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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Core

  1. Anywhere from 1" to 1' or more in drifts. I was just out snowblowing again and overnight it's turned warmer so the precipitation is on the cusp of being rain and the snow is packing down a lot now.
  2. You forgot the field dressing gloves, throw away pack take up no room. Saves you totally drenching your forearms in blood
  3. I keep a roll in a ziplock bag and it has saved my arse (literally) twice. Would not leave home without it. I got into lists last year but now I keep everything in my pack so I just know it will be there if needed.
  4. Tomorrow looks similar to today minus the precipitation. Hopefully they will be moving, as I plan on spending some time out tomorrow. Deer can't hunker indefinitely. Pretty nasty Sunday and very nasty Monday. I am hoping at some point they will get up to eat, though the wind may wash their tracks away. Wednesday does look really nice with low winds and also no precipitation.
  5. Should be good to go now Actually I think they never would have taken these away anyway, just grandfathered them.
  6. That is a serious looking buck, good job!
  7. I think nobody died last year in NY from hunting. Any details? Two on opening weekend is a lot. Tree stand fall. http://www.whec.com/news/hunter-dies-inwest-sparta-on-opening-day/4322943/
  8. Yes I think snow is one thing but it's actually a blizzard out there for me. I think there is a travel advisory out anyway. I'm baking bread and playing video games.
  9. Well 18" drifts in my driveway took me 30 min to snowblow it. Never, ever seen anything like this in November. My day is probably blown. I can't reasonably make it out there and not get stuck somewhere. I guess the only deer I'll be killing today are in a video game. The good news though is I have tues/wed off and neither appear to have precipitation, so that will leave nice big tracks for deer and I will find somewhere to park even if I have to shovel out a spot.
  10. Looks like potentially record snow fall for this area on this day. And that sucks because I have a two wheel drive vehicle with tires I meant to replace before the winter comes. There is in my estimation an extremely high chance I will be totally unable to park it anywhere near the WMA I planned to spend all day hunting at. I can't park on the road, and if I get off the road at all I'll never get the vehicle moved. I'll try anyway, though I bet the drive is going to be pretty crazy to get there now.
  11. Yesterday at least 25 minutes before legal light to me it was very bright; much brighter and easier to see than right at sunset yesterday. I didn't think anybody taking shots then was stretching it safety wise. As for today I also heard a shot or too before sunrise but overall way, way less shooting than yesterday. The weather was pretty much horrendous, though, so many probably didn't venture out.
  12. Yeah I noticed that. It was really a dark afternoon yesterday.
  13. Weather is straight up winter storm quality out there. Friday it was 72, yesterday morning it got up to 62. This morning I almost got frost bite on my hands (precipitated a new purchase of gloves today that are waterproof plus warmer socks plus new waterproof overalls). I have the entire day off tomorrow and will be at some public land come sunrise. Also packing a stove and soup and stuff in the van so I can take a nice break later on. Am really looking forward to not carting around the tree stand to be honest.
  14. 32 F. No precip. 17 mph winds, making it feel like 21. Will only be out a couple of hours and the snow is supposed to start at sunrise. If I freeze my butt off I'm afraid my wife will come home later today to some "sorry, I had to" purchases from walmart clothing section (yes I like the walmart hunting clothes).
  15. I can imagine. Maybe things are different with the monsters you shoot at. The last deer I saw was, I estimate, about 35 lbs. No joke (last night). Not a shooter Okay I think I will bring more ammo from now on.
  16. Damn you weren't kidding when you talk about dragging deer. That must have been awful indeed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Lovely weather. Dark, 20 mph winds and about to rain soon. I do have a very nice perch over a field however. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I will be out in the morning because it is that or sleep in and i definitely won't get deer doing that! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. This morning I took 3. That would represent base case scenario of taking two deer in one outing with a spare bullet in case something goes wrong. I have heard of guys running out of ammo while hunting and I am thinking they need to spend more time at the range. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Ridiculous weather. 62F and yesterday was 72. And tomorrow it's supposed to drop several inches of snow and howl with 24 mph winds into Monday. And later today rain. Worst weather evar! Will have to swing by walmart and buy some new clothes
  21. 6:40. Sunrise is officially 7:12 or something. But in their defense it was very bright. I heard the BULK of gunfire this morning before sunrise. It then petered off massively by 7:30 and then just a smattering from time to time continually less in frequency until I had to go home at 9:30.
  22. In NY you don't have to wear it at all IIRC. For bow I have no orange but tomorrow ill put an orange ball cap on (it is a "camo" one, so not all just one color") and also put an orange bib/vest thingy over my regular gear.
  23. I'd rather get my news from daily mail to be honest--and half the writers (I would never call them journalists--maybe interns at best) have grammar worse than mine. Dailymail, despite their flaws, is more objective than NYT. No matter how much lipstick you put on a pig if it's a one-trick pony (rather like clinton news network this past election), there isn't much value to be had. Uptown, you say you don't go to right wing sources. Perhaps you should start; maybe your unapologetic patronizing of left sources is why you missed the election so severely. And why you seem so much more upset about its results than, well, half the country.
  24. They are also eating their own. Some proggies saying others aren't being good proggies, etc. it's great watching the infighting.
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