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Everything posted by bushnell

  1. The weather does look good. Looking forward to get out of work and into the woods.
  2. I would shoot without hesitation.
  3. Yell out I HATE HUNTING and throw down your gun and walk away really mad. JK Best thing would be maybe move your stand location the following day and hope to run into him again. Like VJP said he won't come back.
  4. Just have to watch yourself. Some of them can be pretty nasty. I believe some of them belong to ALF. They are an Animal Liberation Front. They have their own website that you can check out for details.
  5. I hunt all day long. I normally see some guys in the morning but they are normally gone by noon. The only thing I hate about opening day is the fact that I have no idea where the other guys are going to be standing. I just make sure that I get out there before they do that way if they are walking in I can use my flashlight to hopefully wave them off into another direction.
  6. WNY I was confused at first. I remember when you said that she was pregnant and she is due in March. (Having a rough week at work.) Congrats on the boy.
  7. Doc sorry to hear about the loss of a loved one. Please pass the condelances to everyone in your family from all your brothers on this forum. May GOD bless you and everyone in this time of need.
  8. What a brute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you get a chance at that big boy.
  9. I will be heading north from PA Friday morning around 9 a.m. We will stop for a big breakfast shortly into the trip and be up in the motel in NY around 12:30. We will then head to the farm to get our permission slips that we have to carry with us. I will be joined by my Brother, Father, Cousin, 3 Uncles and my buddy. I am so ready to leave work I can't stand it. I have just a few more things to pack. Best of luck to everyone and please be safe. Hope to hear some success stories and see some pics.
  10. bushnell


    Welcome to the forum.
  11. I have heard different stories as well and don't know the truth. But a dead yote is a good yote.
  12. Congrats to your buddies. I have been told that the activity is picking up but it is not in full swing yet.
  13. That is nuts. Just wonder what that other antler in embedded into since it didn't come out of the eye socket. That will be one awesome mount.
  14. I just wish the guy would have left the buck kill bigfoot then you would have proof that bigfoot really exists to.
  15. That is hard to believe. There are some amazing people around us but most probably go unnoticed. I would say that she has some money and is trying to help out anyway possible. She may not believe in giving to charity's because of all the scamming and taking of money that goes on. This way she can see who she is helping and maybe get a thank you from some of them. This lady is probably living by herself (husband probably passed away within the last year) and might not have family in the area or at all. I would have tried to get her name and stop in and visit or send her a christmas card. I would not have let her pay for my things as well. That is just absolutely amazing. Your right Noodle GOD BLESS that woman.
  16. Isles I would stay. They will be back. I am ready for a vacation. The season opener can NOT get here quick enough.
  17. That sucks. Sorry to hear about your situation. If you are able to drive maybe you could take a car ride the first day and maybe watch a field to see if you can see any deer. Best of luck and I hope you get better.
  18. I don't eat McDonalds anymore. I received an email about how McDonald's buys most of their beef from other countries and not from the U.S.
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