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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/6739-tree-stands-on-state-land/ Really?
  2. Photo Shop Non-Typical. -200 on the B&C. Doesn't look real. Nothing branching off, just a clump of horns.
  3. Not my wife, but this year I got the g/f a Kindle Fire HD, and some things to go with that. Kinda hard as her B/D is three weeks after XMas. For her B/D, bought an engagement ring. Nothing fancy, broke Joe here. Hope she says yes.
  4. As usual, you all missed the point. Just bully the OP! This was a legit question. The real point was, if you have all this BS going on in your spot, why don't you take pics? You have a phone on you 24/7 . So taking pics of stands on "Your Land " would make sense. It doesn't matter. The word of the masses over-powers the people who ask a serious question. Who cares right? Do what you will, bitch about all you will. No pics it didn't happen. Words from Lawd.
  5. Oh. We can play...............................
  6. I looked at the date. Sorry, again, God forbid any of you master posters make a damn mistake. I stand by the snow makes things look brighter. No I would not shoot. Even thought I only hunt with a bow. This is a troll thread. You are looking for validation to break the law, or for others to accept and go along with breaking the law. Been done 30 times since I been a member here. Wrong is wrong.
  7. Internet bullying is a crime these days. So, yeah, you can be sued. AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 To get back on track.................................. NRA? Support or no?
  8. No. The OP said time of sunrise was 7:10. Pic was what? 6:22? Snow reflects light and UV rays. Makes things look brighter then they are. This is yet again, another "Would You Break The Law?" troll thread.
  9. Congrats to all who filled tags. To those of us who didn't but still saw deer, we learned, and next year will be our year! I hope everyone had a safe and great season. Happy Holidays to all.
  10. I have asked that. It worked out well for me.............All opinions are welcome, as long as you agree with the top posters and staff favorites........ It doesn't matter what you/me/anyone posts. 70% ( estimated ) of the threads turn into font wars. Like I said, it is what it is. You either conform, or get flamed. As for the NRA, what the thread should have been about? Join or don't. Personal preference. Just like any group, it has it's good and it's bad.
  11. I got around 20 days. Not a lot. Hunted 3 areas. 2 public and 1 private. One public area just has too many people for the small area, and I hunted about 5 areas in that area, if that makes sense. Takes me 15 to 20 minutes to get to any of those spots. Started seeing deer late Oct. in a couple of those areas. Public area #2, took about 40 minutes to get to. Only hunted there once this season. Hadn't been there for almost 20 years. One day in the reg season, and I saw a few does. No scouting. Private land, hour away. 6 days. Saw deer almost every time. NZ and does.
  12. This is like asking someone why they like life. A true hunter can't really explain why they love it. I have never considered hunting a "sport", It's a part of who I am. There's just no simple answer to this question. Many of us would need a book to explain it.
  13. I agree with the portion I made red here. It is what it is though, we just have to get over it. The orange? I have owned, been an Admin/Global Mod/Mod on many sites and forums. Being staff and being an OWNER are two very different issues. I have owned a few sites, still own a current site, with about 4 sub forums/sites.. We do not put anyone on the "Mod" list. I warn, if the warning doesn't decrease we delete the members account, but allow them to return if they keep within the rules. If they come back, and still act like an idiot, we ban their ISP, IP, and email ( if you don't own a website or understand what it really takes to own and run a site, not just drop on the web and go, you might not understand that ). But, we would never stop a member post from going out. I agree the Mods here should get more involved, but a site with this much activity, approving the posts from all the people with different "opinions" would take all day for 5 people. Not censorship, but a bit more moderation. I have to agree here. the NRA is mainly a political force that's supposed to help gun owners rights. It doesn't always work out the way we want, but it's better to support them then do nothing.
  14. Yeah. Ya know what...........You're right..
  15. No, I am not trying to get panties ruffled. I am not calling anyone a liar. I am just trying to understand a few things. This is a legitimate question. Not a baiting or trolling thread. The private land I hunt, part of the deal is if I see someone who doesn't belong there, or I find a stand/blind, w/e. I have to tell the land owner ASAP, and get pics. Doesn't seem to be an issue on that land. But, why wouldn't everyone who suspects others might be where they are not welcome take pics as well. Easier to talk to the land owner or DEC if you have proof. I am just asking a question. Something I feel is a solid question. If you want to to distort it, that's you not me.
  16. I did read. I get it. Big buck there as I already said great deer. I just wanted to make sure I had the scoring for NY right. Can't score in NY. Thank you.
  17. OK> So, I shoot a huge bull Moose in Canada. I can claim a record for NY? I shoot a huge WT in TX, I can submit it as a record NYS deer? Look, I am not trying to be an a$$ here, but I thought the record would have to be in the state you made the kill. If you didn't kill the deer in NY, then it's not a NY record. Right?
  18. I have read at least 15 threads started about poachers and trespassers. So, I have a few questions. Yeah, I know this thread will go awry fast...But, I have a need to know........ Where do you all hunt? I highly doubt you have poachers in a suburban area. With the law so close? "Shots fired in blah blah." will get attention. Fast! 20 miles from the nearest town, I could see them poaching that area. Not 5 minutes from the local Quickie Mart. Trespassers? Read a ton that people who see stands and so on, on the land they "have privileged/solo right to". Yet, not one person has taken a pic of the alleged stand. We all carry a cell phone with a camera. So, why are these stands not documented? No pics of the Posted signs on the ground? I know where this thread will go, and it's pretty lame that it will take that turn. But, I really have a need to want to know.
  19. How would it be a NY record of it was killed in Iowa? Just curious.
  20. I was out this AM. Froze my nono's off. Got in about 7 ( late ), and at 8 I was done. I was shivering bad and knew I would never draw my bow and make a good shot. I really wanted to sit till 9 and then head to my DR. appointment. I am not making tag soup. I will make tag fillet mignon. I have seen deer, and that keeps me going. Dr. sent me for a few tests again. Told me no strenuous activities for two weeks. What ever. Deer season is almost over, so only weather getting in the way. I hate sitting with a bow when it's freezing cold and raining. It's just not fun then. But damn the world, I plan to still be out there until the deer season ends. Then, I will get ready for Spring Turkey season. If you get even a spare 2 hours, I would get in the woods.
  21. This a NY Hunting Forum......Not Jersey......So expect members to be Bills fans. Jersey Hunting forum is that way <-------------------------.
  22. Maybe that's a hint? LOL........ J/K
  23. Ever notice how any Buffalo team never gets a good call...........Anyone remember that "Oilers" game? Forward lat. Or, how about the Sabres? The famous "Blue Line"..... At least we still have a winning record for this time of the year.
  24. Yeah, take 8 more days, put a MZ or Bow in hand, add the woods...
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