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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. $400 for a 18 foot Grumman? Man someone should jump all over this! Would make a nice little fishing boat.
  2. Stayed up to watch the entire game! I need a nap.
  3. In my estimation, these "slob" hunters that are not "woodsmen" will have a very hard time, getting deer within the effective range of a compound or crossbow. And a lot of times, even a center fire rifle! Perhaps their stumbling and bumbling will even bump a nice buck to an "elite" hunter? I've had it happen to me. Deer do not have much to fear from the type of hunters you describe. But just remember too, that we were all inexperienced hunters at some point.
  4. Quality over crap every time! Always use the best you have. Do the swap and get that bad boy sighted in and ready to go!
  5. Papist should start his own "Deer Search" !!!!!
  6. My season, so far to a tee! I'm all in on this one!
  7. Things get crazy enough during hunting season! I don't need to be overly superstitious to add to the mayhem!......lol But if things don't pick up soon, I may have to dig out that old Scentlok hat with the worn out brim!!!!
  8. You didn't leave that $300 phone on the bumper of your car again did you?
  9. Doc, respectfully saying, that when I made this post, guns in the archery season was the farthest thing from my thoughts. I really don't know why everything has to get twisted around when it comes to the crossbow debate. I do understand the strong feelings on both sides. But the very last thing I would like to see is any type of firearms used during "bow" season. I will not participate in another crossbow debate, as there has been enough said already from both sides here. Best of luck to you this season sir.
  10. Real easy to shoot too, I bet. Two shots of practice and it's off to kill all the deer!
  11. I have something in the works on a huge upgrade for next year! But this year it will be my Savage Axis in 7mm/08 with Leupold vx1 3x9x40. Back up and drive gun will be an Ithaca Deerslayer 2 in 12ga. with a Leupold 1x4. And for late season, a Thompson Center Thunderhawk Shadow.
  12. Papist, I would like to congratulate you on a great buck! A true monarch! I would also like to say, it's been a long time since I've seen someone, with so much dogged determination to recover their deer. You have my utmost admiration sir. You are a perfect example of what we should all strive to be.
  13. Hear that knocking on the door? It's those nice people in the white coats. They just want to take you for a little ride. Now go along with them. We'll all still be here when you get back.
  14. Although I do respect LJC's opinion, even if it differs from my own. I feel the guy was just arguing for the sake of arguing. And made little sense as he was talking in circles. See ya dude..........
  15. Hope you feel better soon! This past Monday I got back to my truck after doing a little scouting, farther down from a ridge set up. I felt something on my hand, it's a tick. Then the other hand, another tick. Look at my pants and there had to be a dozen of them on me. The rest of the afternoon I had at least six more crawling on me! On the way home, yup, another one on my hand. I couldn't wait to get home, strip down, put everything in the washer and get in the shower! I've never seen them this bad in the hill towns of Albany county. So far I'm surprised to not find one embedded in me. I do think the Under Armor base layer, helps to keep most of them off my skin. But man, do I hate them things!!!
  16. Have that pic framed, and hang it under the mount when you get him!
  17. Don't do many all day sits anymore. But do hunt 5-6 hours quite often in the morning, before moving to another stand or come out for a coffee to warm up, and then back in till dark. I do bring an old flip phone with me for emergencies or help with a drag. But it rarely comes out of my pocket. I try to keep my mind busy with the hunt! Things like, is the wind shifting or swirling? If a deer should come from there I'll do this or that. Was that a leaf falling or the flick of a tail? Is that a tree rat digging for nuts behind me or is it a deer? How far is it, again to that stump? And when all else fails. Where is that plane coming from, going to, how many people on board, who are they going to see????.........lol Did the wind change or is it swirling?............
  18. Tacks, I've wish a lot of hunters good luck this year. But tomorrow I'm wishing you the very best of luck. To get one for your Dad. But weather you get a deer or not. He will be sitting there, right beside you, smiling that smile you know so well.
  19. Heal up quick, feel better soon and get back out there. Crossbow starts this Saturday! I may hunt with my crossbow. Or I may continue to hunt with my compound. Nice to have a choice!
  20. I feel your pain Papist. I've been there too. And If you hunt long enough, it happens to almost all hunters. But as long as you gave every effort to recover the deer. And I think you have. Learn what you can from it and get back to hunting! The sting from something like this will always stay with you. But all our hunting experiences combined, good and bad. Make us the hunters we are.
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