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About f3cbboy

  • Birthday 07/31/1969

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  • Location
    Nanuet NY

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  • Hunting Gun
    savage 30.06
  • Bow

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  1. if you guys could indulge me... my mom bought my dad a browning A5 in 1953 as a gift for him on their honeymoon up in wilmington just east of lake placid. they stayed in a chalet at the end of fox farm road. she got for him somewhere while they were there. she'll be 91 in january and has trouble fillin in some of the details...like what she payed for it. its all sentimental value to me anyway. But, this ad got me thinking about it again. any idea what that would go for new? Thanks
  2. fortunate year a bow buck and a gun buck. doe tags left to fill. i don't like killing does early - live decoys
  3. good luck get one! get it mounted for posterity!
  4. mine was a 2019 ram 1500 tradesman. least expensive truck on the lot that had 4 doors and a bed that helped with kids moving to college.
  5. i just payed 2k outta pocket due to my daughter hitting my leased 2yr old truck moving my unpaid for 3 yr old honda to get her 15 yr old honda outta the driveway. Original damage was estimated at 3.4k. (not including dmage to 3yr old honda) did it for the same reasons you did. didn't want accident on record of a car i didn't own. never been in this situation b4. this happened in 12/2020. Long story short i couldn't get the truck i wanted due to the chip shortage and had to buy the truck after the lease ended just to have something to drive. i had jsut hit a pool so having available $ wasn't a big deal but now that i own it, i probably should have went thru insurance. Plans change.
  6. beach in Palma de Majorca in the med was amazing in 1988
  7. looked like a good time! sorry i missed it. maybe next time. i just felt like sh*t yesterday. some nyquil and i feel way better this morning.
  8. i didn't want to spread misinformation. the rate is 1.9% with 0.5% off for automatic payments. the lowest possible is 1.49%. sorry for the confusion....
  9. with reference to cash vs financing the credit union i belong to give a 3yr old car loan the same as new new car loan. i think right now it is .9% and if i get auto deduction from my pay they take off another .5% this is really tough to argue for me. i too hate payments...
  10. "its like $200 a year iirc for the scratch and dent protection. I will never buy another truck. Leasing is the way to go. Beat em up and upgrade every 3 years if you're like me and don't put a ton of miles i wasn't even aware of the option...1st time i've ever leased anything...good information i have to look into selling the leasing rights on carvana ect. issue is 1.5 mos away from possibly turning in the truck with 2-3 month lead time on a new ford. may be a cold couple weeks on the bike if i have to.
  11. i'd like to put in my two cents about leasing. first truck i have ever not bought 2019 ram with the 3.6 motor not the hemi. 34 mos into a 36 mo lease. 10k a year for mileage and i am below - 27k right now. all depends if you want to buy in the end or give it back from what i can tell. i will end up giving them about $12,100 at the end of the lease for the 36 payments i made. truck was about $44,000 new. buy out is $21000 around after 3 yrs. diff being depreciation. i have been so worried about scratching or denting it that i haven't even used it really. took kids back and forth to college and threw a few deer in the back. the dealer request you to sign an agreement that says you wont use the truck for work i think i will buy it and try to get back some depreciation from the used market. looking for a new ford superduty. we'll see what the dealer gives me for it....
  12. i went out yesterday afternoon for about the last 2.5 hrs and saw one small buck on the way to the car - a forkhorn. working four day shifts (12hr) until sunday. i'm gonna miss not being out. good luck!
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