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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Yup,i couldn't agree more. Reading your stories played a big part in me recovering my two archery does last year. I had a good idea what to do after the shot on both. So i think according to the karma credit score you more than made up for having lost that buck six years ago.
  2. yeah,the shooter buck target is junk. It isn't easy to figure out what a decent 3d target is when the price range goes from $100 to $500. I know i am not spending 300$ + on a 3d target. I did cough up 125 for a 18 in 1 rhinehart target though.
  3. That's awesome Tom,an elk trip is on my bucket list too. A lost deer should not stop you from hunting. No one wants that to happen but it does. Feeling bad about it is a good sign in my opinion,but it wouldn't make me quit. I had a bad season a few years ago and learned from it and have become a better hunter. Good luck out west and I hope you get one!
  4. I will check in here a few days before the shoot. Have fun today.
  5. I just looked it up,sept 13th is the next one there. GTG?
  6. Was that a crossbow buck? I think i remeber that...
  7. I think you should go with 350 spine arrows and try ro get the weight up to around 450 total by getting a heavier insert. And definetely check your bows tune by shooting a broadhead first and then the same weight field point. If all is well they hit the same spot at 20 yds.
  8. Damn,tomorrow already? I was planning on going but my bow is still at the shop..I miss it terribly,i haven't shot in two weeks. At least i got to climb a tree today. If they have another one before to season opens i am going. It is a fun course with 40 targets. There are one or two towers to shoot from.
  9. Good shooting. Is that the shooter buck target? I bought one and it blows,it will be ruined before next season. Enjoy shooting it before it is full of see through holes.
  10. Where does that piss come from that you talk about? Piercing the bladder is not a requirement of gutting last i checked.
  11. A moose counts...I would love to try some moose meat @Bionic.
  12. Sign me up for team 2. Gooooo team 2!!!
  13. Hmmm,i might have to take a trip to the finger lakes national forest to up my odds a little. I scouted some pretty amazing looking spots close to home,maybe i can get on a good buck here. I feel like this is the year for my personal best...
  14. We could just mix the teams up and not do it by region. The saddlehunting site i am on does that since it is people from all over the country. And everyone gets two entries only. Does and bucks count 5 points each plus 1 point per antler point. And a buck can be upgraded if you get a better one later and i think a doe can be upgraded to a buck later as well. This would be a pretty fair setup and still allow for plenty of trash taking.
  15. Which area do us central NY folks go with? We can contribute some i hope... I think to be fair it would have to be the rest of the state against WNY since they have better soil for big antlers. Game On!!
  16. He is probably working doubles so he can take all of October through December off. That fella goes all in for deer season.
  17. I would guess it just missed the scapula and leg bone,maybe even grazed it. Tucked up right against that juncture.
  18. I like all the predictions so far and many will come to pass. My personal prediction is @Robhuntandfish is going to get so.e venison in the freezer early,as will I. Does don't get a pass from me. @dinorocks will kill a huge buck with his homemade traditional bow wearing buckskin and moccasins he made himself as well. Hmm,what else...Moog will shoot a monster as well,as usual.
  19. Whatever works for you,right? I bet you can get pretty fast at field butchering with some practice. I think i will give it a try in the right situation,and i know it will take me a while. Anything does the first few times,except for sex maybe,that is the opposite if i remember correctly.
  20. Well said. I won't add to this anymore.
  21. You go ahead and do what you want buddy...
  22. Get a life Bill. I disagreed with Rattler on most things and thats fine,everyone can have their opinion. I just think political stuff should stay in the political section. I want to read about hunting stuff and maybe have some friendly banter. If one chooses to go to the political section then reading crazy stuff is no surprise. Anyone who posts anything there is gonna get some blowback.
  23. I watched some videos on it and it looks like something i might try if i find myself far from any roads. Getting the inner loins is what i can't fathom,that looks tricky at best. I think I would gut the the deer and then cut it up. Hopefully i will have to make that decision in a little over 6 weeks. So far I have dragged my deer out but this year will be my first on public land with longer drags...
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