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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. www.unitedbloodtrackers.org www.deersearch.org
  2. I have the Barnett Raptor and I'd say it's, OK. Shoots a bit over 300fps and I really haven't had many problems, except the bolt retaining spring breaking a couple times. But my buddy bought the PSE Fang this year, and I like that better! Just seems like it is better made and fits better for more comfortable shooting. Both are VERY accurate!
  3. Also, United Blood Trackers.
  4. The dynamic duo! Bones and Otis!!! Nice picture Paula.
  5. Highs today only in the mid 40s. Wind has dropped off. A front coming through tomorrow, that will bring in some snow and cold rain. If I could have thought up a good excuse, I'd be out there, instead of here at work! Good luck to all, who are out there! I really think today will be a good one to be out!
  6. grampy

    Fall Smallmouth

    That's a beauty of a smallmouth! And you did the right thing putting her back, to make more just like her. Nice job.
  7. I honestly meant no disrespect to you. And I truly want you to recover your deer. And as a NYS licensed tracker, if I were closer, I would absolutely do all I could to help you. After you did all you could to help yourself. If there is anything I can do to help , just PM me and I'll be happy to get you headed in the right direction. Best of luck to you sir.
  8. You nailed it wooly! Tracking dogs are your absolute last option, after doing everything you possibly can, to recover your own deer!
  9. Sorry to say, John has retired from tracking now. But is still screening calls for other handlers. He is one of the most knowledgeable blood trackers in the world. And it has been my pleasure to learn from him and spend time with him in the woods tracking. I would encourage anyone, who would like to learn more about blood tracking without a dog. To read this book written by John Jeanneney. It has a wealth of information that can and will help any hunter become better at blood tracking. It could very well make the difference, between recovering or not recovering a deer, at some point in a hunters career. And it's worth way more than what the book costs! I have no monetary connection to this book whatsoever. But highly recommend every hunter to read this book.
  10. Yes, John was my mentor when I got started in 1999. We were almost neighbors. Saw him a couple weeks ago. Health problems have been keeping him down.
  11. In our area of 4H that is a shooter all day!
  12. Congratulations to both the young hunter and his mentor! This is just so awesome, on so many levels. Great job guy's!
  13. Hang Em High, I want to congratulate you on a nice collection of racks! As I have said, ALL deer are trophies! Yours included! Which one of your trophies means the most to you? One of those big beautiful 8 points? That's really cool! But consider this, somewhere, someone has pictures of, or a mount of, a small spike buck. And that spike buck means every bit as much, to them, as your biggest "trophy" does to you! Even if they have killed something WAY bigger than you have! So you see, a trophy, could really be anything, from a doe fawn to the next B and C world record! I really hope you see where I'm coming from with this. But sadly, you may not.
  14. Yankee's fan here too. Gotta go with the Cubs, as well. I think it will be a great series and good for baseball! Play Ball!!!
  15. Very close to 600 acres between two properties.
  16. Be happy to. PM sent. Thank you! It would have been great to meet you! Maybe we could meet up for coffee at the East Berne Mobil, during a break in the hunting day, sometime soon? I'm buying! I don't think anyone was taping last night. But it may be something, for us to try in the future? Thanks!
  17. Dang! It would have been nice to meet you! We hung around outside for a little bit before leaving. We could have gone into more detailed stuff. But they wanted us to give the presentation before doing the regular club meeting. So we didn't want to hold up the meeting for too long and just gave basic info. And we wanted to leave up to date contact info for hunters to get in touch with someone, should they need help.But that club has some awesome members and I would never turn down a request to do anything for them. Maybe we could meet at the East Berne Mobil for a cup of coffee, at some point, during the season? Best of luck to you out there and keep safe!


  18. Yup, I agree with AT after sering the pic's, he is a beautiful two and a half year old buck. To a degree, genetics play a role in deer coloration. Just like some people have light or darker hair. I've seen deer from very dark to almost a total grey color with their winter coats. Regardless of his age you have taken a very nice buck! Congratulations to you sir!
  19. Thanks guys. Had a great turn out with well over 100 hunters and club members. Some great questions from a great group of guys and gals. Was asked to come back for hunter education courses and will happily do that. Also got more presentations coming and will post them with more time in advance. As always, if I can help anyone here just ask or PM me anytime. I will always be happy to help.
  20. So hard to tell just seeing the head. Cause I've seen older deer with smaller headgear and nice up and comers with above normal antlers. But the body don't lie! It is much easier to judge age by body size and shape. That being said, to answer your question about your beautiful buck, two and a half, "maybe" three and a half, would be my guess.
  21. We will also have tracking dogs and a true rarity. A female tracker/dog handler! She was just certified this year and doing well so far! Bottom line is we are hunters helping hunters. Should be a good time!
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