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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by J.B.

  1. I would try [email protected] This was what they have listed on their website.
  2. We have had a good experience with them. They are responsive when we contact them. We have had our lease for about 10 years now with no plans of dropping it.
  3. We lease from this company. So far we have had good relations with them. I am not sure how up to date their website is, but you could shoot them an email and see if they have any available. https://www.woodwiseland.com/hunting-lease.html
  4. I did it recently with my 4 year old. I am not sure if they need to be there or not, but she was. We only needed her birth certificate. I don't remember her having to do anything. They did give us a license card and a receipt that we filed away.
  5. In for an after-work sit (only my 3rd so far this year) this spot has had a another of buck activity right before dark the past few days. I'm hoping it keeps up. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  6. I use the schwacker broadheads as well. At the speeds your shooting i think which ever your comfortable with and is accurate will be fine. Also, for discharge i picked up one of these arrows a few years back and it makes it very easy. https://www.walmart.com/ip/22-Inch-Crossbow-Release-Bolt-Single-PackWITHSTAND-GROUND-IMPACT-Easy-recovery-ultra-dense-steel-front-end-tip-built-stay-intact-without-By-Carbon-Ex/809320617?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101190632&adid=22222222227809320617_101190632_141412546465_18497457021&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=625812790206&wl4=aud-1651068664546:pla-1807966999147&wl5=9005556&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=608354504&wl11=online&wl12=809320617_101190632&veh=sem&gclid=Cj0KCQjwteOaBhDuARIsADBqReiIZI4IZaV6Ms8sCjw0q5J6QQQL-fMdGLnFtm8ks1UN7LdsGTCU6eQaAmfKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  7. J.B.

    Kids age

    This past monday i took my daughter out for the second year in a row. She is 5. We sit in a ground blind and watch the squirrels. She loves getting out in the woods. I never plan on seeing anything, she walks like a heard of elephants through the leaves. That's not the point of the trip though.
  8. J.B.

    Buzz Baits

    Has anyone ever fished with a whopper plopper? I picked one up last year and had a few great mornings with it.
  9. That extra hour of sleep will be nice on those early drives to the woods during gun season.
  10. Windy and snowing here in 9H. Good day for the ground blind. Saw 4 does on the walk in but so far nothing moving through this neck of the woods. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  11. Track went about 150yds. Found him around 1030. 8 points with a kicker on one of the bases. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  12. Took the day off because the weekend looked a little iffy. Turns out it was the right choice. Just put what looked like a good shot on a nice 8 trailing a doe. I'm gonna give it a bit before I start the track. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  13. I am getting pretty excited. I sighted mine in this past weekend. Always seems that the action is just heating up right when its time to pull them out. Good luck to everyone heading out!
  14. Took the day off to hit the woods. Saw a doe and a spike (barely) this morning. Lots of fresh sign. Hoping a big one comes through this afternoon. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  15. Second sit of the year in 9H. Jumped in the ground blind due to the rain. Beach nuts everywhere. I hope the squirrels leave some for the deer. Had a doe with two little ones sneak by earlier. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  16. Another one yesterday while i was getting out of work. I moved this camera to a scrape about 20 yards from where it was first set up. I think its time to start burning that vacation.
  17. Getting some new bucks on camera this past week. All an hour or so before sun up. Hopefully they stick around for one of my upcoming sits.
  18. If i can get one early in the season to fill the freezer ill take one, but once the chasing starts I'll pass on them until the second weekend of the gun season.
  19. Great first track! Look forward to reading these all year.
  20. There are some beauties in those pics. Good luck this year!
  21. I drove across the state yesterday and saw a few strutters. Looking forward to getting out in a few weeks.
  22. Last Saturday I was able to get this deer right before sundown. He was chasing off a small 4-pointer and came 15 yards to my left. Took the shot and he didn't make it 40 yards. My biggest buck to date.
  23. Our group leases a large piece of land from a logging company. Its almost completely covered in forest. We take advantage of our areas where there are breaks in the canopy to put in our food plots. Even if they are small that little bit of food seems to bring deer in.
  24. Made it out Saturday. Went most of the morning without hearing anything. Around 8:30 was able to locate two birds and call them in over about 45 minutes. Paced the shot at 32 yards. 9" beard, 1" Spurs.
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