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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by phade

  1. This plan was set up to fail in any way shape or form the DEC wishes because no concrete info was provided.
  2. This set-up only further antagonizes the distrust in a nice buck being shot legally. Social Media is bad enough. Add in another caveat like this and its more fuel to the fire.
  3. And Onondaga Co where the 36 ptr was shot this week. Same guy shot a 170 or 180 last year as well.
  4. Gorilla the name is still being used for hunting related items. Not making stands, however.
  5. If you don't have the proper license for possession ie trapping/small game, you can be ticketed.
  6. When you shoot paper, do the Powerbelts actually stay together after paper contact? Never seen a projectile fall apart like Powerbelts do. It's amazing.
  7. We won't be getting a Cabelas any time soon with the one in Buffalo. Most of the big box stores are nice to go to, but they've really driven up brick and mortar pricing on items. The same item comparatively is cheaper online when said item is not on a deep clearance or sale, and some of the typical prices are absolutely ridiculous. This applies to GM, BPS, CAB, and F/S. Their big sale times or days is when you can actually make good buys. I got my Marlin 30-30 for $350 on Black Friday at F/S. It was like pulling teeth, but I got it. Everything has its place, however. Especially if you lose something or need something real fast. At that point, premium paid is worth it. I will say this, the stores here in NY, really do pale into comparison to their counterparts in other states. The Auburn BPS is absolutely underwhelming compared to Harrisburg and ones in Virginia and Florida. Cabelas the same...the Buffalo store shouldn't even share the same name when compared to the Hamburg store.
  8. Ha, MZ is always good for a laugh. Last day, sat in a stand overlooking bedding, nothing... Got down and walked about 50 yds and a doe pops up and looks back at me, not knowing for sure I was there. I dropped her. Up stands a few other does and a decent three year old buck. Again they dont know where I am but are obviously trying to figure out what to do. Loaded powder, then reached for my SSTs, which I immediately realized were in the truck. Awesome. Watched the buck walk away calmly. Could have shot him untold number of times.
  9. The selfie stick use is hilarious. Leave it to a FL boy to show the NYers how its done.
  10. Setting up Jeremy's cam now. Works great. Jerkman is up next and should be Thursday or Friday.
  11. Three things jump out at me: 1. This wreaks of a double-back on the trail. Make sure the deer didn't abruptly turn around and not enter that field. 2. Look for parallel paths along the field edge to see if the deer took them. 3. the blood pics do not seem to indicate the deer was moving - don't see much directional blood drops. Could be wrong if I am not seeing the pics clearly. But, what concerns me is that deer is standing still, dropping blood, and not bedding down. Its clotting blood standing up, and I'd be worried about a high hit over the spine, because the spine dips right where you describe hitting it. No bubbles, which typically indicates a lung wasn't hit, and contrary to void fans, it doesn't exist and really all you'd have to hit high there is either lung, spine, or over spine. High shots like that are also notorious for bleeding well, and then stopping. Good luck, I hope you find better results! Keep looking until you can't look any longer!
  12. Gotta love companies that "objectively" test cameras, but then sell them, too, right?
  13. Not saying impossible, but I find it improbable that both cams have that issue. There is also a difference between new batteries and tested batteries, which to me sounds even more like a culprit now.
  14. LI has some monsters, and their non-typs are downright ugly racks, but they are big ugly racks, lol. wNY in general is too big of an area to just throw out there in my book. But, going any smaller, and people start to stress. So, wNY it is!
  15. I'd figure outdoor channels would be least missed....during deer season.
  16. I've killed a few deer without a scope. I think there are situations where not having a scope is more beneficial as long as the eyes and skillsets allow. Close range shooting, brushy areas, and pushes/drives are times where I most often used them. My first deer was a buck shot on a dead run at 75 yards using a smoothbore 870 and a double bead. Fired three times and hit him all three times until he cartwheeled end over end a handful of times. With witnesses, too. Let me tell you, as a young young young guy, there was some major crap talking that went on for a few days in my circle. Never really had an appreciation for how good of a shot series that was until much later in life. Doubt I could pull it off again. although I've made some pretty good shots, including a couple 110 yd scoped smoothbore kills with Lightfields. Most of my misses seem to be gimme shots...sort of like a wide receiver turning his head upfield before the ball is tucked into the body. Most all of my deer and turkey guns are scoped nowadays. Can't see nearly as well even though I am still fairly young and drives are pretty rare nowadays.
  17. If you have all black pics, the array is not firing. First thing I would do is put in fresh, new batteries. You may have had a few duds in the batteries you put in. Moultrie has a history of cams not firing their IRs with bunk batteries for some reason, but working in daytime. A lot of the engineers at Moultrie left for Promethius group, which owns the Browning trail cam company. This operation may have carried over. If you put in new, tested batteries, and you still get dark night pics after testing in closet or similar dark environment, then the array might not be working at all due to a variety of potential causes, in which case you'd need to swap it out w/Browning.
  18. You have that backwards...The WGI boys own Synergy....The Busbices sold a very lucrative trucking business and have now been growing their hunting empire by corporate purchases.
  19. No, somebody did this. And, chances are their either a jerk, or a relatively smart hunter (if they can be there). They were trying to see if the stand is being actively used and maybe how frequently. I prefer to take downed branches and place them in the rungs of ladder stands or into platforms, to see if they get removed. It helps you map out pressure.
  20. This is a very leftist argument coming from you. I am surprised. It's a private site and you, after agreeing to terms, are now saying selective enforcement is wrong. Of all people here, I would think you would most respect and honor the terms you agree to, and recognize the private ownership rights. If you do not like this, you of all people also know, you can take your participation elsewhere.
  21. Single lung hits are hard to deal with. If that deer went 500 yards before bedding once, it's likely a single lung based on that and the bubbles. Sounds like you did what you could. Might want to keep an eye out for birds, but being a doe, probably past the timeslot to retrieve and consume.
  22. It is a privately-held site, you agreed to terms, expressed or implied, signing up/using the private forum. If the mods/owners want to turn the site color from orange to pink, it is what it is. Its their site. Same thing goes for posts that you question and seem to expect some sort of explanation, when that's idiotic based on the terms you acknowledged. You can call it BS all you want. I know I have with some of the actions they've taken, but its their site. Not sure why you don't seem to get that. If you still have an issue, tear up your membership here and don't post/participate any longer.
  23. Yep, even with hunting, I have goals. If I don't have goals set, I don't accomplish anything, including enjoyment. That said, my first goal is to enjoy the hunting w/friends and family, even if the other goals don't pan out.
  24. I haven't been in the woods with a bow yet, but I've helped drag out two doe the last two days. LOL. Finally heard of the first person in my area having to pass a shooter buck, a 125" 8.
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