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Everything posted by phade

  1. Where the stand is also matters...is it a stand set up for bedding? Food? Trails? Observation/Doe stand? I doubt you screw anything up in most situations unless you are busting into a bedding area, especially if in an antlerless unit where you can't shoot a buck until after the first two weeks of Oct. This year re-writes the "rules" so to speak with the antlerless weeks. We have no idea on how his will affect movement. Will neighbors hunt the same as they do historically or lay off pressure until they can shoot a buck? Will you? Most people are going to be hunting periphery stands to observe and if they encounter a doe, to be able to likely shoot her without much intrusion. It's going to be a lot more outside-in hunting I believe.
  2. Me a moog seeded some rye, hung a hangon, and tweaked several ladder stands while clearing lanes. Grabbed a couple cards from the cams too. Rain...im not a witch nor made of sugar so i dont melt.
  3. As if ohians enter all their bucks...
  4. My career is due in large to hunting. Directly so. I wouldn't describe hunting as unimportant in my life, as my wife and kids are supported as a result of my hunting. Some of the talk in these threads exemplify both parts of the spectrum relative to deer hunting and management. And you are exactly right about the not inventing the right tool in NY. That seems to be our real problem, people keep talking about unique regional solutions or the fact NY is different. Maybe if we broke from this old guard mentality and stop trying to re-invent the wheel, we can take what has proven to work in similar environmental conditions and make use for our own, we wouldn't be facing a gun season in bow in 2017.
  5. This isn't the leverloution line is it?
  6. I will admit to having listened to a few ball games while on stand. I hate doing it because it makes me less effective as a hunter, but at least it was a conscious decision. For some reason, it always happens on warm sunny days, too, when I try to tell myself I won't see anything due to the heat, even though I know that's a half-truth. Never elevated to Pantera or Cannibal Corpse, however.
  7. Geez, sure sounds like they're not an enemy to you.
  8. No, their logic is to not release relevant info or data, use the wrong implement (which YOU HARP ON), and yet their logic is "not that screwed up." More from both sides of the mouth and circular logic.
  9. Doc for one, NYAntler for another,NYSportsman and so on. They keep saying NY is different, yet at best all they can offer up are anecdotal statements like regions or terrain...or the hunters themselves...or population issues....as if other states don't have the same exact freaking thing to face and overcome. Oh, you have southern and northern zones? Oh, are you talking about MO or NY? Oh, you have various topography? OH? NY? KY? IA? KS? Oh the hunters are fickle...NY? OH? IA? MI? WI? Give me a break. You are falling into Doc's magic bullet façade. Keep context - we're not unique, potential solutions are out there, we likely have issues that are being better addressed by other peer accepted plans, the agency is on a dictatorship path, and some of our hunters don't care, or try to be a stick in the mud.
  10. Parents. This isn't something that really should be legislative in accountability.
  11. They found out about a minimum of several weeks prior to the official date provided, so there is a chance you have had actions against you that have not cycled through any billing cycles yet. I would pay attention to your statements of current cards immediately as that is typically what gets hit first, and even better to go online and check your accounts. Set email or text alerts for transactions over a set amount. Typically, a small charge will take place, if that flies, then your account is sending computer parts and electronics to Russia/China/eastern Europe. Make sure your computer also has a sound anti-virus/malware setup, too. Targeted attacks through your email via links often increase as they now know what accounts/financial institutions you have, so people oftentimes will be baited into email links on emails appearing from the same institutions with the last four of your CC number (because they know it now). I have a standing credit line freeze via Equifax for a similar hack a few years ago. I have had two cards compromised in the past 12 mos. Each time, the institution alerted me to it. And, word is, these people got ALOT of info. Not just financials, but health records, that could be used for crazy things like blackmail/extortion.
  12. I have a lot of information on this, if you have specific questions, ask and I'll do my best to answer.
  13. I care about the rules/regs because they've steered us to where we are largely because people are ambivalent. It directly impacts my ability to enjoy the sport, threatens the continuation of the sporting heritage/tradition, and as much as you may disagree, being a steward means having tough conversations when the rubber doesn't meet the road. Going down this path of antlerless seasons, and potential MZ in bow, is directly tied to stewardship. Not using the right tool immediately when there are supposed dire straits, is not good stewardship, because there's absolutely ZERO to substantiate it from the entity that controls hunting for the most part. Challenging these regs IS good stewardship. If you think otherwise, I don't know what else to say, other than that is a shame.
  14. I have confidence all will be clear and the green light is given!
  15. I believe I was 12 when I first toted a 12 gauge into the woods for opening morning with my Dad and a few neighbor friends on public ground in Virginia. We separated about a mile back and me and my Dad went to sit on a ridgetop overlooking a ravine. Needless to say a roosted turkey busted off in the pitch dark right above where we set up and it scared the crapola out of me. Saw nothing all morning. We re-grouped for lunch and me and my buddy who was the same age split off about 50 yards from the adults to eat. A pair of does came in right above us on a ridge trail while we were eating - talking a few feet away. I managed to get my barrel pointed at a doe, the muzzle had to have been about 10 inches from its snout and its standing there looking at me. I kept pulling that trigger and nothing happened. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the doe ran off. Safety was on and I was shaking like a leaf. Now here I am years later, hooked, and enjoying it immensely. 12 is exponentially better in my book than 14 in today's world.
  16. If I am reading this incorrectly, but I apologize, but are you essentially saying that because the reg changes doesn't impact you/your style, that you don't care about it? I completely understand the dynamics of the dog eat dog world, but I wouldn't fully wholesale discount something that screws with a passion/enjoyment for others because it doesn't impact me.
  17. The fear of the the cams locking up is a new sensation...you get used to it. My Z28 feels that way too.
  18. Wow, Doc. One area? Leftover tags, so people aren't interested? Wow, you really are buying what the DEC is selling. Think for a moment and answer me this - where are the WMUs that have the new antlerless seasons? For the leftovers, why does consignment even exist? Why must people wait until Nov. 1 to get second chance tags when the early antlerless season is the first two weeks in Nov.? Why wait until Nov. 1 when the deadline for initial DMPs is Oct. 1 - a full 30 days earlier? They're essentially selling people on the fact that tags are leftover, yet they restrict the ability to get them in not one, not two, but three or more ways. Also, this problem isn't unique. I just don't get why you keep saying that at all.
  19. I've yet to get an understanding of why NY is an enigma compared to other states. We have the same problems and same obstacles as other states. Some are hackled by law/dept. organization, some have high hunter density, some have access issues, some have population issues, and so on and so forth. I've yet to hear, even after much drum beating, that there is one thing that makes NY different that no other state has encountered. This hunter density thing is a joke, too. NYS ranks third overall - crazy right? Until you realize the fourth and fifth spots are held by WI and OH with similar numbers and they're not exactly struggling to manage fundamentals. Oh, but you say NYers are fickle? Ever meet a toothless wonder, pill popping hunter from Scioto Co. Ohio? That "fickle" NYer pales in comparison pretty quickly when it comes to buy-in, engagement, and "doing their part." There are plenty of states with other big cities that have a hunting populous. Kansas City, St. Loius, Detroit, Cleveland/Cinci/Columbus, Pitt...the names go on and on. Is NYC big? Yes, but their hunter ranks pale compared to those in wNY, too. I just don't see much of anything NY faces as being something unique that hasn't been experienced or is being experienced by other states and other states' hunters.
  20. You mean the one the youth shot on the father's tag?
  21. Check and mate, fine sir.
  22. What problems or demographics are unique to NY that makes it "different"?
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