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Everything posted by phade

  1. Pretty sure the sniper wants the target dead, and is inarguably much more important than a deer. Sorry, bad response on your part.
  2. Thanks, you finally said it. Let's stop with this holier than thou approach about effective range, whether long distance shooter or up-close preference.
  3. What do you do when it happens then? Not accept it? Do you decline and ask/demand the deer to come back for a follow-up shot? If risk is inescapable and will be realized, there is an acceptable level of risk. It's impossible to not accept a known risk that cannot be avoided. In this case, the risk is set by the hunter when abiding by the legal constraints and no other hunter can determine that for them. The only way to guarantee a zero loss rate is to not hunt. Therefore, you have accepted it because you hunt. And, you have realized it, twice.
  4. Montezuma is a missed opportunity because of how it is managed. You can't scout ahead of season, and you have to get the daily check-in permits from the office. I've hunted it in gun 2x with my FIL and there are some worthwhile spots, but you're literally having to scout while hunting. That place would be better served by a lottery or allowing pre-designated scouting days like other similar land designations. The other two spots offer some decent hunting, and definitely not as heavy in bow. I'd focus around the farm field borders and then work backwards given the time of season, especially if you don't have marsh hunting gear.
  5. I use a muff too, but not 100% of the time.
  6. Squirrel gets the .410. Whether or not its the best load/use/whatever. I just like shooting it, and it provides the right amount of challenge with decent knockdown power. I'm not a fan of using dynamite to fish, either, lol.
  7. Good stand and decent price. If you were closer for a hand-off, I'd be interested. Someone should grab this...it's a pre-china generation Alpha.
  8. They're like $10-15 at Walmart right now. Pretty cheap, and a spoon too!
  9. Some of the Walmarts had soup thermos on sale, the good Thermos brand, that come with a foldable spoon in it. I *think* I can use it for coffee too. Sometimes they don't work as well as planned, but I'm going to try it this year for all day sits.
  10. I prefer using gloves simply because we often go grab breakfast/lunch or a dinner after a kill at a diner and walking in and eating with bloody hands isn't the greatest thing to do. If it's just cleaning up to go home and hang the deer/process, then whatever. No big deal if gloves aren't available.
  11. #1 Their reasoning for this statement is ludicrous. #2. Taking that statement as gospel is equally as ludicrous. Tell me again how issuing more permits isn't able to control the deer numbers? They know this how? Because there are leftovers? Please. Have they gone OTC? Have they moved the date for second chance drawings? Have they removed the need to force hunters to get consignments from OTHER hunters for two DMPs? I have to beg, borrow, and steal to get 8H tags consigned. Why is this even prudent or necessary when even the DEC admits tags are left over? Why must we wait until November for second chance tags? They have a computer system that can tell in real-time what's left to dole out. No, instead the DEC's brilliance is being consumed by the masses as gospel just because they say so.
  12. Other than my early season and fleece archery gloves, my waterproof and late season gloves took a beating last year, stitchings ripping out, etc. I got my money's worth out of them, but finding the same model isn't an option due to their age. Looking for waterproof gloves for rainy days, and some thin but warm (and hopefully waterproof) gloves for gun season. Bought a new 30-30 and my remaining winter gloves won't allow for easy cycling because they are too bulky. Suggestions?
  13. Measure your charges at home and put in quick fill containers (there's a ton of them). I actually use the BH brand containers. CCI 209M primers work very well with BH209.
  14. 209 is my biggest. Big gap between that and the next one for me.
  15. Awesome, now we have people not only telling others how far their effective range is, we have people doing that AND telling them what bowhunting is to them.
  16. Applying personal experience from one, single hunting setting as the measurement to generalize a statement for someone else's standards seems counter-intuitive. I bet some people understand that, and some who don't. There are so many factors that go into a bowhunter's decision to shoot, that it's really not possible for anyone else to set an expectation for them prior, other than making the best decision possible. Nor is it something we should really concern ourselves with. We can all Monday-morning quarterback a shot/decision, however.
  17. Not trying to sound rough, but I completely disagree. Spend a bit of time and effort to find some other ground where you can put her in a better odds situation.
  18. Not sure if you noticed, but there is a western-experienced archer on this thread, and he's talking about still taking longer range shots when the setting allows. Haven't seen any westerner say they shorten their "effective" range because they come east. The same factors dictate the effective range there as it does here. If the shot allows for it, and can be made by that archer, then it is what it is.
  19. We interrupt this whinefest to bring you hunting season. Be back shortly, lol.
  20. Sounds like the same thing is being done for far too long. The owner takes the best stand in this scenario. After year one of this, if it wasn't working out, they should be branching out to find places, even if small, to open up added opportunity.
  21. Certainly sounds like access is the issue here. Need to find more or different ground to hunt.
  22. It's either hunting season, or close to it. Why don't we just hunt? We've went round and round on this forum in the off-season already.
  23. Make sure the cam has the latest firmware. Good cam, crummy price.
  24. Doe only will keep me out of the woods for the most part. Add in steady rain, and it's a surefire recipe to watch football, hang with the family, and sneak in a few minutes of prep work in between rains.
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