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Everything posted by phade

  1. The large majority die, but a very few select people survive it...like fractions of a % infected kind of select people.
  2. Merino wool is the tops in my mind, but I haven't sprung for it yet. I have had good luck with X-Scent branded base layers at cost effective price points.Wick moisture to the mid layer, which is usually a wool or fleece layer. Hard to find, but they are an Onyx/Artic Shield brand.
  3. My wife tells me that all of the time.
  4. Co-op signs are WAYYYYYYYYYYY better than just QDM Managed Lands signs. Co-ops as stated means people are on the same page and there's many of them (people) looking out.
  5. Rabies and other maladies like distemper can run in cyclical time periods as a control on populations for coons. You'll see an outbreak of either every 3-4 years in an unchecked area, and 6-7 in an area with a slower growing population (trapping, hunting).
  6. Just because something cost $300 doesn't make it a bad buy. If you get a long usable life out of it and it does the job you want it to do, then it is worth it. Maybe you can get the same from a $100 jacket or pants, maybe not. Only you can decide what the likelihood is. I have an IWOM that cost be around $300. I'll probably use it 1-2x a season most years. Last year, I hunted with it more because of unusually super colder temps in gun season. It was brutally cold. I could have layered every single piece of hunting clothing I had and I still wouldn't have been able to hack it. I slipped that thing on and hung out for 6 hours without so much as a thought of being cold. I could have shot several does had I wanted to, an opportunity I wouldn't have had otherwise. If I wear it 25-30x in ten years, that's a minor cost investment for those conditions in my mind. Heck, I'd spend about that much just in gas getting to the hunting spot.
  7. I'm trying not to laugh, but I can't help it. That's a great story if all ends well.
  8. 2-liter bottles or even milk jugs filled with water and frozen will stay frozen for some time, and are good to keep in the cavity to cool the meat.
  9. I am ready to go.....time to enjoy the season.
  10. Our HR Dept has been dealing with it across the board since we are a multi-national company. Basically, even in recreational states, we're still not allowing it. Medical cases are being reviewed case by case and I think they're not talking much about it publicly (within our company).
  11. We hunt a park bordering property with smaller mountains/ridges. I'd say 9/10 places you'd want to set up in the bottom will end up hurting your chances. There is the right place once in a while, but not very often. You have to get above the thermal tunnel and try to find places to get them from above.
  12. Or cables. Moog just set up one for a friend where the cock vane was at 1 o clock to clear.
  13. Pellet size is larger on the larger body deer.
  14. Any reputable shopt would either ask you how you want your arrows done or ask for your current arrow to match it. This would allow for getting the right fletching job...straight, helical, etc.
  15. Clover will go gangbusters next spring. Brassica is a hit/miss thing. Deer will eat it now, but it is low on the totem pole of preference. What the brassica really needs is frost-conditions to convert the starches into sugars, which will then raise its preference to the deer at a time when there is much less food available. This is why it gets such a good wrap with hunters - it comes into play as other things tail off. Having said that, some users report that it takes a couple years for deer to really start using the brassicas because it is a foreign food source to many deer. You'll only find that out with experience, unfortunately. When it comes to brassica, I prefer a mix of dwarf essex rape, daikon radish, and then something like a purple top turnip. Radish grows fast, tends to have higher preference earlier, and the raised radishes encourage deer to eat them and transition to brassica as a food source faster. Rape is good for the above ground growth and is generally ate pretty early on in the brassica cycle. PTT is the staple brassica. I have seen many cases where PTT simply comes into play after the hunting season, or at least most of it. Good for management plans, but I wouldn't just bank on it as a hunting/kill plot only. Some people have luck with it, but if you are planting a brassica plot, no reason why you shouldn't have a mix of all three.
  16. I think hunter tactics play a larger role in this than most people think. Sure ranges come into play, but most people outhunt themselves. They take themselves out of the game early or make silly mistakes (learning opportunities nevertheless). These are also the same people that think the rut is the only time to kill a mature buck or any buck for that matter. Bucks don't simply materialize out of thin air. They have to exist somewhere. Why more hunters don't think about it that way is mindboggling.
  17. People worry about too much silly stuff. I am in public from time to time with camo jeans...nearly all of it is hunting related...running to the hardware store to pick up ratchet straps, or similar. I'm not wearing camo because it's camo, my prep jeans are just camo because they were $5 at Walmart and durable as all get out. People tell themselves stories too easily. The jamoke wearing the camo shirt or hat may be a stone cold killer and you might learn a thing or two. Or, he could very well be a wannabe hunter who has all the gear but hasn't hunted in ages or not at all. Then again, life's too short.
  18. Camo on items like that make it more difficult to find when you drop them in the woods. Black or the matte green.
  19. Very rarely has hunting low in valleys (not talking large valleys, talking ridge, vally, ridge) been successful for me. Oftentimes youll see good deer/sign but most conditions make it difficult to overcome. Its often known as a hunters trap because of that. Swirling winds and thermals can wreck havoc. Not an absolute, but pretty close to it. I prefer to get above the thermal tunnel if possible to take advantage of any trails bucks take.
  20. All days sits take alot of planning and effort, despite the fact you're sitting. I've actually moved from sitting the same stand all day to sitting the right stands all day. People magically think a funnel stand is great dark to dark, but deer are still deer. I prefer looking for a doe bedding area in the a.m., a trail between doe bedding areas (funnel) around 9 or so and then make the move for the afternoon sit. Sounds like alot of movement, but I've come to learn that fear at that time of the year is not as realized as many think. At that point in time, you are no longer playing the game for a certain buck (still possible) but rather the odds of bucks moving from bedding to bedding or checking a food source for receptive does. You are playing the numbers game. On November 4th, a hunting partner shot high into a solid 140 inch buck, a short amount of checking for blood led to an overnight wait, where we pounded the place for hours upon hours on Nov 5th until we confirmed that he likely was hit high and survived. None of us even remotely thought to hunt that spot Nov. 6th because we all thought the same thing that no buck will be in there with what we just did. I have about 5-10 pics of our 170" target buck running a doe ragged through there all freaking morning. That buck hadn't been through there at all beforehand and didn't care we were there before. He was pushing the doe and that's what bucks do at that time of year.
  21. phade

    Trophy room

    I like the way you think Doc!
  22. phade

    Trophy room

    I had one and then it filled up with water, and, that was that. Once I'm out of this house...the man cave is going to be glorious. It might not even be a cave. I've talked the wife already into one of the nice steel outbuildings. Whooooooo!
  23. 140" mainframe 8s are rare anywhere. But, they do exist, even in NY.
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