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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. That is a very interesting piece of logic there. Trump is honest enough to not cover up his cronies crimes? Oh,right,he can just pardon them,that's easier.
  2. Hey Andrew. Bubba wasn't meant as any insult. I agree with you that the father should have some input,but it is the mother that has to carry the baby. Not a small accomplishment/chore. So the mother should have the majority vote on what happens to her body. If men would have to go through pregnancy there would be a lot less children in this world. How is that for side tracking statement?
  3. Alright bubba. Here is a common scenario. Kids or adolescents get pregnant fooling around. They decide to keep the baby. One has enough after six months or sixteen months. Who is racising the kid now? I am clearly not talking about committed relationships pregnancy.
  4. Yeah,the dad should have some input,but in a young relationship the burden of raising a kid clearly falls onto the mother. So 60% to 40%? 75% to 25 %?
  5. An embryo is not a life for me yet. Havent really thought too much about at what point the clump of cells turns into something else. My main thing is if the mother doesn't want it she can decide that. A kid is a lot of responsibility. I think they are better of not being born than being born into an unwanted situation. Funny thing you said about dogs. I have a dog but no kids. I like it that way. I guess life for me doesn't really start until you are out of the womb. That being said,i think the earlier the better for abortions. If you are gonna have one you should know that before the last term. As far as I know there are plenty of questions asked before an abortion.
  6. Human life is so sacred until one is born. After that,not so much. All those 63 million abortions would have resultes in 63 million foster kids. I am sure that system could handle that. Folks tend to forget what comes after pregnancy,who takes care of the kid? For the next 18-25 years. I dont see a lot of anti abortion folks adopting...Maybe i am wrong, it is possible,though unlikely,haha.
  7. Or like Trump claiming credit for something someone else has done.
  8. Trump as a president in a war,thanks for that visual. How long would it take before he got bored with that? And by the way,how do you guys feel about 6 of his cronies going to jail? Witch hunt?
  9. Abortion is about personal choice,like not wearing a mask. You can get behind that,right? But then you want to be able to tell a woman what she can or can't do to herself? Because you dont like it or your God says it is bad? That is picking and choosing what fits your agenda.
  10. Grampy has good advice. Just get out there and pay attention to everything. Milkweed seeds are good wind indicators. Move slow and scan woods for deer often. You can sit on the ground by some brush or fallen trees that have some deer sign close by. It isn't easy to actually draw undetected,but it is fun. Deer can pick out movement like nobodys business,but if you are still they mostly dont see you. There are tons of you tube videos and or podcasts to give you ideas what to look for.
  11. It is both the head and the weight. A mechanical takes a big amount of energy to open and the wide blade angle is more like pushing a knife through your steak than slicing it. A heavier arrow looses energy slower so it would be better in that scenario,but a fixed head is better yet for penetration because of the smaller cutting diameter and steeper angle of cut. A quartering to shot is tough with any head because it is very difficult to get both lungs without going through the shoulder. Mechanicals leave a great bloodtrail when they work,but angled shots can be sketchy with them. One blade will make contact and the other doesn't so it torques your arrow wasting energy. That is more so if you hit a rib on entry. Shoot whatever gives you confidence though,that's no. 1.
  12. I will report back after October. This is the first season for my heavy setup. Did you hit the front shoulder on the supposed exit on your buck last year? I remember your arrow sticking out a good way on a quartering away shot. That angle generally has an arrow path with little bone in the way until you get to the front shoulder. If you miss the front shoulder it should have been a pass through. Obviously it didn't matter since you found the buck no problem. I went to heavy arrows so i don't have to be afraid of the shoulder if i should hit it. I won't aim for it or take quartering to shots,but stuff happens in the deer woods. My main point is any arrow will kill a deer when you hit the boiler room,but when you don't i want some extra insurance that a scapula is not stopping my arrow. It is about confidencein ones setup. I would not feel confident with a mechanical on a light arrow. Personal preference. I am not telling you what to shoot. I am just offering a point of view that is different from yours. Take it or leave it.
  13. Do what works for you,i will do the same for myself.
  14. My point exactly. Speed is overhyped.Especially on shots under 30 yds. A bigger factor is how alert a deer is,but even that doesn't guarantee the reaction of it or lack of reaction. Of course the drop of the arrow is greater at higher weight,but that also only becomes and issue past 30 yds. Know your distance and it will be ok,though I dont see myself shooting further than that. I am not shooting a heavy arrow so I dont have to aim very closely,i shoot a heavy arrow for the situation that the deer is not where it was when i released the arrow. Plan B. Shooting foam and shooting a possibly very jumpy target are different things.
  15. You are kidding,right? 40 fps difference in speed will not make a difference in a deer ducking an arrow.
  16. If you can stand it he makes some good points. I do realize he is a bit much.
  17. That's great,two more young hunters. Enjoy their company!
  18. Check out the deer anatomy thread,those shots were perfect in that triangle that the leg bones make. Lots of plumbing in there. Most people aim to far back. If you hit that low and more than 6 inches back you might miss lungs altogether because they angle up. The leg bones are further forward than you think. It is a great spot to aim for in my opinion. If you shoot further back you ought to aim higher.
  19. Amazing pictures,that sounds like the best time. Thanks for sharing.
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