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Everything posted by Core

  1. Core

    Tech help

    First thing when people complain of font size is to hold down CTRL and move the scroll wheel up and down. This will real-time change the "zoom" on your webpage, at least with chrome. I assume so with fire fox.
  2. I have the 2015 version of this bow. Really nice bow. $35 whisker biscuit and the string and you're off to the races. Solid price IMO.
  3. Yes free for him because the attorney takes a cut of the settlement. Please explain how you're going to find a lawyer to bring a lawsuit against a company for something that isn't illegal, and the lawyer knows it isn't illegal, such as firing them because they have an offensive bumper sticker?
  4. Which lawsuit would this be for exactly? Use a little common sense. If I work at a solar company and then start plastering stickers on my car saying solar power sucks, I'm going to be fired. And it's legal.
  5. Maybe in a big parking lot but if I had a small business and clients had to walk past one of my employees' cars with that on the back he would be given a bottle of goo gone and if he refused he'd be shown the door. I know you agree.
  6. It is unavoidably political and actually makes a lot of sense. I have a friend who sent me a picture he took of a car a few weeks ago. One of the bumper stickers said I ♥ Crack Whores. The other said I Masturbate. Now, I thought this was pretty damn funny to have on a car (I have no stickers on mine, though). It's also legal. But, if you owned a company would you want that guy parking at the front office with clients walking in? Businesses must always be able to fire for things that are legal.
  7. FWIW some coworkers and I worked in a mentoring program a couple years back with a city school, and the level of interest/engagement from students was pathetic. Just couldn't be bothered at all.
  8. I honestly get not showing up. Like maybe you're just too darn tired, lazy, hungover, whatever. But if you know drug testing happens, failing one requires long term premeditated stupidness.
  9. I was fairly pleased when Obama won in 2008 for the same reason I was when Trump won in 2016. I hate the status quo. I hate being lied to. And I think the most important job in the country should be run competently. Bush was one of the worst presidents in US history, IMO, bungling the Iraq debacle up in spectacular fashion and, moreover, he lied about it to begin with. It should never have happened, and he should have been and still should be brought up on charges for it (along with his inner circle, which also lied pre-war). So Obama was an outsider with little experience and not many connections and I welcomed that. I do hope we are not burned with Trump. So far it looks like we're not getting burned. Even now he's on his twitter account rather childishly mocking the governator over his apprentice ratings. And though this is not "presidential" behavior, it also tells me that trump is not likely to be bent and melded and reshaped like obama was into just another cog in the washington machine. We asked for a change with obama and we never got it. We asked for one with Trump and by golly so far he's giving it.
  10. Sounds like too much work. Far better to rack up $30k/year in debt while playing Battlefield in the dorm and skipping class.
  11. I blew it off, too. College was paid for me, each year, all expenses. I put in a modicum of effort, including a withdrawal on a course each semester (better than getting a fail), and then make up for it in the summer. End result is I got out in four years, on time, with poor grades, and a worthless degree. I then went into a technical school and, really through dumb luck, now have a good career in IT. I don't know that having it paid for me was the problem, though, as I had to take out a loan for the technical school (and almost blew that off, too). I think for me--and many people--is that college is done at the wrong time, and it focuses on crap. Why were they making me take electives in sociology? Why did I have to take a course in french when I was getting a bachelor in science? So stupid, such a waste of time. As an adult I have self-taught in many areas, just because I want to. I have learned more about writing by reading a book or two about it than in all the years in school. I've learned more about history on wikipedia--simply because I find it interesting now--than I did in years of forced schooling. The education system as a whole is horrendously broken. The amount of time wasted by disinterested kids is staggering. I essentially spent the first half of my life bored, hating school, and putting in about 50% effort or less, daydreaming 80% of my days. Tuition is way too high in the US but I do not want to pay for some lazy ditz to get a 2.5 GPA in a garbage area of study. It is not just a unicorn; there are actual people--I know one--with degrees who work at Starbucks. How are any of us better spending our money on that? IMO at the very least, if you want the state to pay for your degree you need to put in a certain level of effort and get a certain GPA, else you lose it.
  12. 57% of dems are better people than uptown redneck. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/january_2017/57_of_democrats_want_trump_to_succeed
  13. Because you said you hope obama sabotages the office of president and you can't wait to see the country go to hell over the next four years to prove you're right. I really don't know why you bother coming here. All you do is attempt to antagonize (you don't antagonize me because you're too predictable) people you clearly hold in poor regard. It's the very definition of trolling. Do you really not have anything better to do? Get a hobby or something.
  14. So you want the president who is leaving to "sabotage" the presidency of the next one and leave a giant mess for the country. Yet, you think the right are the crazy ones. This is why I can't wait to see a republican oval, a republican senate, and a republican house summarily dismiss any and all concerns from the bleating and impotent left over the next few years. The left has shown it has no interest in being reasonable or negotiating, so it will be treated as it treated the right: badly. Trump will wipe away tons of exec orders in no time at all, he'll put a youthful conservative into the supreme court within a couple of months. And that's just the beginning. Hold on to your hat, you've not seen anything yet. If the left is going to act like babies they will sit at the kids' table and the adults will take the lead. If at any point you are willing to behave yourselves, you'll be welcomed back to the table with the adults where we use cutlery and keep our elbows off the table. But if you start throwing food and chewing with your mouth open, as you're doing, back to the kids' table and an early bed time.
  15. I called the election wrong but nonetheless an NY Trump seems inconceivable to me. The state is so hopelessly coopted by the left that there is no room for an anti-establishment candidate unless he is from the left and a socialist or marxist.
  16. Yeah I found the news yesterday (?) about cuomo promising free college for people awesome. I can't wait to pay yet more taxes for kids to get degrees in underwater basket weaving and gender studies.
  17. I guess I'll follow up and call the number I was given today but that doesn't surprise me. I bet it gets absolutely hammered if it is legal, given it's in an area not near any other easily accessed public land, and it looks like excellent deer habitat on google maps.
  18. Re 1000 acres swamp, penfield rec emailed me back today. They don't manage it so I'd need to look further into who does. The guy confirmed NO hunting whatsoever on penfield public land.
  19. Not sure why but I seem to lose points in the mail somehow. They still mail them to me. Personally I wish they would just let me choose when to use them. I feel there is a bit of trickery going on overall to encourage people to lose what they have accumulated.
  20. Call them. I did the same this year and got past the first hurdle with the person who leased the land from the corporation. But, the corporation's security still monitored it and although the head of security was emphatic to what I wanted he said their policy was nobody except employees or lease holders who use it for crops, so I was shut out unfortunately. 99% chance you're wasting your time, but if you don't at least try and know for sure there's a 100% chance you won't get it, so I'd call them just to be sure anyway.
  21. Where do you hunt? I had an extremely frustrating hunting season in 8F as well. I live pretty close to you and we just don't have much public land close to us except for tiny little parcels. I was planning (and still hope) to lease land for next year but there is absolutely none in all of wayne or monroe county AT ALL. None of the lease sites have any. I'll have to start knocking on doors and just offering people cash it looks like. I'm in walworth and the town does not allow hunting on the public land. I've emailed them recently and even offered to help put a program together, like fairport has. No interest yet, despite the fact it would even get the town a little money and be no skin off their back. As for webster this claims you need to pay webster taxes, so they may or may not check on that. https://issuu.com/websterparksandrecreation/docs/program_info And you can forget a hunting program in penfield. They are so uptight they don't even allow radio control planes in rothfuss park. EDIT: actually I may be wrong on penfield. I see some possible comments online that the thousand acre swamp may have bow hunting. I bet it has a lot of deer in there. http://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/regions/northamerica/unitedstates/newyork/places-preserves/central-thousand-acre-swamp.xml Gonna shoot penfield parks rec an email to confirm.
  22. Where the hell are you hunting? I've never in my life seen more than 10-12 deer at a time, and this year I averaged a half dozen hunting trips per deer sighting!
  23. All worked out in the end. As usual don't threaten people with weapons and your odds of being run over by a cop fall precipitously.
  24. I had those, and no matter which gun I ever used there were always feeding problems; only a few shots in a row before the hammer failed to hit the paper propertly. So then they came out with the plastic revolvers, which still exist. Pricey, but very reliable. I also had one of these!
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