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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Amazing you manage to sit still for hunting then. That's great though,you put in a lot of time without seeing much and stuck it out and got rewarded.
  2. You can shoot 360° around the tree,which is a big plus. There is a lot of movement required in a climber to shoot to your offside. In a saddle you can cover 270° fairly easy,the last 90° require more movement.
  3. I have the steel version if you want to try that sometime. Only a tad over 30#. I think using a saddle and whichever climbing method is just like anything else,you have to practice to get good at it. I still remember the first time i used my climber,it was not quiet or fast. And everyone can use whatever they want to get in a tree,i am not trying to convert folks. What i was using was not working for me,so i am trying something different.
  4. The fireplace should not be supporting anything,but you never know...
  5. Hmm,i didn't know that. I will make sure to drop that in the conversation,maybe after Hello?
  6. It wont be so bad,there are people much older than me doing just that. It figure i have at least 10 to 12 good years left maybe a bunch more if i do my part.
  7. I will use a rope for double rope technique for afternoon hunts when i can use a throw bag to get a line over a crotch,and one stick for mornings where you keep moving the stick up,and then i can use the rope to rappel down. That is the plan anyway,all new to me...
  8. That is exactly why i got one. I dont want to race through the woods just so i can get my climber of my back. I think with this i can just take my sweet time being stealthy. Everything combined should be well under 10#.
  9. I went ahead and bought a saddle and platform and climbing rope. I guess i am comitted now,this setup cost me about as much as my used bow i got last year. i hope the saying proves true,buy once,cry once. If anyone in the Cooperstown area wants a test ride at some point let me know.
  10. I only have one and it will stay that way too. I am with @Robhuntandfish though,if it needs repairing i would do anything to get it done asap. I make sure i go into hunting season with good strings and everything else in good order.
  11. Yup,happened with our credit card just before christmas. Two charges for over $1000 total were on the bill,i was shocked. It makes you feel violated..The credit card company took care of it fairly quickly,so that was good. I guess it happens all the time.
  12. That is what is great about any of these hobbies,you can delve in to detail or keep it general,whatever floats your boat.
  13. What has happened to this thread? My head is spinning,stop it! Seriously though,i like seeing peoples approaches,it is interesting and educational. Carry on folks...
  14. Happy Birthday Matt! I hope you are enjoying your day.
  15. @monahmat,i will take you up on that. I was just about to order that kit.
  16. i have a multi pin set up,i will keep using that for a while. I dont think the pins are in my way,but i never tried a single pin. My hunting budget is almost spent for this year as i am spending the $ on a saddle set up and heavy arrows.
  17. I think it is not uncommon to run into problems with a mechanical on angled shots. The blades can deploy at different times and you loose at ton of energy. Perfect broadside is no problem,but we dont always get that shot.
  18. I like the victory archery spine calculator and the gold tip foc calculator. Very helpful info there...
  19. I am shooting 400 spine now,i will go to 300 with the heavy front. 60# at 29.5 DL
  20. The fmj makes it difficult to get the FOC up because the arrow itself is too heavy. Weight up front is important. My build will be over 20% FOC. I have been sniffing ranch fairy dust,he is a charcter. It might be easier for some to listen to some Dr Ashby podcasts.
  21. Here is my story. 2003 Toyota tundra. I drove home from a 3 d shoot and thought the truck shifted funny. Automatic transmission. I was going to check fluid levels when i got home,but i didn't make it. Smoke was coming from under the hood so i pulled over and popped it open. There was so much smoke i thought there may be a fire too. I emptied out a bucket and was ready to run to a nearby pond. There also was pink foamy liquid all over and i had no clue what fluid is pink. Well,i found out the transmission fluid cooling line broke inside the radiator and coolant and tranny fluid combine to strawberry milk. Neither system likes that and the radiator blew. The good thing was it blew before i ruined the transmission. Sow what makes a vehicle old really depends on the perspective. I am still driving this one,it only has 260k miles on it. I buy my used vehicles outright and think i save money that way. I rather spend my money on my house than my vehicles.
  22. I got pass throughs last season but hit both my does further back than i wanted,liver and one lung tip and on a quartering away guts liver one lung..Those arrows hit a rib or two,but nothing solid. My total arrow weight was only a tad over 350 grains,I didn't realize they were that light. I also have been reading about the wobble of light arrows on impact and the resulting energy loss and the deer reaction. On one hit last year it looked like i hit high according to my lighted nock but i actually hit low and it seemed the exit was a little higher than the entry wound. I suspect my arrow flopped up and down on impact and that was the quartering away shot. I am also curious about people claiming that deer dont run as hard after being hit by a heavier arrow because it doesn't loose as much energy on impact. Of course it depends where and what you hit,but as a general rule. This is interesting stuff,keep it coming!!
  23. I am curious what you guys shoot. How much FOC and arrow weight and fixed or mechanical heads. I am thinking of building a heavy set up,around 550 to 600 grains with a single bevel broadhead. I shoot 60# at 29.5 DL. After hitting a doe high in the shoulder and maybe spine two years ago i seem to be afraid of hitting to far forward.
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