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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. I always tell my clients to buy either Delta or Moen products when it comes to plumbing fixtures... they are the only brands with readily available replaceable parts... you can even still get the parts for older Moen and Delta fixtures at your local hardware store. It saves on having to change the entire fixture later on, especially bath fixtures where the controller would have to be changed if the fixture fails... which means tearing apart the wall to get to the controller.
  2. You do what you want... I was only expressing my opinion. You're entitled to your own. Not really up for a lengthy debate about GS cookies. They're good, I like 'em... won't buy 'em from the kids parents. Don't feed the dog the chocolate ones... chocolate isn't good for dogs.
  3. I will agree that the wet tanning process today is superior to wet tanning done in the past... I still want mine dry tanned and done by a qualified taxidermist.
  4. Then maybe she's too tied up to be selling cookies or be a girl scout. I wonder if she has time to earn her own merit badges? Isn't there one for riding your bike in the deep snow?? Do they live 12 miles away from everyone or just you? My friends drive their daughters to my home and make them come to the door to sell their own cookies.
  5. It takes just as much toughness to NOT kick the crap out of someone... especially when you know that's what they really need.
  6. I love GS cookies... but I refuse to buy the cookies from the parents of the girls... if the girls don't come the door then there will be no sale. Parents shouldn't be doing the job of selling cookies... the kids should be learning how to deal with people and put in the time to raise money for the group they are involved in. It's getting harder each year to pull the trigger on buying them... the price keeps going up and the box keeps getting smaller. I'm an old softy though when I see the kids smiling faces at the door... and I find myself caught in the GS cookie spell.
  7. Remember too... one persons idea of a good mount may be a lot different than another persons... I've seen mounts I wouldn't pay $5 for that the owner thought was spectacular. I suppose if you like the mount and how it turned out that is the only thing that matters. If you're happy with it , I'm happy for you.
  8. You can wet tan and tumble, but most taxidermists that have quick turn around don't. They do a quicker version of wet tanning that doesn't give you the nice soft leather tan that a good tanning process produces. There are good taxidermists that are very good at wet tanning and do tumble their hides, but there was a trend years ago where some were doing a quick wet process that preserved the hide, yet didn't really give the hide a good "tanning"... they were spitting out mounts in 60 days... and it showed after just a few years. You might be lucky enough to have a good taxidermist that does it the old school professional way. I've had hides tanned that I mounted years later and the hides were just as soft then as when they were finally put on the form... I have seen few wet tanned hides done in house that weren't a shrunken mess if not put on a form immediately... those kind of taxidermists ran rampant for years with a lot of disappointing mounts and disappointed hunters after a few years. Even a good taxidermists work won't hold up with a poorly tanned hide.
  9. I would never use a taxidermist that wet tans a hide... especially if he doesn't tumble the hide as part of the process. The mount may look fine initially, but will not hold up as well over the years... unless you like the smile that the deer gets in a few years from the hide's continued shrinkage... thre is definitely a difference in the longevity of the mount based on how it is tanned... after that the work depends on the talent of the taxidermist. I'm not saying a good taxidermist can't do a great mount using wet tanning... I'm saying the mount won't hold up as well over time.
  10. If a taxidermist tells you he will get it back to you in a couple months... look for a different taxidermist! Most likely he isn't professionally tanning the hide. I have never gotten a head back in less than 8 months. Some taxidermists might be quicker if not busy... but my experience tells me if they aren't busy... they probably aren't the best choice.
  11. I can't say that I'm an avid shed hunter, but I dabble a bit. I'm horrible at it! I have found many full skulls with antlers during hunting season, but I have only found one shed antler in my life... and it was a 3" spike!! Go figure! I've pulled more antlers off late season buck's head's than I've found in the woods... finding shed antlers is not one of my talents...
  12. There are people that think that any presence of a gun in a home or on ones person is dangerous to society. They are of the belief that if there were no guns at all there would be no mass killings or killings at all. It is hard to combat that mentality... but even harder is getting people with that mentality to actually pay attention long enough to understand why their thought process is flawed. Its hard to change the minds of those that refuse to hear your side of the debate. Maybe one of those TV shows where they prank people might help... stage fake home invasions at the homes of anti-gunners... maybe then they'll pay attention.
  13. "No, I don;t have that... But, I do have a guitar string with Gene Autry's fingerprint."
  14. Either Sardines or Mackerel... like them both!
  15. Was that Wilbur or Orville?
  16. My honor I offered, My offer she honored, So all night long it was honor, offer, honor, offer, honor, offer...
  17. Pretty soon people will be wanting only threads related to their particular weapon of choice or animal of choice. It's never ending for some who will never be satisfied. This site is set up so that you can go directly to the particular subject you are interested in with a click of the mouse... and still there are those that continue to click on a thread they are not interested in and complain that it is somehow disrupting their forum experience. If anything on here upsets you so much that you need to spend time lobbying to change it, rather than go elsewhere... you might want to try a forum that discusses social disorders and the inability to play well with others. If everyone acted like adults, there would be no need for moderators. But, name calling, profanity and complaining seem to be the order of the day for some.
  18. I still use it quite a bit... I spent years learning to mimic the bard owls at camp and have gotten pretty good at calling with my mouth. I have called many an owl right to my camp in the evening while sitting by the fire. It is fun listening to the owls answer getting closer and closer until they finally are wooting in a tree directly above the camp before realizing they have been had. It still works well as a locator for Tom's.
  19. This post shows how little you know about the biker culture... and just like at "Cheers", everybody knows my name. You may be too young to catch that reference
  20. or if people would move on from threads they are offended by, irritated by, or not interested in.. Nobody is forced to participate in any of the threads. If you don't like the subject move on. I promise nobody will hunt you down and force you to read what you don't want to read.
  21. I feel great! How do I look?
  22. Maybe we should ban regular stoves and ovens... they start more fires than wood stoves. Maybe ban lamps because someone could put a bulb in that is over the recommended wattage... or even charcoal grills... someone could go crazy with the lighter fluid. Do you see where I'm going here? We all know why they want to ban wood stoves... it is all about global warming, or climate change (whichever you prefer), automobiles emit more carbon into the air in a years time than any wood stove. It's all just another example of liberal governments wanting to get all up in everyone elses business. It gets rather tiresome after a while.
  23. I can't think of a single deer I've taken or shot at from more than 50 yards with the ML... I shoot my Hawken every week all winter long at 100 yards and I'm confident at that distance with my peep sight... seems like when the time comes I just like getting closer. I'm not a scope guy... I don't own one... so chances are I won't be taking much game at longer distances. 100 yards seems like light years away for me in the woods.
  24. I used to wear one, but you can get the same pattern in fleece now which is much lighter. The weight gets a little much after a day of walking in the ADK's. I still have my Woolrich wool pants that I pull out when the temp really drops.
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