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About hawkenwoodsman

  • Birthday 08/06/1960

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Hunting,saltwater fishing

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Long Island
  • Hunting Gun
    rifle and muzzleloader

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  1. Wishing everyone a Happy and joyous Christmas and healthy New Year
  2. I went to a gun show last week here on LI and had to give my drivers license to buy ammo
  3. Thank you to everyone who commented on my post I understand it may not be everyones cup of tea and I respect everyones opinion I had a great time with some friends and took home some nice meat and looking forward to go back
  4. the hunt was a fun and the meat taste good
  5. Recently went to PA for a Boar Hunt with friends. I got a nice sow with my henry big boy 357
  6. condolences to you and the family
  7. Have a long and healthy retirement.
  8. A crossbow is another tool for a hunter to harvest a meal, it doesn't matter to me,ive never shot a bow or crossbow and if I could be in the woods earlier and use a crossbow I would buy. If the state wants to include crossbows with the archery season i'm for it I'm waiting for Long Island to let us use a crossbow
  9. The accuracy depends on the twist rate of your rifle. If you have a 1-48 twist you can shoot round ball or conical. anything slower and a conical won't shoot accurately . If your not sure on the twist rate of your rifle go on you tube and search how to check your rifle twist.. Good luck!!!
  10. you may also want to try horandy great plains bullets there 385g lead and made to shoot out of 1-48 twist rifle I shoot them and there good out of my traditions hawken woods man using 80g ff pyrodex powder.......good luck
  11. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us.....
  12. Great story and beautiful tribute........
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