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Everything posted by PREDATE

  1. Maybe sit off to the side in an established stand to get a better gauge on them bedding there. Like you said they are moving more with pre rut kicking in so maybe a mock scrape would pull them into the area of an existing stand. If getting a new stand is an absolute plan then it sounds like getting in super early is the best bet. Good luck
  2. Their theory is that hunters like you and I would only complicate their efforts to trap them by spreading them out. I do think that deer hunters should be able to take feral hogs during deer season, but I don't think there are very many(if any) running wild in NYS these days.
  3. Very true. I actually like these heads because they seem more substantial than the muzzys that I've always used. The muzzys have always done great for me, but the blades get trashed quite easily.
  4. Although my ml is a Rem.700 I found the Hornady Monoflex to be a superb deer load. Worth a try IMO
  5. Darn it... I have the same broadheads. Hopefully I can get them to perform a little better.
  6. Then as with all hunting, we are confronted with the private land that is inaccessible. Just like deer, pigs will wisen up to hunting pressures and move to safe zones. I like your enthusiasm, but we'd need every hunter and landowner on board otherwise there would be pockets of unmolested pigs all over the state.
  7. We MIGHT be able to control numbers of pigs, but I really don't see the DEC bumping up the number of ECOs to patrol the state of New York year round. Also, people like to enjoy the state lands, state parks, etc. in the warmer months. I doubt they want to worry about gunfire while they take a stroll on public land.
  8. Ever seen what a group of them will do to a crop field in a single night? Not pretty. Now look into their reproduction rates, it's pretty wild.
  9. I'll have to wait til next weekend to kill my P&Y buck![emoji6] I'm halfway to Boston from Ontario county. Skies cleared up shortly after going through Syracuse. Happy soggy hunting this weekend folks.
  10. Definition of Predate is; To prey on or hunt for. Jeremy
  11. I think the warmer temps have concentrated alot of buck movement to after dark. Since they're all grouping together in fields, pastures,& meadows at night they can keep good tabs on the does. I like finding scrapes tucked away in secluded spots that border thick cover. That tells me that a buck could be bedding nearby and will feel more secure checking the scrape in daylight.
  12. Interesting nickname your boy has.
  13. This time of year you'll probably be limited since trapping starts in like a week
  14. I've been on more of a jolly rancher or werthers original kick the past few years. May have to swing by tops for some deer kryptonite.
  15. Yeah not really. So asking a question is now violating "thread rules"? Especially when I read posts about sitting on planes, wearing shorts, live from the couch/office, etc.
  16. The lull will break open into full out rut chaos soon my friend. Happy hunting!
  17. Tomorrow should be fine. They are moving early. You'd be wise to set up between fields and thick cover or in a secluded oak grove that borders thick cover. If nothing else you could do some low impact scouting at mid day to check for scrapes/rubs. I'm finding new ones every time out. Good luck
  18. Tonights treat. Shaggy Manes. Still got 8-10 in the lawn that I'm letting get big enough for harvest. Also found some Inky Caps(single one in pic). They are edible, BUT they contain Coprine which has the same effects as Antabuse so since I had a couple beers tonight I threw it back in the yard. It is said that consuming alcohol even 3-4 days after eating inky caps can lead to some pretty good gastro intestinal upset.
  19. Knight & Hale fighting purr system. Say what you will, but I've seen many a thunder chicken lured in to his demise by them. If you didn't have one strapped to your guns forearm then you were missing out. I remember watching the VHS tape that came with the calls when I was 9 or 10
  20. Mushrooms have high water content so they freeze up nicely. Just have your stockpot/frying pan warmed up before you even take the mushrooms out of the freezer otherwise they can start to wilt and turn brown rather quickly. Another option would be to marinate them in olive oil, vinegar, garlic cloves & spices. Woodsmans tofu!
  21. IMO the gem studded puffballs have a more balanced but delicate taste
  22. Passed these puffballs and Maitake up last weekend, didn't feel like toting them home. However these Shaggy Manes sprouting up in my yard will make for a fine breakfast tomorrow! There's about 12-15 more that are just emerging.
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