alright Culver you talked me into taking more with me. (Do you know something about WW III) lol maybe i will bring all ammo that I have.
  11. Agreed. I carry 14 with me to the field. 5 in the gun, and extra magazine (4) and 5 loose ones in my pocket. I would rather have too many than not enough!
  12. Thanks again guys. Hopefully those 6 will get me through NY deer season and PA deer season. But thanks for all info.
  13. Thanks guys. 6 shots should be enough to fill 2 tags if needed. The deer trail that I watch is about 70 yards. I am going to take the other ones along just in case and if all works out I will buy some more 140's after season. Pygmy by the way I will becoming close to your location on Friday. We travel west on 417 through Addison.
  14. As I was packing lastnight I realized that I only have 6 rounds of my 140 grain ammo left. I have only shot 140 grain out of my .280 since I owned it. I have some 150 grain rounds. So my question is how much will my round drop being an extra 10 grains?
  15. He is not quite sure about the scent wick. Good video though. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Other. I will be using a Remington 7600 .280 cal.
  17. The one on the right, in the rear passenger seat should be in a child booster seat.
  18. Who uses a checklist or something similar before heading to the cabin or into the woods? I use a checklist that I made about 10 years ago. I never forget to pack anything before I head North for my annual hunt. My brother always seems to call the day before we leave and asks me if he forgot to pack anything. So I read off my checklist to him to see if he forgot anything. (I even pack a few extra items that the other guys always seem to forget). It never fails that when we get to where we are going somebody always says that they forgot something. If I buy something new I just add it to my list for the following year. So just wondering who else uses one?
  19. I will be happy if they hold off til this weekend when I am in the woods. Activity is really picking up in PA now. Almost had an 8 point around 11:30 in the morning on Thursday with the front end of my car.
  20. WNY does it state that you can not carry to out of state. If not I would think that you will be fine. I looked briefly at NY's Attorney General Website and found nothing that states the laws of your concealed carry permit.
  21. Damn wish I would have read this post sooner. I was just at Dick's the other day and just used some spray that had deet in it. Ticks are bad in PA this year as well. I have only pulled 14 off of my clothing this year. 6 of us were out the other day and pulled (not exaggerating) between 60-70 ticks off of our clothing.
  22. Identify your target first. And NOT with your SCOPE.....Be safe and good luck to everyone.
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