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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. I went to a shoot in West Winfield yesterday,it was a beautiful cool morning. I shot ok,but not great. It still was a lot of fun.
  2. You guys are gonna have a rough time when Trump will loose the election. Maybe he will win,just as the virus is miraculously going to disappear in a few weeks...Oh wait that was a few months ago. The pendulum will swing back most likely. I am sure we all can get along though. As much as I dislike Trump,he hasn't affected my daily life much besides providing entertainment. And putting the country in a deeper hole financiallly,long before the virus hit. There are no fiscal conservatives left when they have the majority. Tax breaks for the rich,because who couldnt use another couple millions extra to put in the bank account? I hear folks complain about giving the poor a free ride,never any mention on the breaks the super rich get. Keep the masses entertained,bread and games.
  3. Where are the facts on the dems planning to cheat big? Two way street my man.
  4. I got the setup this spring and have been practicing climbing and hanging in general. I think it is very comfortable but have not sat all day in one. I have the tethrd phantom and platform,and i use the DRT method for climbing or my platform with two aiders. Keep moving the platform up until i am at hunting height. It took no time to get comfortable in the saddle and feel safe. The climbing methods are what will take practice if you are new to all of it. Saddlehunter.com is a great forum,lots of info there. It is not cheap to get into,but my whole setup only weighs about 8.5#. I am looking forward to hunting a bunch of state land close to me this year. I was not too terribly comfortable in my summit climber for an all day sit because my arms were not in a great position. Either a little hunched up from the frame and not enough room to put inside the frame.
  5. Ok,what it all really boils down to is that most folks here think Fox news is speaking the truth,every other media outlet is lying. We are not even able to agree on facts,because either has their beliefs. It is hard to discuss anything when we have next to nothing to start from. I just felt i had to bring a different point of view to this thread. It really belongs in the political section,but since it wasn't i am participating. You guys believe your facts,i will stick with mine. Happy hunting,bowseason cant come soon enough.
  6. That is your opinion. Rattlers quotes seem pretty off the wall to me,my opinion. Oh,i wanted to go back to Kurt Russells meme about the electoral college. I think that is a bogus set up. Why would people object to a one person one vote standard? Instead the electoral college gives rural districts more power per vote,and the republican redistricting is taking full advantage of it. That is not fair in my opinion,and i am 100 % right on that , haha.
  7. You would have to live on an island by yourself to not compromise. Cant live with other people. If everyone believes they are right 100% 100% of the time there is no living together. So yes,i judged your quotes as being dumb.
  8. Dumbest post of the thread. Every person compromises on something sooner or later. Part of life.
  9. I mean really,is he calling for everyone to turn their guns in? No. Gun regulation should not affect the regular person much. Who has not been able to buy the gun they want in the last 10 years? And who needs 50 round mags? There are plenty of democracies on this planet where hardly anyone has a gun at home. That will never happen here,but people freak out at the term gun regulation.
  10. There is no widespread voter fraud,where are the facts on that? Did you read about Trump trying to register in Florida to vote? Makes me laugh,that is all one can do to keep the spirits up. Lots of people take things too serious.
  11. They were following the law while trying that. That is the difference. Not making it up as they go.
  12. repuclicans dont bother calling you racist,just stupid and un patriotic for having different views.
  13. wow. Racism is alive and well!! Must be nice to go through life like that,sounds simple.
  14. I fully agree with that statement Jeremy. This is a problem in a lot of countries around the world. But,it also is the older generations (us) perogative to think of the younger one as soft or spoiled. Everything is definetely not black or white,there are more than 50 shades of gray.
  15. I was mentioning the positives,i can go with the negatives if you'd like.
  16. Again,based on what? Every country is different from the next,so are it's people. I am just tired of people laying claim to that title. That in itself is stupid. I am here because my wife grew up here and i already learned English in high school in germany growing up. She didnt speak a second language. Plus one for Germany's education. Another thing is that this is a beautiful country,the landscape is as diverse as its people. America is in a very privileged position as far as geography or the countries size and population goes. Europe is soo much more densely populated it would drive most people on this forum nuts. That is one big plus of living here. Also the amount of natural resources available on a per capita basis are mindblowing. All i ask is you put things in perspective when making claims..It is comparing apples and oranges.
  17. Not Trumps fault,but whenever people claim this is the greatest country in the world it sounds over the top. Compared to what? Based on what? Democracy is good,freedoms are,but generally they also come with responsibilities. Seems to me that people claiming this is the greatest country in the world are also legends in their own minds. There is room for improvement everywhere,and should we not strive for that?
  18. Every president before him released his tax returns..You trust who you want. But a guy who has been proven over and over to be lying? I don't get why you guys support and amoral millionaire maniac that had everything handed to him. He is one of you?
  19. Look at some stats,the u.s. is behind lots of countries on education and healthcare. Not a third world country,but not a great first world one either. And we definetly are first on being fat and on covid too. Lots of room for improvement.
  20. Hard to get proof on much of anything Trump does. His school records are secret,his tax returns are secret. Why hide all that if everything is above board.?
  21. I am definetely part of the problem. If you guys get to spout of your opinions you will have to deal with mine.
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