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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. It doesn't sound silly at all... I absolutely do lack the patience to sit in a tree and wait for a deer to walk by..whether or not real hunters have patience is a matter of opinion as well... if what I think is deer hunting is taken as an insult then oh well I guess you've been insulted... I don't base my opinions on whether or not someone agrees with them or not... and I never said that anyone that waits for deer is not a hunter "at all"... I said sitting in a treestand is waiting not hunting... not the same thing.. not sure what you think I'm running from I haven't changed my position at all... waiting is not hunting to me.. not sure which part you aren't understanding
  2. Doc, I never figured you for a bluegrass type guy... I guess we have more in common than I thought. I play the fiddle and the mandolin since about 8th grade... grew up playing bluegrass and old time country music. Love attending any bluegrass or fiddlin' fest when I get a chance.. The fiddlers Hall of fame is just around the corner from my camp in Redfield NY in a little one horse town called Osceola
  3. An unethical distance is one you know you shouldn't be shooting from... i know there are some that can shoot remarkably at distances greater than 20 yards.. and who am I to say they shouldn't.. most hunters know their limitations... if you're shooting beyond those limitations then I would think your ethics could be in question That thought is based on hunting as we know it today as a sport and a conservation effort.. if I'm hunting to eat... ethics gets thrown out the window... and I'm banking on the deer 50-60, hell.. 100 yards away running into my arrow.
  4. If a buck is running from me.. he better hide his ass.. cuz I'll send a bullet up it in a texas heart beat.. no pun intended (ok that was intended) I would not do the same with bow and arrow. As for the mess.. gutting a deer is messy anyway.. so it doesn't bother me
  5. The real difference between hunting and hiking or camping isn't in the use of the land.. we all get to use the land for free... hunters have to pay for the privelege to take something from the land they are using.. same as a fisherman... hikers and campers are taking nothing from the land..
  6. No.. I didn't say they weren't hunters at all.. just when they are stand hunting... thats my opinion... I don't think liver and onions is a delicious meal either.. but maybe you do.. just a difference of opinion... and perfectly fine that some don't agree... like I said if you think its hunting then I guess it is to you.. but it isn't to me... thats why I don't do it. If I someday decide to do it again... because I'm old and feeble... I will enjoy it because it gets me in the woods where I can maybe see and shoot a deer.. but I'm still going to call it waiting..not hunting...lol To some .. baiting is hunting.. but I'm sure many of you feel differently.. are you wrong or are they wrong? I would say its just a difference of opinion.
  7. I've rattled in many young bucks over the years... some that have literally come in running.. I use the tickle method and the crashing method.. both seem to work very well on young bucks... I have reattled in 2 bucks for other fellas to harvest but I have yet to kill a buck that I rattled in ... mainly because mature bucks will always come into the wind to investigate a sound that they are curious about... and I usually get busted being on the ground.. I think they must smell my cigar
  8. Don't forget that game was much more abundant back then... way more habitat and places to hide.. I'm sure the indians knew about staying out of a deers wind which is most important when hunting from the ground. They were patient because they had all the time in the world to hunt. Different time different circumstances... I believe if you are a stationary hunter and waiting for deer to come to you.. you will definitely need to mask your scent...however,scent control to me and the way I hunt... is staying downwind. I seldom use any scent control and more often than not have a cigar in my mouth when I hunt..in fact I was smoking a cigar when I killed my last 2 mature bucks... I'm not advocating not using scent.. or saying that smoking a cigar is necessarily a smart idea while hunting... but neither has ever hampered my ability to kill a nice buck.
  9. nyantler


    I shoot the same in a CVA... same powder, measure and patched roundball.. only I lube my patches with the homemade lube.. you know.. the Murphy's oils soap and alcohol formula... I usually use 4f in the pan though.. or is it 7f? OMG I forgot!! Man I must be gettin' older...
  10. Good Boy.. Thats exactly my opinion...you don't have to agree... thats ok... I hope you didn't miss the part where I said killing a yearling buck isn't a challenge either ..
  11. What a lot of people call decimated is actually an over populated herd finally getting back to where it should be... the fact that a hunter has to work to get a deer when he use to be able to just sit for 5 minutes on the front porch and see deer.. doesn't mean that the herd is decimated. Farmers might like having the hunters around.. their motivation is different than conservations motivation... too many deer to a farmer is not necessarily too many deer for an area... Sunday hunting was not allowed for years because of the religious day of rest... not because of something hunters did or didn't do... if that need for a religious observance isn't required by the general public then I see no reason not to have sunday hunting.. unless it disrupts any management plan.. which I'm sure could be readjusted to fit the addition of an extra day of hunting.
  12. Back in the early days people actually attended church and observed the sabith.. so I'm sure most of those people were ok with the no Sunday hunting rule.. I'm not sure that there were many "right wing zealots" in 1873.. I don't even think the term was used until recently.. they may have been conservative people... but because they were religious people and looked at Sunday as a holy day of rest doesn't make them a zealot..
  13. You can shoot 9 out of 10 from 30-40-50 yards... but the first arrow is the one that counts... if you're missing the first shot each time then you shouldn't be shooting from that distance.. anyone can throw out a few tracers then narrow the group.. in a hunting situation only the first shot counts
  14. nyantler

    Fufu Arrows

    I use flu flus... my friends and I practice shooting foam disks out of the air... surprising how good you can get at it when you practice a bit... never seen anyone shoot them from a compound... I get mine on Ebay
  15. No more animals for our family... I have never been without a dog in the family for since I was born (52 Years)... time for my wife and I to enjoy an empty nest... I love having a pet, but hard saying goodbye to one of the family when the time comes... don't care to do it again.. I thought about maybe a goldfish, but couldn't think of how to train one to bring me my slippers..
  16. Sorry to say our 17 year old beagle "Gunner" left home July 4th weekend never to return... our assumption is he went of somehwere to die.. My family spent the weeekend searching the neighborhood and putting out flyers.. combing the woods... but came up with nothing... He may have saved us the trouble of having to make the decision to have him put down someday.. but it would have been nice to have found him... even if dead.. and put the matter to rest... tough not knowing.
  17. I gotta say I'm one of those guys that likes the extra detail in a mount.. natural or unnatural I like the character it adds to the mount... yes sometime it may seem a bit overboard but at least I know that the taxidermist cared enough to spend some time on the mount to make it interesting..not just pump it out for a $buck$.. no pun intended
  18. 125.. they pack a whallop at 20 yards... and fly great from my bow.. but thats a recurve with cedar shaft arrows... not a compound
  19. Most bucks in NY don't ever reach their genetic potential, they never get old enough.. so how would you know what genetics they even have?
  20. you're right... I must have had something in my head I needed to get out... the post was directed towards NJG's post but after reading things over again.. I was a bit out of line.. sorry guys... carry on
  21. .. yes I agree there really isn't all that much to get excited about.. even though sometimes we do... but these are the kinds of places that some guys rely on for all their information... and some of the nonsense passed off as factual or even semi-factual is harmless in the sense that it fuels ignorance. Now I understand that you will always get some of that with an open forum.. I'm just saying that those that aren't willing to get the real facts will continue to pass on the nonsense. It happens here all the time.. someone will argue a point with an old wives tale they heard from their grampa 30 years ago as if it had any merit in fact... some young kid or newbie hunter might read that and think "This guy's been hunting a long time, he must know what he's talking about".. when in fact he doesn't...
  22. It's funny how some of you guys really like showing how much you don't like the whole idea of scoring a buck.. but this particlular thread is about someone asking what we think the score might be... he didn't ask if it was a trophy or not , just what it might score... and I think some of the guys are having fun coming up with guesses
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